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The E190's customer view

Sure, the #1 wish is for more legroom, but if you pull a row of seats out of every aircraft for "MRTC" and then raise every fare by $5 or $10 to cover it, watch how fast your customers go fly someone else.

No question - hence the airlines putting more seats in the 787. I figuritively laugh every time I read about all the "amenities" that the A380 will allow - spas, bars, gift shops, etc. F/C may (and probably will on a lot of carriers) have near individual cubicles with lay-flat seats, but I suspect coach will be as cramped as on any other airliner.

Heck, just wait until someone starts Ryanair over here. 30-inch pitch, no seatback pockets, no recline in the seats...
Already sounds like most of the RJ's I have flown on... 😉

I do not know about another outfit busting it's way into the US market, as financing for such an adventure will be much harder to attain nowadays (with the more competitive marketrplace for such a business plan)

One thing to note, it souds like jetBlue might slow it's expansion plans, which will have a two fold effect:

1. Obviously it means less competition, especially into the markets that the E-190 will best serve. It is no secret that jetBlue had expansion plans into the Midwest, as does US Airways...

2. This opens up delivery positions form the factory as well. Which obviously helps US Airways' E-190 expansion plans.
Heck, just wait until someone starts Ryanair over here. 30-inch pitch, no seatback pockets, no recline in the seats... but someone will fly them no matter how hellaciously uncomfortable it is!

Isn't that already called Southwest?? 😛
FCYTravis, said "Wait till someone starts a RyanAir over here ". I read a few days ago RyanAir plans on starting a new LCC in Mexico ! And they plan on partnering with Mexico's largest long-haul bus carrier !



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