Come on Diss I do agree that todays engines are some really superb works of "art". Yes we do have the best engine monitoring programs in the world. Nothing is 100% that means there is a very small percentage of aircraft flying right now that is going to have some type of engine failure. It doesn't have to be the engine itself that fails to have an engine failure. Can a fuel controller going out be predicted? When a pilot writes up an engine vib gig does the company run out there and replace the engine? No, it gets inspected and ground tested if the problem cannot be found or duplicated it gets placed back into service. There could very well be problems on that next flight. An engine operating at altitude is subject to different parameters than one on the ground. If there is a problem the pilot will throttle the engine until the vibration lowers to an acceptable level or shut it down altogether. If this happens on a 747 he will continue the flight and you will never be the wiser. If this happens on a 757 if he throttled back he will probably continue the flight if he shut the engine down he will land at the nearest acceptable airport. There is a lot of behind the scene actions going on that the flying public has no idea about nor do they care.