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Thanks For Destroying Our Industry.

B.O.B. said:
If the Live TV works! I have jumpseated on JB several times and that Live TV isn't everything it's cracked up to be. Trying to watch a football, basketball or baseball game on ESPN and the whole channel goes out. But, I guess you get what you paid for! 🙄

What a gracious guest you must be!!
B.O.B. said:
Because I can!  :up:

Typical sky nAAzi. You wouldn't have the guts to open your big mouth. If you did I might even have a little respect for you.
B6Busdriver said:
Typical sky nAAzi. You wouldn't have the guts to open your big mouth. If you did I might even have a little respect for you.

I have the guts and have opened my mouth as you so to say! How much has JB lost on its stock since it went public? Hmmm, makes you think; is JB all that good?

Spare us the moment and enjoy the ride, because JB is going to faulter soon too.
B.O.B. said:
How much has JB lost on its stock since it went public? Hmmm, makes you think; is JB all that good?

JBLU IPO'd at 27 and has split twice at 3 to 2, for an adjusted price of 12. It traded today above 19. It has lost more than -60%. That's a negative loss, in case you didn't get it.

BTW, the LiveTV works fine 99% of the time, and when it doesn't, we actually credit our customers back. Imagine that! Naturally, as a non-rev you are out of luck.

AMR isn't buying TV's (from LiveTV, Matsushita, or anyone else) because they can't afford to outfit a few hundred airplanes with them. So yes it is a matter of money, and AMR doesn't have enough to do the job, at least not enough to make back on any possible fare premium. JetBlue had the foresight to install them from the get-go, so there's no problem with installing a few hundreds planeloads at once like AMR would have to. IMO, they have already paid for themselves many times over in positive press and brand recognition alone.

Your comments sound suspiciously like sour grapes to me. "We don't want them anyway!" Yeah, sure, whatever.
B.O.B. said:
I have the guts and have opened my mouth as you so to say! How much has JB lost on its stock since it went public? Hmmm, makes you think; is JB all that good?

Spare us the moment and enjoy the ride, because JB is going to faulter soon too.

The big difference between you an me is that you are bitter and can't wait for B6 to stumble. I truly hope for the best for everyone in this business, even you. I have friends at all the so called legacy carriers and would never wish any ill will on their employers. You'll get your wish soon, JetBlue will lose money for the 3rd and 4th quarter. Does that make you happy? Does it?

The problem with you and so many on this board is you think you're sooo much smarter than everyone else. You've been around the block and we are just a bunch of neophytes that don't know jack. More than half the pilot,f/a, and mechainc workforce at JetBlue have worked for and been furloughed from another carrier. Get off your high you high horse and worry about your own airline.
You may want to ask ole' David Neelman and his buddies what their original goal was for JetBlue. The airline was built not to last. It was designed for the top executives to make a quick buck and then fold. If any of your work groups decide to organize then Neelman, said he would shut the airline down. Nice CEO, you have at JetBlue. No wonder why when Herb bought Morris Air and then after a few years fired Neelman.

So call you buddy Davey and ask him if that was the original plan for JetBlue.

I'm going to try really hard to not call you an idiot......ooops! :stupid:
v1rotate said:

I'm going to try really hard to not call you an idiot......ooops! :stupid:


Man, you're
then B6BusDriver. It just goes to show that the pilots at B6 are a bunch of fools.
B.O.B. said:
You may want to ask ole' David Neelman and his buddies what their original goal was for JetBlue. The airline was built not to last. It was designed for the top executives to make a quick buck and then fold. If any of your work groups decide to organize then Neelman, said he would shut the airline down. Nice CEO, you have at JetBlue.

You sure seem to know a lot. With the great knowledge you have of this business you are really waisting your talents as a trolly dolly. I'm sure AA management is looking for eager knowledgeable talent like yourself. Best of luck to you. In the mean time go get me a coke and another bag of peanuts.
B.O.B. said:

Man, you're
then B6BusDriver.  It just goes to show that the pilots at B6 are a bunch of fools.

Good one B.O.B. :wacko: You sure told me.

B6Busdriver said:
You sure seem to know a lot. With the great knowledge you have of this business you are really waisting your talents as a trolly dolly. I'm sure AA management is looking for eager knowledgeable talent like yourself. Best of luck to you. In the mean time go get me a coke and another bag of peanuts.

While I am at it I will rub your crew meal on the galley floor and then around the lav!! Maybe I will drop some Visine, in it instead. Have fun running to that lav!!

You're truly a pathetic person. Bitter because US furloughed you and we can see why.
B.O.B. said:
It just goes to show that the pilots at B6 are a bunch of fools.

Awww, does that mean you will not jumpseat on us??
B.O.B. said:
While I am at it I will rub your crew meal on the galley floor and then around the lav!!  Maybe I will drop some Visine, in it instead.  Have fun running to that lav!!

You're truly a pathetic person.  Bitter because US furloughed you and we can see why.

There is that AA professionalism! Classic!
Getting furloughed is the BEST thing that ever happened !!!
Have a nice day. Now get me my coke!
B6Busdriver said:
Now get me my coke!

Do you have 2 arms and 2 legs? Get it yourself or have mommy do it for you.

Just goes to show how unprofessional JetBlue Pilots are. No wonder why that AE Pilot denies all of you the jumpseat. I am glad the person who runs our crashpad kicked out the 2 JB Pilots, becauae they couldn't pay their rent! Cheap a** JB Pilots!
B.O.B. said:
Just goes to show how unprofessional JetBlue Pilots are.

You gabbed on about tainting crew meals and dripping Visine, and you're calling all JB pilots unprofessional? I'm not running down all AA FA's, I'm sure there must be some good ones. They are not in evidence here. I hope for their sake that you're an exception.

Lovely way to return hospitality. You get a free ride on us (which favor you won't return), "because you can", then run down the company on an anonymous message board. Then you have the gall to raise questions of character? How ironic.