(the) MORON @ 1600' says the stock market will CRASH if I get IMPEACHED !

There weren't any laws regarding sex between consenting adults, yet Clinton was impeached over a blowjob. All one has to do is put him in front of a grand jury and ask about paying off Stormy Daniels and presto...it's 1998 all over again.
K.C. here's is a quote from one of your own. Jimntx,
"Let's not confuse impeachment with removal from office. They are not synonyms. The U.S. House of Representatives would first have to file a Bill of Impeachment which would specify the wrong-doing of Trump that in the mind of the House warrants his removal from office. To impeach the President is simply charging him with 1 or more offenses (aka High Crimes and Misdemeanors). The U.S. Senate would then have to take that Bill of Impeachment (I don't think they are allowed to amend it in any way--everything will be straight up or straight down.) and hold a trial in which the U.S. Senate--all 100 sitting Senators would serve as the jury and a two-thirds super majority (67) would have to vote Trump guilty in order to remove him from office.

Here's where it gets interesting. Sen McCain instructed his doctors to cease treatment, but he did NOT resign his post as Senior Senator from Arizona. So, technically all 100 Senate seats are occupied. Thus, the number 67 guilty votes required. I think we can all do the math that removal from office is highly unlikely. With (currently) 49 Democratic senators, ALL 49 Democrats and a minimum of 18 Republican senators would have to vote guilty. Considering that not one of those wimps has shown a speck of backbone thus far, I don't think that many would man up for a guilty vote--regardless of what's in Pecker's safe at the National Enquirer."...... So, in reality what he's saying is "impeachment" is just a slap on the wrist. But removal for Trump is all but imposable! My! My! My!
There weren't any laws regarding sex between consenting adults, yet Clinton was impeached over a blowjob. All one has to do is put him in front of a grand jury and ask about paying off Stormy Daniels and presto...it's 1998 all over again.
Clinton had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a subordinate while in office.

Trump had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a private citizen before he became president.

That changes the dynamic a bit.
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  • #19
Well as usual your TDS has kicked in over-libtard drive. He's beating all of Obammys performance records, smashing them to bits. Jobs, GDP, military, World Stage Respect, energy. You know it, I know it, and the voters will know it come November.

Can't live with USA success?

Cheap tickets going to Canada this fall KC Frier. Bye....

Well lets see, Billdo Clinton never served, brain farts. Obammy too, creating ISIS in Chicago with The Weather Underground.

How about some "Shovel Ready Jobs"??? Obammy loves them shovels of cash, right into his pockets.

Space Force is awesome. You'd rather have a Star Gazer Force, with pink and blue rainbow rockets. :D:p:D:p

WTF are you smokin' HACK JOB ????????

These so called jobs you're ranting about ??? Crummy $14 an hour, NO BENEFITS Jobs , that's what !! Sure, I see the 'help wanted" signs everywhere, but they AIN'T PAYING SH*T , and thats up here, where wages are higher. I can only imagine what these "so-called" J O B S are paying down south, or in WASTE LANDS like OKIE HOMA !

And "WORLD STAGE RESPECT" ???? Take another HIT on that Angel Dust you're smoking !!!

Why is that CHICKEN SHITE MORON afraid to talk to Mueller ?????

F Trump, and YOU !
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  • #20
I know you hang on every blustery word Trump says because you can't stand the fact he has been very successful in turning the country around from the brink in less than two years. The MSLSD/CNN/NBC/ABC/VOX/MOTHER JONES libtard dreams of IMPEACHMENT for Russian Collusion paid for by Hildabeast has blown up in your collective faces.

You have to watch what he does not what he says, he's an East Coast blowhard at times. but has the countries best interests at heart, loves the military, and has the country in the right direction, instead of apologizing for it like Obammy did for 8 years. I thank god Hilldabeast is not in the White House, everyday.

Whole lotta Easthole libtard Grampa Bears in that post, I'll be your mommy cursed that day she passed you through her colon.

Living off of Social Security and a couple meager low wage pensions doesn't sound like a good time to me. I guess that's why your always looking for another low wage job you can run another scam on.

I didn't see any boasting of any investment income or other investment vehicles that you actually put money into. It figures, a scam off the government leftist, and anyone else you can rip off for your own gain. Don't you care about your fellow Americans Grampa Bears? Not even your fellow angry libtards? Kinda says a lot.

BTW, you in fact did pay taxes when you were working your low wage jobs, like it or not. Retirees normally don't pay much in taxes, unless they are wealthy. Obviously, Grampa Bears isn't in that class.

Send us a post card from CrAzy ToWn 'Ol geezer

Just keep DONATING (every week) to 'MY' Social security FUND, S U C K E R. And every week you get your check, THINK OF ME, as you look at the SS Taxes that got deducted !!!
Hey Numb Nuts, I've got a Better Idea. Work a ton of O/T. That way you can contribute M O R E !!!!!!!!!! SUCKER !
Clinton had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a subordinate while in office.

