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The real story the mainstream media won't print!

This is a test....many righties disagree with my posts. So I'm going to try something to see if they just do it because my political viewpoint differs from theirs. So here we go

The sky is blue

The grass is green

Water is wet

God is great

Let the "disagrees" commence
For one...I'm not racist. I've dated black women...have you?
Who cares?

I have heard interracial couples say vile, racist things as soon as their girlfriend/boyfriend were out of earshot. I have also heard them say racist things with their girlfriend/boyfriend right in front of them like they were not even there.

MAD TV even made a skit about this very phenomenon.

The fact you have dated interracially means nothing.

The fact you would even say that is typical of a liberal trying to "prove" he is not racist.

NOpe...he's not beyond criticism. But he was NOT the one who stood up in Congress and shouted "you lie". The right wing/tea party ate that up as "telling it like it is". But if you only listen to the right wing tea party, then Obama has done NOTHING right. HE ALONE is repsonsible for all the ills this country faces...well, him and the "libtards". Interesting word there...libtards. It SOUNDS pretty divisive. And I don't think Obama is responsible for it.
Cut the crap.

The fact is you didn't ask why I had an issue with Obama. The first thing out of your mouth was
And to think he only had to do two things...be black and get elected.

Typical libtard response...... almost like a reflex.
Who cares?

I have heard interracial couples say vile, racist things as soon as their girlfriend/boyfriend were out of earshot. I have also heard them say racist things with their girlfriend/boyfriend right in front of them like they were not even there.

The fact you have dated interracially means nothing.

The fact you would even say that is typical of a liberal trying to "prove" he is not racist.

Cut the crap.

The fact is you didn't ask why I had an issue with Obama. The first thing out of your mouth was

Typical libtard response...... almost like a reflex.

You still dodge the issue - are you saying you don't know ANYBODY who dislikes Obama because of his race? I notice "libtard"...I'll take that to mean "yes, I do, but I will never admit it because to do so might imply that maybe racism DID play a part in my sides view of Obama".
You still dodge the issue - are you saying you don't know ANYBODY who dislikes Obama because of his race?
I have heard far fewer people say they don't like Obama because of his race than people making excuses for him because of his race.

Like you for instance.

I edited the post before this one. Feel free to revisit it if you like.
I have heard far fewer people say they don't like Obama because of his race than people making excuses for him because of his race.

Like you for instance.

I edited the post before this one. Feel free to revisit it if you like.

Who is making excuses? I think the country is better off than when he took office in 2009. You wouldn't know that to listen to the right wing noise machine. I haven't agreed with everything Obama has done, but it's possible to disagree but not hate. It's possible to disagree without calling him "Obammy".
Who is making excuses? I think the country is better off than when he took office in 2009. You wouldn't know that to listen to the right wing noise machine. I haven't agreed with everything Obama has done, but it's possible to disagree but not hate. It's possible to disagree without calling him "Obammy".
I missed this KCfrier gem. Was it possible to disagree without the hate? Not on the libtard side. That black kettle and pot song is playing again, clanky clank. You cry about my "Obammy" moniker, but not about your T rump. Or G.Bush being a "chimp". Or the non-stop 24/7 lefty absolute shredding of Sarah Palin.
Talk about hate! Good one. You got any past Sarah Palin posts we should see?
I think libtards got hate very well covered. Snowflakes just don't like being hit back.

So you think we are better off now? Really. After 8 years of Obammy and all his failure, such as a major one now (among so so many) Obammy Care. Its an utter failure!!! Nobody can afford it, and it will be replaced as soon as Trump gets in hopefully. Friggin joke.
I like how radical leftists like you KCfrier cry about "hate" and they are total "tolerance and understanding" folks.
Oh, I see it now.
Take ten Valium and wake up Wednesday.
Thats what libtards will do before they jump off buildings when the hag goes down.
I'd rather pound on you, it's much fun. Ankle Biter, I'm ready.

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