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TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
Man oh man! Arent wejust bitter bitter! Move on yall....US is not the end all. This is at will empyoement. Just go if your not happy. I mean lets get for real here...this site is nothing but a #### fest for those who complain day in and day out....and they are the ones who will never leave.
I work 5 trips a month and each and every trip all the FAs bring up that US has to adapt to change. Quite a eye opener! 5 Years ago....I would have been like HELL NO! But I am thinking realisticly and with a clear conscious. This is a job i love and dont want to give up. If you are so miseable.....DO ALL OF US A FAVOR AND RESIGN!
AMEN :jerry:
Light Years said:
I'm just curious, judging by your screen name... do the "oceanic" 🙄 F/As now support getting rid of the silly ITD? Theres a change thats been needed for years. Or are the senior mamas just suggesting more furloughs and worse conditions for the reserves?
The ITD NEEDS to come down....its so silly(your right Light Years!) to be having this division between PHW and PHL..PIW/PIT an CLW/CLT. This should have been done with years ago.
Most FAs I work with believe it or not realise that this industry has changed for the worse in the last 3-4 years and even those senior mamas understand this. Thats why they are leaving(retiring) in numbers we havnt seen in a long time.
I just got off a MUC trip and all these PSA girls were ready to go. They all had their paperwork showing what they would be taking home with their pension.I was like damm! Not too shabby. They have had it. They comment on how its not fun anymore and they are worked to death. 6 on the 767 and 9 on the A330 is some tough work foer these senior PSA/Allegheny/Piedmont girls and guys.
SpinDoc said:
A computer does not have the capacity to be discourteous.
You want to bet!!! Almost all the calls I receive from customers regarding
the website is because the computer has been extremely "discourteous" by not fuctioning properly and frustrating the heck of the caller!!!!

I agree that there will be enhancements in software which will allow the use of
automation to save $$$$ in the future, but, don't count on lowering the head count in Res to soon. Yes, the US.com booking % does continue to grow, but they're still calling us....more than once, twice, three times per PNR!!

Yes, the US.com booking % does continue to grow, but they're still calling us....more than once, twice, three times per PNR!!

This is so true... I would say that from the time a reservation is booked to the time that it is flown the 1 800 number is dailed up to 10 times!!!!!!!!!!!! No Matter how great they make the web site the phone will ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PineyBob said:
Just a thought here.

The guy (lakefield) took the time in his weekly message to say "thank you" and all we get is more of the same whinning and crying from the first post.

Some of what is happening is beyond his control, some isn't! But good grief the man at least had the decency to say thank you and still you complain. What will it take to make you happy? I am beginning to question if it's possible
"As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do."
--- Andrew Carnegie

Piney -

Sure it's nice to get a collective pat on the back from the boss. But it's meaningless when that same boss continues to steer the same course of neglect, abuse and indifference. That's why you continue to hear us whine even when he says thank you.

"Thank You" are words. This employee group has been starved for progressive actions that say "Thank You" louder than any words could possibly speak. There are hundreds of ways this can be done at no cost to the company, but nothing HAPPENS!

We're tired of pretty words and view them with suspicion and scorn, and rightly so.

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