The Cuts Have Started


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
US Airways eliminating 150 Charlotte jobs
Airline shutting maintenance facilities in N.C., Pittsburgh
Staff Writer

In another move designed to cut costs, US Airways is closing many of its specialty maintenance shops, eliminating about 280 jobs, including 150 in Charlotte.

The Charlotte facilities to close include shops that perform work on wheels and brakes, flight controls, avionics, lavatories, emergency slides, accessories and calibration, Castelveter said. The airline also is closing shops in Pittsburgh, affecting 80 workers, and in Winston-Salem, with 49 workers.

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700UW said:
US Airways eliminating 150 Charlotte jobs
Airline shutting maintenance facilities in N.C., Pittsburgh
Staff Writer

In another move designed to cut costs, US Airways is closing many of its specialty maintenance shops, eliminating about 280 jobs, including 150 in Charlotte.

The Charlotte facilities to close include shops that perform work on wheels and brakes, flight controls, avionics, lavatories, emergency slides, accessories and calibration, Castelveter said. The airline also is closing shops in Pittsburgh, affecting 80 workers, and in Winston-Salem, with 49 workers.

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Try alot more than this in PIT, 600++++++++++++ :shock:
Baja4U said:
Try alot more than this in PIT, 600++++++++++++ :shock:
Also heard down to a total of 300 mechs in PIT HVY when all is said and done. Down from around 1200+ !!!!!! :down:
But what about the 600 jobs that "Frank" just saved in Pit all by himself? :blink: It must be true as it was headlined in yesterday's Pit paper. Trying to make the important persons list in Pit again!!!!!! :down:
Frank says the union saved the jobs in PIT..

He said it on the news, was in the paper.. The IAM lead by him
fought and won the right to do the work in PIT saving all those
justaumechanic said:
Frank says the union saved the jobs in PIT..

He said it on the news, was in the paper.. The IAM lead by him
fought and won the right to do the work in PIT saving all those

at what cost? skill pay,wages,pension,gse..ETC.
IAM :angry: :down:
amt4u said:
At what cost? skill pay,wages,pension,gse..ETC.
IAM :angry:  :down:
What's really Pathetic is the company did not state how long they are planning on keeping PIT open.

It borders on lunacy if anyone thinks Usairways intends on having 2 Maintence Bases for any extended amount of time..

Where was the IAM when the company closed other stations [Tampa, Winston, Indy, etc.]

Give them about a year or so, They'll close PIT any way, at the membership's expense..Thanks YES voters.
I have to agree. Frank may have saved some jobs in PIT for the short term..but whom is to say that it will be all PIT people holding those reamining jobs?

The same can be said for CLT for that matter as people in INT , ATL or wherever else exercise their bumping rights to those remaining positions.

Frankly...the fight to keep to seperate Maintenance Bases for whatever period of time? is a win to lose scenario all over again. The costs of keeping parts in purpetual motion to support two seperate Base Maintenance operations is to say the very least staggering. Then add in the costs of parts moving in and out of CLT and PIT to support a Third Party scenario such as what is taking place in Mobile..then you can begin to get an idea of where the real money is going. The mney does not go nto the employee's pockets , thats a given...its going into the pockets of those cutting the deals...and the multitudes of freight forwarders doing the moving of these needed items.

Those whom see these needs now...and know the issues that come about when waiting is involved..will really be in a state of shock when Tires and Brakes no longer flow out of the CLT off-site shop to the line stations...the situation is tough enough at present when trucking firms refuse their services for not being paid on time...or for fear of not being paid at all...regardless of this being the actual reason for services being denied us.

