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May 17, 2008
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The conservative movement will sink him.

Cable News Ratings for Monday, March 16
Posted on 17 March 2009 by Bill Gorman

Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for March 16, 2009

P2+ Total Day
FNC – 1,288,000 viewers
CNN – 616,000 viewers
MSNBC –486,000 viewers
CNBC – 272,000 viewers
HLN – 321,000 viewers

P2+ Prime Time
FNC – 2,541,000 viewers
CNN—985,000 viewers
MSNBC –1,153,000 viewers
CNBC – 148,000 viewers

Morning programs (6:00AM-9:00AM) P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
FOX & Friends –902,000 viewers (308,000) (510,000)
American Morning- 412,000 viewers (119,000) (202,000)
Morning Joe-415,000 viewers (164,000) (250,000)
Squawk Box-213,000 viewers (75,000) (133,000)
Morning Express w/ Meade- 216,000 viewers (143,000) (156,000)

6PM - P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Special report w/Bret Baier – 1,923 ,000 viewers (407,000) (840,000)
Situation Room—829,000 viewers (314,000) (378,000)
1600 Pennsylvania Ave —559,000 viewers (160,000) (246,000)
Mad Money—308,000 viewers (115,000) (170,000)
Prime News—242,000 viewers (88,000) (162,000)

7PM - P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Fox Report w/Shepard Smith– 1,897,000 viewers (419,000) (779,000)
Lou Dobbs Tonight –864,000 viewers (342,000) (463,000)
Hardball —721,000 viewers (227,000) (331,000)
Kudlow Report —266,000 viewers (82,000) (158,000)
Issues– 529,000 viewers (184,000) (308,000)

8PM - P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
The OReilly Factor —3,189,000 viewers (719,000) (1,247,000)
Campbell Brown—661,000 viewers (248,000) (294,000)
Countdown w/K. Olbermann —1,444,000 viewers (505,000) (716,000)
CNBC Reports – 149,000 viewers (70,000) (106,000)
Nancy Grace –1,147,000 viewers (459,000) (640,000)

9 PM - P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Hannity – 2,393,000 viewers (579,000) (903,000)
Larry King Live—1,244,000 viewers (333,000) (528,000)
Rachel Maddow Show —1,139,000 viewers (325,000) (575,000)
Big Brother, Big Business — 159,000 viewers (79,000) (107,000)
Lou Dobbs- 499,000 viewers (201,000) (279,000)

10 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
On The Record W/Greta —2,033,000 viewers (498,000) (801,000)
Anderson Cooper—1,051,000 viewers (324,000) (476,000)
Countdown w/K.Olbermann —877,000 viewers (344,000) (402,000)
On the Money – 135,000 viewers, (54,000) (95,000)
Nancy Grace –811,000 viewers (293,000) (450,000)

11 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
The O’Reilly Factor —1,405,000 viewers (483,000) (681,000)
Anderson Cooper —654,000 viewers (271,000) (370,000)
Rachel Maddow Show –480,000 viewers (174,000) (245,000)
Mad Money -156,000 viewers (a scratch w/ 49,000) (98,000)
Showbiz Tonight– 414,000 viewers (207,000) (215,000)
HLN – 805,000 viewers
Good grief I hope you are pretty.

You are using TV ratings to predict elections? You rail about main stream media and then you use it as a bell weather for elections?
Yes I am, and already spoken for thank you.

Add this to another thing you do not understand. Maybe Dell can explain my comment to you.

As for the original supposition. Why don't you look at the ratings for the second half of 2008. I did. The numbers were pretty much the same as they are now. So by your logic since FOX had substantially higher viewership in 2008 they should have won the election.

Swing and a miss.
Now let me see if I can figure this out.

In any town...there is only 1 dealership selling "Conservative cars"(so obviously all the conservative shop there.

In the same town, there are 5 "liberal" dealerships so buyers spread their business around over "5" different dealers(Which by the way surpass the number of conservative cars sold, by a significant number)(Kinda like the 2008 election) :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:

Question dapoes.
Judging by your "business sense", ....your not an executive at AIG are you ?? :shock:
Wow, not even 100 days into the term and you've already declared the 2012 results?

Good work.

Maybe we could have a text poll next? Phone voting like 'American Idol'?
Hey "JFK Fleet Service", is that YOU(meaning LGA Fleet Service, who was originally JFK Fleet Service ?

Pray tell, how did you get back to America's REAL Airport ??
Wow, not even 100 days into the term and you've already declared the 2012 results?

Good work.

Maybe we could have a text poll next? Phone voting like 'American Idol'?

#1. 100 days too many !

#2. The American Idol fans were the type who voted this clown into office in the first place ! :shock:
#1. 100 days too many !

#2. The American Idol fans were the type who voted this clown into office in the first place ! :shock:

Get over it you'll live.I thought Bush had 8 years too many, but that's just me.

You managed to survive eight years of Republicans doing their level best to drive this country completely off a cliff, what's four years of the Democrats having a crack at it?

What are they going to do, start a war?

Is Hilarious Clinton going to give a speech at the UN stating how certain she is about "Canada possessing weapons of mass destruction" and how "We need to act decisively to check the threat posed by the enemy to the north?

We going to sprinkle blood and billions around up north too? Never say never, they do have oil and timber...

PS-No Bears, I'm still at the "Other" NY airport,not going back to the open air cesspool that is JFK.
Thanks for the "info" LGA.

Take care.(and visit the "cooler" more often)
We can certainly use a NYer like yourself, to counteract a "couple of Characters" on here.
"They're Easy" though(one in particuliar, who I STRONGLY suspect is a Rush BIMBO ditto-head)

NO, Not you dapoes !