That happens to be true for most unions. When I was in the Teamsters some of us argued with the take away from new hires. Sure, you guys get this and keep what you got and get a pretty good raise...Yep and just like all unions grandfather in the old timers, screw the new hires! Nothing like union brethren, as long as your on the winning side!
...but we'll take this away from new hires. Next contract the record played the same tune.
Results...while the greedy union members focused on the "WHAT DO WE GET!" mentality, the company put words into the contract that gave them greater powers. Some of those powers were making the old timers do their work and increase productivity or terminate them. Time is on their side and you grow old. Yep, the union members have drawn a nice bulls-eye on their backs.
Now I am in a union that except for seniority all get paid the same and have the same benefits. The thing is that new hires start at a lower wage but progress and reach their full wage in 4 years.