On 9/3/2002 723 PM
I think you make some good points and I agree with you that there are some strategic advantages to going the Chapter 11 route. But it would not all be peaches and cream. Remember, ALPA (and the IAM) have their pensions tied up in an ESOP that would be liquidated in a Chapter 11.
As for the $875 million note due in Novemeber which UAL says it cannot obtain refinancing on, maybe Chevron-Texaco is willing to carry the paper?[:bigsmile:] [:bigsmile:]"
The ALPA Pilots used only part of the B fund to buy UAL stock at an inflated price during the ESOP period ONLY. The B-Fund is a pilot direct account similar to a 401K. The pilot A-Fund (defined benefit) is NOT tied to the ESOP, and believe it or not, is one of the better funded A-funds in the industry (on a percentage basis is funded better than every other airlines except DAL). So in other words, you don't appear to have a command of the facts. BTW, the ESOP share are "perferred" shares and take priority over common stock in any BK proceeding.