Texas cuts


Jul 8, 2008
July 8, 2008
American Airlines cuts at Texas airports
5:07 PM Tue, Jul 08, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Terry Maxon E-mail News tips

American Airlines has sent a WARN letter to the Texas Workplace Commission saying it intends to eliminate 209 jobs on or about Sept. 5 at five major Texas airports.

Here's the breakdown by airport and job category.

Job Class
Management- Austin (1) DFW (19) El Paso (1) Houston (1) San Atonio (1) Total=23
Support staff- Austin (1) DFW (6) El Paso (0) Houston (1) San Antonio (1) Total=9
Mechanics- Austin (0) DFW (36) El Paso (0) Houston (0) San Antonio (0) Total=36
Airport agents- Austin (9) DFW (28) El Paso (0) Houston (7) San Antonio (2) Total=46
FSC and C/C- Austin (15) DFW (69) El Paso (2) Houston (2) San Antonio (7) Total=95
July 8, 2008
American Airlines cuts at Texas airports
5:07 PM Tue, Jul 08, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Terry Maxon E-mail News tips

American Airlines has sent a WARN letter to the Texas Workplace Commission saying it intends to eliminate 209 jobs on or about Sept. 5 at five major Texas airports.

Here's the breakdown by airport and job category.

Job Class
Management- Austin (1) DFW (19) El Paso (1) Houston (1) San Atonio (1) Total=23
Support staff- Austin (1) DFW (6) El Paso (0) Houston (1) San Antonio (1) Total=9
Mechanics- Austin (0) DFW (36) El Paso (0) Houston (0) San Antonio (0) Total=36
Airport agents- Austin (9) DFW (28) El Paso (0) Houston (7) San Antonio (2) Total=46
FSC and C/C- Austin (15) DFW (69) El Paso (2) Houston (2) San Antonio (7) Total=95

As outlined in the "Voluntary Bridge to Retirement", in J-Net, I would remind all to LQQK at #2, and the word "Additional". This will not be the end all of the layoffs. Inquiring minds want to know....

2. What is the cut-off date by which I need to be 50 years of age and have 15 years company seniority?
For the current layoff announcements through September, 2008 you must be 50 years of age or older and have at least 15 years of company seniority by August 31, 2008.

For additional layoffs scheduled later this fall, eligibility will be defined at a later date

Enjoy the ride...... :huh:
July 8, 2008
American Airlines cuts at Texas airports
5:07 PM Tue, Jul 08, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Terry Maxon E-mail News tips

American Airlines has sent a WARN letter to the Texas Workplace Commission saying it intends to eliminate 209 jobs on or about Sept. 5 at five major Texas airports.

Here's the breakdown by airport and job category.

Job Class
Management- Austin (1) DFW (19) El Paso (1) Houston (1) San Atonio (1) Total=23
Support staff- Austin (1) DFW (6) El Paso (0) Houston (1) San Antonio (1) Total=9
Mechanics- Austin (0) DFW (36) El Paso (0) Houston (0) San Antonio (0) Total=36
Airport agents- Austin (9) DFW (28) El Paso (0) Houston (7) San Antonio (2) Total=46
FSC and C/C- Austin (15) DFW (69) El Paso (2) Houston (2) San Antonio (7) Total=95

S.O.S- When Your gone. This pretty much sums it up since 9/11 with our industry....
Does DFW even HAVE 19 managers??? That would eliminate either the whole Passenger service or Ramp CSM group. They are pretty much at the bare minimum as it is...you can never find one when you need one. 1 manager for every 20 gates or something like that. Maybe that means the Grey Jackets? They need to get rid of them they are nothing but a royal pain in the A-hayuss. Coming down and acting like they are a manager..
Does DFW even HAVE 19 managers??? That would eliminate either the whole Passenger service or Ramp CSM group. They are pretty much at the bare minimum as it is...you can never find one when you need one. 1 manager for every 20 gates or something like that. Maybe that means the Grey Jackets? They need to get rid of them they are nothing but a royal pain in the A-hayuss. Coming down and acting like they are a manager..

My understanding is CSM's, RAMP, PAX, & Flight Service. My guess is they will get rid of the CSM's that are at top pay, and keep the Cheapies... Like I said S.O.S (Sorry the other link was F**kd up) Think about AA, when listening to this tune, and what has happened to (US) since 9/11, layoffs , and now the Sky Rocketing price of Oil.....

Does DFW even HAVE 19 managers??? That would eliminate either the whole Passenger service or Ramp CSM group. They are pretty much at the bare minimum as it is...you can never find one when you need one. 1 manager for every 20 gates or something like that. Maybe that means the Grey Jackets? They need to get rid of them they are nothing but a royal pain in the A-hayuss. Coming down and acting like they are a manager..