Trump had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a private citizen before he became president.

That changes the dynamic a bit.
Not sure that there are any laws making that illegal. Improper perhaps, just not illegal. Just as having sex outside the marriage is improper, but it's not illegal.
WTF are you smokin' HACK JOB ????????

These so called jobs you're ranting about ??? Crummy $14 an hour, NO BENEFITS Jobs jobs, that's what !! Sure, I see the 'help wanted" signs everywhere, but they AIN'T PAYING SH*T , and t

hats up here, where wages are higher. I can only imagine what these "so-called" J O B S are paying down south, or in WASTE LANDS like OKIE HOMA !

And "WORLD STAGE RESPECT" ???? Take another HIT on that Angel Dust you're smoking !!!

Why is that CHICKEN SHITE MORON afraid to talk to Mueller ?????

F Trump, and YOU !
Looks like the early AM Easthole was out again, Grampa Bears needs a new Depends? Being a low wage unskilled worker has got you down Grampa Bears? You should have done something with your life other than staying in unskilled work, scamming, and relying on the government in your waning years. Skilled workers are needed in this booming economy, it's too bad you got left out. $15hr for flipping burgers or pushing wheel chairs at the airport probably isn't in the cards for Grampa Bears.

World Stage Respect is correct. Mexico and Trump just signed a new trade agreement today, and finally dumped (in 90 days) NAFTA. Canada is now begging to renegotiate with Trump, as the tariffs are having adverse affect in Canada, and in fact Europe. Iran is now whining to the UN, rough times for them. They are next. Let's not forget the hostages and Korean War heroes Trump and Pompeo got back, which Obammy and Hildabeast never could get done with weakness.

Why would Trump talk to Mueller after Hildabeast paid for a fake Russian dossier and lies? Russian collusion is not on the table, so why bother. It's just a set up, since libtards have nothing else.

You should watch your filthy Easthole language Gramps, the mods might banish you to the corn field again. I think its funny, shows your TDS desperation. Love it. :D:eek::D:eek:
Just keep DONATING (every week) to 'MY' Social security FUND, S U C K E R. And every week you get your check, THINK OF ME, as you look at the SS Taxes that got deducted !!!
Hey Numb Nuts, I've got a Better Idea. Work a ton of O/T. That way you can contribute M O R E !!!!!!!!!! SUCKER !
Poor Grampa Bears, boasting about your government monthly pittance? Your meager social security check is laughable. I have made more money in my 401k, money market, and my real estate investments in the last few years than you will in rest of your miserable life.

Don't work much OT, don't have to. But if I do, it's at over $70+hr, that's money you could only dream of as an unskilled libtard sad sack. It should get even better in the near future for me, not so much for you.

I'll retire someday not having to worry about any government program providing my monthly income, unlike you Gramps.

How much did you make today in your investments Grampa Bears? None? I did quite well. :D:rolleyes::D:rolleyes:
Not sure that there are any laws making that illegal. Improper perhaps, just not illegal. Just as having sex outside the marriage is improper, but it's not illegal.

I am sure.


In most of those states, including New York, adultery is a misdemeanor. But in others — Massachusetts, Idaho, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin — it is a felony, though rarely prosecuted.
I am sure.


In most of those states, including New York, adultery is a misdemeanor. But in others — Massachusetts, Idaho, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin — it is a felony, though rarely prosecuted.

Interesting. Has anybody told Trump about this? It's just a misdemeanor in NY, but...is how many misdemeanors for the same offense can you get before the up the charges? T Rump is on 4 at least.
Interesting. Has anybody told Trump about this? It's just a misdemeanor in NY, but...is how many misdemeanors for the same offense can you get before the up the charges? T Rump is on 4 at least.
Didn't matter when Billdo Clinton was in office and lied about it under oath, remained in office even after raping 4 women. Isn't rape illegal in all 50 states? No, not when your a Clinton.
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Poor Grampa Bears, boasting about your government monthly pittance? Your meager social security check is laughable. I have made more money in my 401k, money market, and my real estate investments in the last few years than you will in rest of your miserable life.

Don't work much OT, don't have to. But if I do, it's at over $70+hr, that's money you could only dream of as an unskilled libtard sad sack. It should get even better in the near future for me, not so much for you.

I'll retire someday not having to worry about any government program providing my monthly income, unlike you Gramps.

How much did you make today in your investments Grampa Bears? None? I did quite well. :D:rolleyes::D:rolleyes:

Riiiiight, just like you did in 08', when RE PLUGS like W and Dirty Dick Cheney turned your 401 into a " 101 " !!
But you best beware, cause' the MORON @ 1600' said everything will TANK, once he's Removed !! (And we ALL know when " DONNIE " speaks, Lemmings like you " JUMP " ) !!

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