Then lets link the above situation to a third party providing Wheel/Tire and Brake work...what if they get a case of cold feet over U's payment foot dragging for a day or say a week or more? No matter if outside trucking was lined up ouside the Vendors door to position our parts...the line and inhouse base maintenance stations will still be waiting and still blowing the estimated time of return to service on our aircraft. Keep in mind...I have mentioned one aspect of outsourcing , not all the others like Avionics , Flight Controls , Boeing Landing Gears for the majority share of the 737's and then Seats , Oxygen Bottles ands even Emergency escape slides. All of these items have to be serviced or replaced by time scheduled directives with the exception of seats...but even seats need to be replaced for wear or defects....and if nothing else to present a professional looking product to the end user....Yes , the Customer.

We are already seeing that problem in reagrds to third party work being linked to third party heavy maintenance checks....674 did not leave with a completely refurbished set of seats due to problems with a Vendor..and Mobiles need to return an already over-due plane.

Ya get what you pay for baby...and I sure as hell don't want to see people b*tching about what they are seeing out there. The passengers have voted with their willingness to pay Greyhound Rates..and the Employees have voted to work for a fraction of what they once did....its settled , you pay for second best , you've earned second best in kind.
Your correct... PIT is just a matter of time.

Excuses will be the old standard ones....Not getting the checks out on time, cost to much to operate here, poor work ethic...ect.

The bottom line is U's mgt will do whatever they want to do and the IAM is helpless to stop it......Period..!!

Smartest Loser said:
Your correct... PIT is just a matter of time.

Excuses will be the old standard ones....Not getting the checks out on time, cost to much to operate here, poor work ethic...ect.

The bottom line is U's mgt will do whatever they want to do and the IAM is helpless to stop it......Period..!!

I agree.

Pit scenario: Bus work comes to Pit but not the tooling to accomplish the required tasks and then managements says: Well we held our end of the bargain and now this too must be outsourced because Pit has failed to come thru. Yes Pit is finished, matter of time and for that manner U itself may yet be finished because of all these little battles adding up to bring it all down.
calibrator said:
I agree.

Pit scenario: Bus work comes to Pit but not the tooling to accomplish the required tasks and then managements says: Well we held our end of the bargain and now this too must be outsourced because Pit has failed to come thru. Yes Pit is finished, matter of time and for that manner U itself may yet be finished because of all these little battles adding up to bring it all down.
well then why are they spending time and money removing taildocks and moving machine shops and composite shops into hangar 5 complex?
delldude said:
well then why are they spending time and money removing taildocks and moving machine shops and composite shops into hangar 5 complex?

Is it accomplished YET...when it's done come and see me...dude.

Management was said to be saying it cost too much to move the machine shop and electric hook ups I said, come see me...duddy
delldude said:
well then why are they spending time and money removing taildocks and moving machine shops and composite shops into hangar 5 complex?

I cannot believe you even asked that question...Why Why Why?

This is the same company that moved B737-300/400 work from CLT to PIT after the F-100's and MD/DC Series of acft were retired...not a bad move at the time seeing how PIT would have been out of a lot of jobs sooner otherwise. No Beef with that scenario. Yet here we are 3 years later having to move the work and all the supporting items back to CLT again...then all the stuff for the Airbus narrow bodies that they claimed not to own at one point has to be moved out of BFM (Mobile Al.) to PIT.

Lets look at the state of perpetual motion and wasted time we just bought into for a moment. PIT has some solid years of providing quality work on the 737's...but it's all important to pay to move by common carrier..or by our flights which adds to the rate of fule burn mind you what's been working well in PIT back to CLT again

Then instead of putting the Airbus Narrow body work into a still under utilized facility in CLT...the moves distance is doubled in terms of time and what a common carrier will charge for this move.

Face it...Franky bought you a short term sweetheart deal....and the company in it's seemingly endless stupidity bought into it without really examining the cost of all the moves. U is in terrible financial shape by anyones definition of the term...and these are the types of moves that make it so , time and time again.

The only thing WHY needs to be applied too is the thought process of upper management...moving a shop or a tail dock is but a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of our endless self-created problems. many jobs or benefits will be have to vote away to offset this latest brain-f*rt ?

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