I wouldn't put too much stock into those numbers for DFW, they seen to be changing daily. Those management jobs at DFW could be anything from the ramp or passanger service to automotive or facility maintenance, flight service's, mail, freight,etc..The article said 69 FSC's at DFW, but local management has been telling everybody it's going to be closer to 120-125 FSC's...so who knows...just have to wait and see.
Does DFW even HAVE 19 managers???


The statistic shown is management employees, which includes supervisors and admin staff in the back offices, plus the Credit Union, club, etc... Total management HC for DFW should be around 300 or so when you include back office and admin and exclude things like Sales, Credit Union, Admirals Club, etc...

IIRC, there are about 18 shift managers in ramp & passenger, plus however many there are at cargo and the hangars. There are something like 100+ L3 CSM's, another 25 or so in Flight Service, 5 or so in Flight, 50 in maintenance, and 25 in Cargo.
That will just take them LONGER to get around to "attendence discussions. :up:

(Gee, I wonder how many L3's might be "let go" in places like JFK/LGA/MIA) ??
I wouldn't put too much stock into those numbers for DFW, they seen to be changing daily. Those management jobs at DFW could be anything from the ramp or passanger service to automotive or facility maintenance, flight service's, mail, freight,etc..The article said 69 FSC's at DFW, but local management has been telling everybody it's going to be closer to 120-125 FSC's...so who knows...just have to wait and see.

Mommia, Mia, Here we go again, my, my,-- why, why--- It is going to get UGLY.... Seattle Cuts ....


The Ft. Worth, Texas-based carrier said it will eliminate positions held by eight agents, 12 ramp workers and two managers, effective Sept. 5

Mommia, Mia, Here we go again, my, my,-- why, why--- It is going to get UGLY.... Seattle Cuts ....


The Ft. Worth, Texas-based carrier said it will eliminate positions held by eight agents, 12 ramp workers and two managers, effective Sept. 5



A A S,

While I'm sure that we'd agree that any cut is unfortunate,.....in the grand scheme of(present day) things,..losing a AUS/STL or 1 of MANY SEA/DFW trips is No BIG Deal.

Perhaps you've already noticed that there are ZERO flights cut to ORD, or their Prime JFK..MIA non-stops(757's).

Back in the Early 80's, when AA went through a somewhat Similar situation, DFW was the BIG DOG at the time(NO MORE Though), and they experienced a lot of Growth.

Fast forward to today, and we see MIA as the BIG DOG, and things in "Hot Spots" like NYC virtually unaffected.

When their is a RASH of "break-ins" in ones neighborhood, the FIRST thing to do, is to PROTECT the Family "JEWELS"

AA's "Family JEWELS" are places like JFK/LAX/MIA/LHR/ORD Intl.,........certainly NOT......STL/AUS !
19 Management cuts in DFW and yet there are 4 (four) level 4 openings and interviews are currently ongoing. What a way to run a railroad, er, airline.
That's like saying we can't buy a new pair of jeans for my son because my daughter has 10 pair she rarely wears hanging in the closet...

You can't take a L3 from cargo and put him in maintenance, nor can you take the L4 from facilities and put him in flight service.

I agree the SEA cuts are minimal, and it sounds like DFW will go down the equivalent of losing a complex from the banked hub days, which is fine with me. The place is too damn big already.

They won't cut SEA-ORD because they actually make some money off all the Boeing traffic between their corp HQ in Chicago and the facilities in Renton and Everett, and Boeing officials don't like flying on UA's Airbii.
You can't take a L3 from cargo and put him in maintenance, nor can you take the L4 from facilities and put him in flight service.

I'm not sure what company you worked for in the past - you say it was American Airlines but ... - when musical management is played now, most moves involve placing an individual in a position where they are totally incompetent or otherwise have no business holding for various reasons. Those orchestrating the moving about, it seems, are deathly afraid of getting a person in the management loop that actually wants to do (and is capable of doing) their respective job correctly rather than simply making their boss look good to his/her (supposed) 'superiors'. In short, AA is a living and breathing example of the oft referred to and rather infamous "Peter Principal". I'll grant you that things may not have been this bad during your tenure at American, but they certainly are now.

Whether he realizes it or not, Captain Fred is piloting a ship of fools. Fred might well have a few good ideas, but I believe that Romano, being Fred's boss, probably won't allow too many changes that would "inconvenience" Carmine's buddy network.

... and Boeing officials don't like flying on UA's Airbii.

A friend works in Renton on the 787 - after he saw the photos (NTSB site, NYC accident) of the scarebus crash, associated parts and pieces and the stab having no metal reinforcement in the six attach points (only bushings), he said he'd never get on any scarebus product again.
You can't take a L3 from cargo and put him in maintenance, nor can you take the L4 from facilities and put him in flight service.
It has happened...I had a supervisor in SFO who came right from fleet service and I know of a couple of mech's that took cargo management pos. at other airports.... dosen't happen often, but it does happen.