Javaboy writes in, and I quote:>>"yet the american consumer goes to steak houses, salad bars, shops at malls that have many stores other than walmart, and drive SUVs and Cadillacs and everything in between. why the perception of what you get is different. why then not airlines?"<<
Why not airlines indeed.
Let me tell you why, from the perspective of somebody who buys airplane tickets...both for business (other people's money) and personal travel (my money).
If you buy something at a is generally something that you are going to keep for a while. A vase. A sofa. A suit of clothes (or, if you are a lady, a dress). Jewelry.
WalMart carries a lot of things but they do not necessarily carry the clothes my wife wants to wear. (My wardrobe generally comes from WalMart, they have great prices on Wrangler jeans).
So...why do people go to Neiman's...Foley's....Mervyn's...Dillard's? Because they have a specific good or product that people want, something that cannot be found at WalMart, and it represents something tangible...that will hang in your closet or sit in your living room....for a lengthy period of time.
If WalMart carried Liz Claiborne or Pierre Cardin or whatever designer junk my wife is wearing these days I imagine we'd be buying it there. But they don't.
What are you purchasing when you buy an airplane ticket? You are buying transportation. It is very transitory in nature. You wouldn't buy a plane ticket from an airline if it was unlikely that they would get you to your destination. Fortunately, the airline industry...all of the our country have a pretty decent track record as far as getting you there is concerned.
Since the basic product is transportation, price of said transportation is going to be the determining factor. If for a few bucks more folks can get a meal, a tv set, or an assigned seat...they ~might~ spring for the slightly higher ticket price. They are unwilling for these things to cost very much extra, though.
There are some intangibles that will also factor into it: I live out in El Paso (duh). A lot of my family is on the other side of Texas. On the intra-Texas routes AA, DL, and CO all match WN's prices. I guess a good thing to do would be to figure out why I choose WN over those other carriers....
WN has a better FF program for what I do. WN's lack of a change fee gives me flexibility....if I have to change or cancel, I've lost nothing (and with kids everything is subject to change on a moment's notice.) I personally don't like RJs (we call them 'Barbie's Dream Jet') and with WN I never have to sweat that. The worst thing that can be said about WN is that it is basic air tarnsportation but heck, when air transportation is what you are purchasing, that's okay. Much of the time I can climb on WN and get off the airplane at my destination with no plane changes.
If I want a SUV I buy one...even though I could probably find a '73 Gremlin for less money..because in 2 years I am still going to have it in my garage. It isn't transitory. The airplane trip is transitory. 6 months from now I am not going to look back with fond recollections of my plane change in Atlanta. The pizza or chicken wrap or Bistro bag they served me at 33,000' is not something I am going to really want to put pictures of in a scrapbook.
Apples vs apples and oranges vs oranges. That's the real issue here. We can't compare WalMart vs Neiman Marcus to Southwest vs USAirways. The bottom line is WalMart and Neiman Marcus...while both are retail stores....sell different products. I don't go to Neiman's for Preparation H or white the same token I wouldn't buy my wife's name brand clothes at WalMart. Southwest and USAirways sell the same product, maybe it is packaged a little differently...BUT IT IS STILL THE SAME PRODUCT. Folks at the erstwhile major carriers claim their product isn't the same as Southwest's...but they are wrong. Only difference is the packaging. An assigned seat....a membership club....a F cabin......all that stuff is just packaging. The root product is still to get you from A to B in a metal tube which whizzes through the air.