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The most important reason why fleet service should vote no is

Hey, A320D, lighten up. I've been here over 20 years, and could write umpteen posts about some ALPA guys that were eighteen carat S.O.B.'s, and the asinine antics they've pulled. I've never assumed all, or even most of you are that way. I've worked closely with every front-line group on the property, and most are good folks. Every group, including mine, has some real rotters, though.
A320 you couldn't possibly understand. It's not that you're a pilot [nothing against them] but rather it is that you are not a ramper.

Rampers understand what I said.
Let's look a little more at page 100 of the FSA.

In any scenario, 245 a/c, 280 a/c, there is a ratio of pilots to a/c, and those ratios do not vary significantly. This would also be true with f/a's, and to a lesser extend, mechs. So there is a bottom number below which pilots, f/a's and mechs probably will not go.

Not so with agents! There is NOTHING in the proposals to stop management from scheduling one MDA flight into every station, saying abracadabra, MDA will groundhandle all mainline, and now we ALL work for MDA, and for a lot less than we're voting on tomorrow.

Now that's an extreme example, but over a period of time, we're gonna look a lot like that. Why? Because even after exiting bankruptcy, our costs will STILL exceed WN's.

We are between a rock and a hard place. Get all the facts, and make your best-informed vote tomorrow.
Sir. (mr pilot) I for one, did not insert my thoughts into what I felt the pilots / F/A / or any other group should do with the proposal offered to them. Maybe you should have the same courtsey towards other groups.
I have said it before (not on this site...but eye-ball-to-eyball ) to pilots ...."You can not begin to understand how other groups feel...you have never a day in your career worked as we have...short of help. You will always have someone in the cockpit with you or you can not fly." I have never had the first crewmember to argue with me about this...would you like to? Understand, there are many things I do not know about your job. I think there are also things you do not know about mine.
Trust me...there is more to our job than just throwing bags.
Do we want to survive and have a job? You bet your wings we do. This is the way we make our living...I've been doing it for 35+ years. Do we need to take a stand? You bet your stripes we do...the stand that we as individuals feel is right for us. You had that chance with your proposal. Now let us in F/S chat about our thoughts....time is running out.
Again, WHO picketed when Wolf was DEMANDING that U pilots take the parity + 1%. They picketed at the USAirways ALPA headquarters in Moon. The local media was there and YOU made the pilots look real bad. Solidarity? I guess solidarity only applies to those who make less than "X" amount of dollars! Who were they? You hippocrites! Were YOU interfering with the pilots' right to negotiate in good faith? I hope you enjoy your jobs at Home Depot! You deserve all that your about to recieve. [🙁] [🙁] [🙁] [🙁]