The End of Satellite Crew Bases ?

Ames said:
Parker is not feigning anything.  The east pilots hate him because they could not bend him to their will, just as they hate we west pilots.  He is an excellent CEO who does what is in the best interest of the shareholders and the company overall (which is in the best interests of employees overall).  Those that hate him are the ones with the entitlement mentality that believe their employer exists to serve their interests and not the other way around.
If you are hearing/reading whining and negativity you can be sure it comes from an east pilot.  Do yourselves a favor and disregard them.  They are toxic.
And here we see the perfect Mesa Airlines mentality.  I imagine Ornstein loves you.
Ames said:
Parker is not feigning anything.  The east pilots hate him because they could not bend him to their will, just as they hate we west pilots.  He is an excellent CEO who does what is in the best interest of the shareholders and the company overall (which is in the best interests of employees overall).  Those that hate him are the ones with the entitlement mentality that believe their employer exists to serve their interests and not the other way around.
If you are hearing/reading whining and negativity you can be sure it comes from an east pilot.  Do yourselves a favor and disregard them.  They are toxic.
Or a passenger that doesn't want to see AA become America West/USAIR

Sounds like you are still bitter, because only the pilots have a say if your job is going to continue. Maybe you should stop "flacking" for MQ ALPA and start "flacking" for MQ AFA.
IORFA said:
Sounds like you are still bitter, because only the pilots have a say if your job is going to continue. Maybe you should stop "flacking" for MQ ALPA and start "flacking" for MQ AFA.
All the commotion at the bottom of the building might be worth an occasional glance from the observation deck. Might even be instructive.
737823 said:
Or a passenger that doesn't want to see AA become America West/USAIRJosh
I would switch airlines immediately go to UA - I'm sure it's a better product

Lots of great things coming from US like on time performance or bag tracking - US was not perfect however AA was not perfect either

But once again the topic was on bases and we turned it into US bashing

There are unfortunately pilots who grew up in the steel mill mentality - growing up my uncle crowed all the time how he got 13 weeks vacation from the mill - his mill went bankrupt and living on a seriously reduced pension. It's amazing how individuals don't understand math and that in order pay anyone you have to make money and charge prices customers are willing to pay. If the base closures improve profits to enable better pay checks / profit sharing its a good thing.

I think all union members should be required to own stock in the company to help them understand why you need to increase profits.
jcw said:
I think all union members should be required to own stock in the company to help them understand why you need to increase profits.
No, thanks I'll pass....Every employee could give 1000% every day to a company but stock prices may never reflect their good efforts when they get their contracts gutted in bankruptcy, when they lose vacations, when they have the burden of higher medical premiums...or bad management decisions that have a devastating effect on stock price.
No thanks to stock, especially airline stock where one major event in a certain part of the world drives oil prices through the stratosphere or a terrorist attack on an airliner..
As far as being required to own stock,,,,can you say ENRON?
Ames said:
Parker is not feigning anything.  The east pilots hate him because they could not bend him to their will, just as they hate we west pilots.  He is an excellent CEO who does what is in the best interest of the shareholders and the company overall (which is in the best interests of employees overall).  Those that hate him are the ones with the entitlement mentality that believe their employer exists to serve their interests and not the other way around.
If you are hearing/reading whining and negativity you can be sure it comes from an east pilot.  Do yourselves a favor and disregard them.  They are toxic.
Excellent CEO?  Your Funny.   He only cares about Shareholder value and lining HIS pockets with cash.  He doesnt care about you me or anyone else except himself.  His last DUI kind of shows his disregard for anyones life but his own!  So yeah, he is a great CEO.

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