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" The Pilot Shortage..the Pilot Shortage Is Coming

i can't remember who but someone told me that a factor in this problem is the customers and insurance companies are demanding pilots with more time on the clock leading to an excess of pilots with low time and a low amount of pilots with an excess of time.
Hi again, highbladedown :

Yes I am well aware of the rules and need for compliance to company manuals and proceedures.

However the area of concern that I have is the ability of any TC inspector or manager to interpet the CAR's or any rule or policy in any manner they choose if they wish to show you who is boss.

I do not know what region you are in but we here in the Pacific Region have a real problem with M&M management and a few inspectors who will go out of their way to screw you over if they so wish.

As far as their interpeting the CAR's to fit their own agenda I can assure you that it is a fact.

Trying to receive any relief from any decision that was made by one of their own regardless of how compelling your argument is results in the decision being supported right up the chain of command to the top in Ottawa.

In my opininon there is a corruption of moral integrity within TC Civil Aviation that is systemic right to the top.

I personally would prefeer to deal with street crimminals, if nothing else I can understand why they are the way they are.

Chas W.
Hey Chas……

What I have found in most cases even experienced and qualified personnel don’t take the time to read company policy let alone follow it, sometimes management prevents this when it comes to their pressure tactics. I took a proactive leadership role to attempt educate people the best way I knew how for the organizations I worked for, not with force but with fact. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it did not, I took a great deal of grief from upper management because they thought once the manuals were approved they did not have to follow it.

I have spent time in the Ontario and Prairie regions, you think there are problems in the Pacific Region, most but not all Ontario TC inspectors have to be the biggest politically motivated group I have ever met. I am in the latter region at the moment.

What I found out when I was working in Winnipeg for a brief time was that TC was the biggest violator of their own regulations when it came to some of their own aircraft flight authority’s (C of A). They have Jet Rangers flying all over the countryside with many unapproved Mods and repairs combined with unauthorized modifications to existing STC’s and knew about it. Once when I had a problem with an aircraft that fell under my area of responsibility a TC inspector in Calgary tried to run all over me. So under the accompanied URL’s I sent I challenged him and I personally took it to Ottawa and won my case, I would not hesitate to do it again. I used there own written policy to support my case and went to the highest level.

I am in the Prairie area now and have the privilege of working with a real straight shooter as a TC inspector out of Edmonton. He pulls no punches and is firm, yet fair and in my opinion he is one of the good ones, in it for the best of the industry and not his ego. I agree with your “corruption” statement, there are many within the systems that don’t belong within TC. Then there are guys like myself that want to get in (call me nuts) because I’d like to think I might make a ounce of a difference, with 30 years within the industry I can’t do any worse and I’m the type that would sit and listen to concerns such as yours to assist operators better their operations without compromising safety. The TC inspector I work with relates to us as his customer, to me that says it all.




How refreshing to communicate with someone who is aware of just how low TC has allowed their integrity and fair oversite to descend to.

You must be driven by a firm beliefe that the system can be cleansed of the corruption that is so deeply ingrained to want to seek employment in their system....however please do so and then work with us in industry to bring some integrity back into Transport Canadas relations with their client as they are so fond of referring to us....actually we are their employeer, they just don't seem to understand that concept.

Your linking of the Quality Assurance web site is very germain to this problem of corruption within their system.

If you ever have the opportunity to correspond with Robert Sincennes the Manager of that department you will start to get a good feel of where the cutting out of the cancer that prevails deep within the system should start.

Having spent considerable time appealing to Quality Assurance and following all their proceedures to receive a resolution to my having had my business and savings stolen from me by our Regional office of TC Civil Aviation the results clearly show that under its present leadership " Quality Assurance " is a joke a very sick joke. Maybe someone should do a little research and confirm that these guys are even literate and can read their own mandate that is so clearly outlined in their web site.

I would suggest that the industry needs a ministerial inquiry into the office of "Quality Assurance "

They can contact me and I can supply enough material to close down that operation in the best interest of the public.

It is very good that we can honestly and clearly communicate regarding these very troubling problems that must be solved between the industry and the regulator.

If anyone has problems with my allegations feel free to contact me.....

Chuck Ellsworth
290 Deer Lane
Nanaimo B.C. V9T 4Y2



I thank you for passing on your thoughts and I am sorry to hear about your business and your savings. I surfed into you website and I would think that a person of your integrity and the wealth of aviation knowledge and experience would command more respect than what you have been shown, that clearly is disturbing. It’s clear to see that you have an overwhelming passion for aviation, something others can learn from.

I don’t think that I’d be able to change the system or cleanse the program, just try and make a minuscule difference and work with good aviation people for the overall benefit of the industry. Driven yes, persistent absolutely, pigheaded fits in there as well. My problem is that I am to damn honest and safety conscience, I’d want to see and work with successful operators and individuals to help them succeed, there are enough slimy operators out there that require more attention than those willing to try to show diligence. Like I said, no one is perfect and I think that those that are really trying to show diligence should be given the guidance and assistance required to continue operating within the aviation community.

I hope that I am correct with regards to my thinking……..


May I respectfully make a comment?

