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It will further limit or funnel some bad things, and if it limits illegals moreso then it saves money and pays for itself. But, for a moment, let's say that the wall is benign and won't do a thing. Then still give him his $5 billion because he isn't budging off of that. Because he also said he will be willing to give the 400,000 daca peeps what they want (This is significant btw). It's time that these 400,000 dreamers get what they need. So, give him his wall and get something very important in exchange. Win win. The wall is only $5 billion out of a $4 trillion dollar budget so for Washington to piss away another $5 billion, if that is what it is, is meaningless. Without compromise, he isn't budging. He is like Reagan. More workers are going to suffer, DACA are HOSED and, in the end, Pelosi will have to give him the damn wall. All of us already know this. Get something solid in return. Otherwise, the government will be shut down until the cows come home and the democrats will end up being the REALLY bad guys. Trump is smart with politics. Damn smart.
But T Rump has said that he is holding out because it is to protect our country. How exactly does Spending $5 billion while leaving over a thousand "in the middle of nowhere" miles unwalled or unfenced help to keep us safer I would venture to say that if Obama had shut down the government for HALF this amount of time for the very same thing, you and others like you would be posting that he is killing the country.
It takes 2?

Seems Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi have ALL (every single one) paid lip service to controlling our border but when it comes right down to it they are all talk.

Trump is actually attempting to follow through with what he promised Americans despite opposition by the hypocrites listed above.

Tell me why why do Democrats cheer when Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi state we need to secure our borders but when Trump states we need to secure our borders (and actually attempts to do something about it) all the Democrats can do is attempt censorship through bullying tactics and push false narratives?
Don't look now, but they (and W) all built parts of a wall. And we still have illegals killing Blond haired, blue eyed American housewives. And...there are still over a thousand miles of unwalled border. How come your side always seems to overlook this? Is it because you actually BELIEVE anything that comes out of Trumps lips?
It takes 2?
Yes it takes two, none of them wants to be adults and 'apparently' neither care about this country, just their ego's.
Trump demanding $5.7 billion "or shutdown' is like a 5 year old girl wanting candy and sits on the floor screaming.
They both have to negotiate, Trump doesn't want to.

Proud to Shut Down.webp

Seems Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi have ALL (every single one) paid lip service to controlling our border but when it comes right down to it they are all talk.

Trump is actually attempting to follow through with what he promised Americans despite opposition by the hypocrites listed above.

Tell me why why do Democrats cheer when Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi state we need to secure our borders but when Trump states we need to secure our borders (and actually attempts to do something about it) all the Democrats can do is attempt censorship through bullying tactics and push false narratives?

Don't ask me, I am not a RepubliRat, DemoRat, or TrumpORat.
But T Rump has said that he is holding out because it is to protect our country. How exactly does Spending $5 billion while leaving over a thousand "in the middle of nowhere" miles unwalled or unfenced help to keep us safer I would venture to say that if Obama had shut down the government for HALF this amount of time for the very same thing, you and others like you would be posting that he is killing the country.
I liked Obama, this was never a front and center issue with me until I started seeing the Angel Moms and police officers blasted by illegals, and the criminals that keep getting set free.
Personal feelings aside, nothing else matters except that these two come to an agreement. The government will be shut down for the next 2 years if he doesn't get the wall. I'd rather they negotiate instead of picking up all of the pieces in the aftermath. If you don't want to give him $5 billion for the wall, then you are ascribing to a shutdown for the next couple years and the only way out would be to get the Senate to go along by 2/3 to impeach. Not happening!
I liked Obama, this was never a front and center issue with me until I started seeing the Angel Moms and police officers blasted by illegals, and the criminals that keep getting set free.
Personal feelings aside, nothing else matters except that these two come to an agreement. The government will be shut down for the next 2 years if he doesn't get the wall. I'd rather they negotiate instead of picking up all of the pieces in the aftermath. If you don't want to give him $5 billion for the wall, then you are ascribing to a shutdown for the next couple years and the only way out would be to get the Senate to go along by 2/3 to impeach. Not happening!
2 years...Not the sharpest tool are you?
I liked Obama, this was never a front and center issue with me until I started seeing the Angel Moms and police officers blasted by illegals, and the criminals that keep getting set free.
Personal feelings aside, nothing else matters except that these two come to an agreement. The government will be shut down for the next 2 years if he doesn't get the wall. I'd rather they negotiate instead of picking up all of the pieces in the aftermath. If you don't want to give him $5 billion for the wall, then you are ascribing to a shutdown for the next couple years and the only way out would be to get the Senate to go along by 2/3 to impeach. Not happening!
I have to say the President dropped the ball on this one. The time to fight for the wall was the 1.3 trillion spending bill he signed in march 2018. At least with Fredo McCain and the rinos there was a chance. The Dems will never budge. Not in the slightest. They could care less.
if Obama had shut down the government for HALF this amount of time for the very same thing, you and others like you would be posting that he is killing the country.

