Nope, not for the Joey and Claria at all. I don't really like to have anything to do with ferries, if I can avoid it. :huh:
You do have me by the short ones, here Frenchie. Been trying to place ya and just can't seem to do so. Must be old timers! Here in the dark side they call me Cob (Crusty Old Bastard). Last time I worked with a French wrench, from NB, he called me Relic. Might that be you?? Or are you that crazy bugger that builds Harleys in his house??
You hit the nail on the head with the insurance scam. Don't cost that much to ensure a trained-on-type low timer. The problem, at least in the plank world, is the customer . Some customers demand a minimum amount of flight time, for pilots driving their loads. Indirectly, it is the insurance companies. The insurance companies for the customer (some banks) will beat the livin crap out their customer who in turm becomes your client. So, in order to nullify the hassle from their insurance company, the client demands a minimum experience level. Why a Chief driver or an Ops Manager would tell the Newbies some bull puckie story, beats me. I always tell em the truth. Some newbies I'll hire as Loadies/rampies and let them ferry, stage the machine until they get their hours up. Others I wouldn't let sweep the floor. There are a lot of variables, since I don't lnow the background on a lot of those situations, I can only comment on what I've experienced.
The company we worked at, was it run by the first man on earth?? If so, my first tour there was my last. there's an old saying , "Only a fool surrounds himself with those of lesser inteligence in order to boost the level of his own" and man, has that poor bugger have a store full of idiots!! I didn't mind the work, it was downright interesting and fun. The pay sucked big time, and the idiots managing the maintenance department were more to deal with than dealing with that idiot TC inspector based there!! :down:
Doctor Chuckie:
You probaly misunderstood the Director. You know how it works! What you thought he said was probably not what he meant. You know how it is with governement. If anyone in this country believes politicians actually run the country, they are living in La La Land! I recently wrote the Prime Minister, specifically asked that he respond to my questions. Instead I got a respone from one of his over weight, over paid and under utilized civil servants stating that my message had been received and that it was being perused for response! The damned thing was 47 words, not counting the intro! Ya think I'll ever hear from the PM? Not in this freakin life time! Ya think he was made aware of my questions?? Not freakin likely!
Anybody who believes we're livin in a democracy has his head stuck up his anal cavity! Don't think so?? Don't file an Income tax statement. CCRA (Crazed Cannibals and Rabid Annimals) will bill you for what they BELIEVE you owe the government! And just to clarify, I don't owe the government of this counrty anything! Think you own your land? your house? Don't pay the annual tax bill! Tell me then who owns it! Nobody in Canada actually owns anything. One simply rents everything from the government. Sound like democracy to you?
You gotta fight the SOBs Chuck. If ya lie down once, even if its to take a nap, they won't let you get up. They're playing a game with you. and they will continue to do so, either until you die, or give up. They're counting on you to give up. Fear is a most excellent tool. And the FB's sure know how to entice fear. It's the most effective tool they have! Never give up. If they're gonna take, make em work for it. If yo're gonna loose it to them, destroy it!
BR C.O.B and P.O.G (Patriot on Guard)