Unless we as individuals stand up and make our " minuscule" difference nothing will change.

What I want everyone that reads my story in this debacle between myself and the regulator to think about is the fact that I am standing up for what I believe to be in the best intrest of Aviation..... Please note that I am willing to put everythiong on the line by allowing everyone both inside TC and outside TC to examine me and my characther and integrity. This was not an easy decision to make, just imagine what any of you would feel like knowing how many people will try and destroy your self worth to protect their own best intrest. Also please take the time to wonder what I thought the chances were to go up against the system as it is now run under its present management in the top levels of Government. I am doing this to hopefully make a difference in the way we are regulated.

If I succeed it will benefit all of us, those within the regulator and those of us outside of the regulator.

If I fail at least I have done my best.

Before I came into contact with the few TC scum that thought they could destroy not only me and my business but also those who were and would be employed by me my only concern about corruption was those in industry. The slippery and outright crimminal operators who have historically raped the industry. I really had no idea that within the regulator there was this level of pure self serving corrupt individuals making a mockery of the very foundation of trust that I would hope should exist between law abiding decent people within commercial aviation and those who are sworn to guarantee that the regulations and rules are fairly and evenly regulated and enforced.

Thank you for your comments and support, my web site is only a very brief outline of my background, to bad these people that screwed me over did not take into consideration the simple fact that I do fear them, hell they are nothing but cowards hiding behind their misguided beliefe they can flaunt their power without question...

Looks like they made a big mistake this time.

We become successful by helping others become successful……why would anyone think any different. I hope it all works out......keep in touch

Off topic, I have 3 favorite AC, DC 3, B17 and love the PBY. I see you are involed with those wonderful aircraft. I saw a great deal of the in Mooseinee and on fires in the early 70's. Never had a ride in one......sure would like to.
The Right Rev. Padre:

I can whole heartedly understand and appreciate your position. I have experienced your current situation on numerous ocassions. I recently attempted to have a MPM approved here in Calgary. Now I've written at least seven manuals for different operators, here in this region. All told, I've writtem 27 Ops Manuals, 27 MCM 34 MPMs, 6 Welding process and Procedures Manual. 3 Composite Process and Procedures manuals, 2 Cabin Training Process, Procedures and Policies Manuals and 3 Dangerous Goods Training Manuals, since I started in this racket. The only time I've ever experienced grief from TC was here in Cowtown. When I submitted my own manual, which incidently was fairly well identical to one submitted for a different company and approved by the very same inspector, mine required 31 changes.

All of the changes were items/process/procedures not required by CARs. After 3 attempts, I talked to that Inspector's Supervisor, who assigned another inspector. 3 days later the manual was approved. Go figure.

On the same token, I do have to agree with HBD. Prairie region has some excellent Inspectors. I've worked with several, both in he Edmonton Office and in the Calgary office, all very learnered, very helpful, and most willing to sit and suffer the verbal harrassing of a stuttering half deaf Newfie. On the other hand, I've never experienced any difficulty dealing with the Inspector/s outa Toronto office. Could be because they had no idea of what I was saying to them.

As for HBD's comment re" TC's aircraft, I concurr most strongly. I did pull a wing-nut move on them and ground their Twin Otter, but after all the Hoop La, they did comply with the very dictates they are responsible for ensuring. They did start to talk to me again after a couple of months.

Oh, by the way Padre, you ever fly PBY, looks like the tail number was CF- JHK or JHR? I have a picture of that one, in Quebecair colours, just lifting of the water.

Keep the faith, someone once said, things can only get better. Probably the same SOB that coined the phrase, "Some assembly required"
Good morning Bullet:

Please be advised I am no longer a man of the cloth, having become dyslexic I no longer believe in Dog, however I have fallen back on my old profession of a Clap Doctor, at least there is proof that VD exists.

Sorry to rant on and on about my trials and tribulations with a few dishonest scum bags here in the Lotus land Region of TC..... But what really gets to me is even the Catholic church eventually kicked out some of their child molesters when there was sufficient public pressure put on the leaders to do something.

Our illustrious leader the Director General of Civil Aviation still stands by his opinion that these guys are just great and they still have his full support....this even after it has been proven that all my allegations of abuse of power and outright dishonesty were upheld by the independant investigation that TC paid for....

Now that they have admitted they stole my money their response is I will have to sue Treasury board to get it back....sure I have lots of money hell nothing to it I guess I should start the proceedings monday.

What a bunch of pr.cks.

Boy, have we ever got snow here in the tropics.

Must go out in my garage and work on my Cri Cri and get it ready for a paint job.


Dr. Chas W. Ellsworth....VD specialist and abortion provider...no fetus can beat us.
I have a good friend that introduced me to a customer of his,that turned out to be in the upper ranks of AON Reid Stenhouse,and I brought up the subject of low timers and insurance, and he was unaware of any criteria on their part,re low timers.So everythime I hear that line, My respect for the chief drops. I worked for a certain company,as did you Bullet,that the ops manager remarked,that several pilots were harder to insure to drive the company trucks,than to fly with less than 500 hrs.
ps,Bullet,was that welding process for the Joseph and Clara...

