The Clinton Foundation

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FBI is looking into the Clinton Foundation as well as Judicial Watch.

In fact, Hillary's lawyers are trying to delay State from releasing emails about the Foundation and SOS Hillary until 2018.

Isn't that special?


A U.S. Tax Court judge has ordered the Internal Revenue Service to reveal if it criminally investigated the Clinton Foundation, directing the agency to cure a mysterious "gap" in its records in the case.

Most of the proceedings in the case involving the Clinton Foundation and the whistleblowers Lawrence W. Doyle and John F. Moynihan have been sealed, but U.S. Tax Court Judge David Gustafson authorized the release of an April 22 ruling to Just the News this week.

In it, Gustafson remanded the case back to the IRS Whistleblower Office (WO), saying the agency's claim there was no criminal investigation against the Clinton Foundation "was not supported by the administrative record and thus constituted an abuse of discretion."

Gustafson last October allowed the whistleblower case to proceed, rejecting an IRS motion for summary judgement. He cited nonpublic evidence that the FBI and IRS may have worked jointly on a criminal investigation focused on the foundation.

More recently, reports have emerged that Special Counsel John Durham is investigating whether an FBI effort to investigate the Clinton charity was wrongly thwarted by politics.

US Court Doc's

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