The shutdown began on December 16, 1995. 284,000 workers were furloughed for 21 days, until the shutdown was ended on January 6, 1996 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THIS WAS CLINTON

On October 1 2013, the shutdown occured, with approximately 800,000 federal employees furloughed, and an additional 1.3 million required to report to work without known payment dates. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THIS WAS OBAMA

No, Obama shut it down because he wanted to ram Obamacare down everyone's throat.



I have to say the President dropped the ball on this one. The time to fight for the wall was the 1.3 trillion spending bill he signed in march 2018. At least with Fredo McCain and the rinos there was a chance. The Dems will never budge. Not in the slightest. They could care less.

Well Zom, NEVER say NEVER.
I actually AGREE WITH YOU !!!!

The M O R O N said, " I'm Shutting " IT " down, and ' IT's ' on ME ".

OK, (sad), but FINE ! !
But here in Boston, if a guy says that, then he LIVES with the results. Actions have Consequences !
If you are in NYC, as your 'handle' suggests, then I KNOW the same mind set applies down there.
T-Rumps 'guilt trip' may play in other parts of America, but certainly NOT along the I-95 corridor between Boston and DC., OR along the I-5 corridor between LA and Seattle.

(Maybe the MORON should've remembered that Nancy is from SFO, and Chuck, from Brooklyn ).
The shutdown began on December 16, 1995. 284,000 workers were furloughed for 21 days, until the shutdown was ended on January 6, 1996 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THIS WAS CLINTON

On October 1 2013, the shutdown occured, with approximately 800,000 federal employees furloughed, and an additional 1.3 million required to report to work without known payment dates. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THIS WAS OBAMA

No, Obama shut it down because he wanted to ram Obamacare down everyone's throat.



Yes, that stack is significantly larger than the non bill that Republicans have to replace it. Oh...and Trump s shutdown has lasted longer. The funny thing is...as much as many of you ***** about Obamacare....you'll miss it when it's gone because it actually helped people. The wall helps no one.
I have to say the President dropped the ball on this one. The time to fight for the wall was the 1.3 trillion spending bill he signed in march 2018. At least with Fredo McCain and the rinos there was a chance. The Dems will never budge. Not in the slightest. They could care less.
How much safer will you be if Trump gets his $5 billion, but 1,000 miles of unwalled border will still exist?
Well Zom, NEVER say NEVER.
I actually AGREE WITH YOU !!!!

The M O R O N said, " I'm Shutting " IT " down, and ' IT's ' on ME ".

OK, (sad), but FINE ! !
But here in Boston, if a guy says that, then he LIVES with the results. Actions have Consequences !
If you are in NYC, as your 'handle' suggests, then I KNOW the same mind set applies down there.
T-Rumps 'guilt trip' may play in other parts of America, but certainly NOT along the I-95 corridor between Boston and DC., OR along the I-5 corridor between LA and Seattle.

(Maybe the MORON should've remembered that Nancy is from SFO, and Chuck, from Brooklyn ).
Bears my friend...here is the sad fact. It may not play well along the I95 corridor, but HIlllary won all those states in 2016. It does play well in flyover red state America, who actually believe Trump can "protect America" for just $5 billion.l I'd be willing to bet that 7 out of 10 flyover red state America believes that for $5.billion, our border will be completely walled. Even though AFTER spending the money, over 1,000 miles will look exactly like it did when Pancho Villa headed up to the Alamo.
Meanwhile back home, Pelosi not getting the attention she thinks she deserves at illegal immigrant rally in San Francisco. She is shock! Watch her hands shake!........ Oh my!
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