Nope, not for the Joey and Claria at all. I don't really like to have anything to do with ferries, if I can avoid it. :huh:

You do have me by the short ones, here Frenchie. Been trying to place ya and just can't seem to do so. Must be old timers! Here in the dark side they call me Cob (Crusty Old Bastard). Last time I worked with a French wrench, from NB, he called me Relic. Might that be you?? Or are you that crazy bugger that builds Harleys in his house?? :up:

You hit the nail on the head with the insurance scam. Don't cost that much to ensure a trained-on-type low timer. The problem, at least in the plank world, is the customer . Some customers demand a minimum amount of flight time, for pilots driving their loads. Indirectly, it is the insurance companies. The insurance companies for the customer (some banks) will beat the livin crap out their customer who in turm becomes your client. So, in order to nullify the hassle from their insurance company, the client demands a minimum experience level. Why a Chief driver or an Ops Manager would tell the Newbies some bull puckie story, beats me. I always tell em the truth. Some newbies I'll hire as Loadies/rampies and let them ferry, stage the machine until they get their hours up. Others I wouldn't let sweep the floor. There are a lot of variables, since I don't lnow the background on a lot of those situations, I can only comment on what I've experienced.

The company we worked at, was it run by the first man on earth?? If so, my first tour there was my last. there's an old saying , "Only a fool surrounds himself with those of lesser inteligence in order to boost the level of his own" and man, has that poor bugger have a store full of idiots!! I didn't mind the work, it was downright interesting and fun. The pay sucked big time, and the idiots managing the maintenance department were more to deal with than dealing with that idiot TC inspector based there!! :down:

Doctor Chuckie:

You probaly misunderstood the Director. You know how it works! What you thought he said was probably not what he meant. You know how it is with governement. If anyone in this country believes politicians actually run the country, they are living in La La Land! I recently wrote the Prime Minister, specifically asked that he respond to my questions. Instead I got a respone from one of his over weight, over paid and under utilized civil servants stating that my message had been received and that it was being perused for response! The damned thing was 47 words, not counting the intro! Ya think I'll ever hear from the PM? Not in this freakin life time! Ya think he was made aware of my questions?? Not freakin likely!

Anybody who believes we're livin in a democracy has his head stuck up his anal cavity! Don't think so?? Don't file an Income tax statement. CCRA (Crazed Cannibals and Rabid Annimals) will bill you for what they BELIEVE you owe the government! And just to clarify, I don't owe the government of this counrty anything! Think you own your land? your house? Don't pay the annual tax bill! Tell me then who owns it! Nobody in Canada actually owns anything. One simply rents everything from the government. Sound like democracy to you?

You gotta fight the SOBs Chuck. If ya lie down once, even if its to take a nap, they won't let you get up. They're playing a game with you. and they will continue to do so, either until you die, or give up. They're counting on you to give up. Fear is a most excellent tool. And the FB's sure know how to entice fear. It's the most effective tool they have! Never give up. If they're gonna take, make em work for it. If yo're gonna loose it to them, destroy it!

BR C.O.B and P.O.G (Patriot on Guard)
Thanks for the response and advice Bullet.

The Director General Civil Aviation didn't actually write the letter, but he signed it and it posted it from his office in tower C......The Regional Director Civil Aviation apparently wrote it to cover his own ass.

The RDG Transport Canada admitted as much in my home when he was here last year jerking me off trying to trick me into rolling over on my demands for repayment of what was stolen from me by M&M.

The Director General however is still on the hook big time, he also started to jerk me off when I first contacted him. The problem all got bogged down when him and the guy that manages "Quality Assurance " had a meeting and decided to completly stonewall me by denying all my allegations, they must have figured that if they denied my allegations they were all off the hook. It may have worked if he had been smart enough to end his letter to me with just the statement ... I consider this matter closed......but he made the mistake of adding one last sentance....Unless you can show further evidence to back up your allegations...

Well I have done that , in fact I am still doing it.

And they never thought that I would take the unheard of avenue of laying an harassement complaint against my PMI....

That is what brought the RDG into it, I could tell by his attitude that the very fact that he came to my home was going to put me in such awe and I would be so impressed that I would agree to anything he came up with.

Anyhow the investigation he ordered not only backed up all my allegations it brought up more wrongdoing by the guys at 800 Burrard St.

Then some internal documents from TC showed up in plain brown envelopes, someone in TC started feeding me their internal stuff......

Now I have the Director General Civil Aviation in a position that he is going to have to spend a little time trying to figure out who to sacrifice to look good himself.

Don't you just love it when one of us get some of these guys by the balls, I am gently squeezing a little harder each day.

And you can go to bed tonight my son and sleep the sleep of a lamb as far as having any worry that I will quit...

Fear is a real fickle thing, when you rule through fear you had better be ready to be on the receiving end someday...especially if you are dumb enough to pick on someone who is not afraid.....

And Bullet my friend I ain't in the least afraid of these arrogant self serving bureaucrats.

Now you relax and I will keep you informed on how things go.

Chas W. (former Dr. of Divinity now just a clap DR.)

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