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The Knock on the Door

Kick out those who can't pay the mortgages. All that is being proposed now is welfare, and once the welfare payments run out, 80% of those getting assistance on their mortgages will be behind in their payments *again* and on their way to foreclosure.

All that welfare programs like this do is delay the inevitible. Take the hit on the price of your house today, and it will recover that much faster.

you are closing your eyes to the obvious ..... you see as more and more jobs are lost , more and more people will fall into this categorie ... some of them have paid their mortage for 20 years , but because of this depression will have no more means to do so ...

job losses will EASILY pass 10 % this year .... i want to remind you of the facts on the ground

the federal goverment is broke and in debt

state goverments are broke

the population is highly indebt ...

what do you think the outcome is ? the end game ? we have entered what is known as a negative econmic cycle , the more jobs that are lost the more people pull back spending , hence more jobs are lost ...

seriously , if you kick tens of millions , a hundred million americans onto the streets , do you NOT think there will be civil unrest ?
The House has passed the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, known as the GIVE Act (where do they come up with these Orwellian acronyms?). The bill fulfills an Obama campaign promise to create a "civilian national security force."

Under section 6104 of the bill, entitled “Duties,†in subsection B6, the legislation states that a commission will be set up to investigate, “Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.â€

Section 120 of the bill also discusses the “Youth Engagement Zone Program†and states that “service learning†will be “a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.â€

“The legislation, slated to cost $6 billion over five years, would create 175,000 “new service opportunities†under AmeriCorps, bringing the number of participants in the national volunteer program to 250,000. It would also create additional “corps†to expand the reach of volunteerism into new sectors, including a Clean Energy Corps, Education Corps, Healthy Futures Corps and Veterans Service Corps, and it expands the National Civilian Community Corps to focus on additional areas like disaster relief and energy conservation.â€

Let me see if I see this properly...
1 Mandatory Service Requirement
2 Youth Engagement Zone Program
3 Service Learning
4 A mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools
5 $6 billion over five years
6 Create additional “corps†to expand the reach
7 Expands the National Civilian Community Corps

Just WTF is going on here???

Screw it.........Delldude gets 3 hots and a cot......I ain't workin' for this jerk.
you are closing your eyes to the obvious ..... you see as more and more jobs are lost , more and more people will fall into this categorie ... some of them have paid their mortage for 20 years , but because of this depression will have no more means to do so

Sucks to be them. Live within your means. If your means change, you have to adjust. Short sale, whatever.

seriously , if you kick tens of millions , a hundred million americans onto the streets , do you NOT think there will be civil unrest ?

Hmmm. Tens of millions. Hundred million Americans on the streets.

280M people in the US, of which some 68% own a home as opposed to rent/lease/subsidized housing. So, that's about 190M citizens living in a home they own or are paying the mortgage on.

Assuming 10% unemployment and every one of them goes into foreclosure, that means 19M on the streets. A lot of people, yes, and I suspect a lot of them were NINA's who never should have had a mortgage to begin with.

Would you as a union member take a 10% paycut to avoid layoffs, or suck it up and let the layoffs happen in order to retain your pay?

Same principle here. 19M people are facing foreclosure in a worst case. Why trash values for the other 170M people's homes in the process of helping them?

And, reality says that if there are that many foreclosures in work, it's going to take an awfully long time to get around to all of them. A lot of those people will go straight into rent houses or apartments. They won't all be on the streets or in shelters...
If you log into Obama's web site, you can find a list of Organizing for America (OFA) events in your area. This past weekend and through April 5, volunteers coast to coast are doing the Pledge Canvass Project, collecting signatures in favor of Obama's health care, energy, and education initiatives, and urging people to contact their Congressmen to get support for Obama's budget.

Curious, I signed into the site (with a fake name), typed in a Chicago zip code, and came up with a list of over thirty events within 200 miles, in the next two weeks. The only intriguing one is this: On April 4, at Roosevelt University's downtown Chicago campus, there will be a workshop entitled ‘Getting Paid to Cause Trouble: Careers in Organizing for Social Change (Community Service)':


AFSCME, UNITE HERE, and UFCW are all unions. The other two groups are ‘progressive' Alinsky-model advocates for low-income people. Listed as a sponsor is the Chicago Center for Working-Class Studies, also a labor-oriented group.

"Come meet organizers from local community organizations and unions ‘walking the walk'," the page encourages. "Learn about careers in grassroots organizing."

Since when is training union organizers, or recruiting people into a union organizer training program, ‘community service'? And what about the "other unions and community groups" who will be there? Would that be ACORN, the voter fraud gang? Or SEIU, the healthcare workers' union known for intimidation?


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