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Teddy And Jerry

I would imagine after her performance in Las Vegas Teddy will be able to replace her income from LCC and then some just by doing some speaking engagements and some consulting. Either way she has stepped up to the plate and represented those she was elected to represent in the finest way she could despite having the corporate deck stacked against her. She served well and LCC will rue the way they treated her and thanked her for what she gave to them and the AFA.

There is a grass roots underlying movement beginning to take shape in this country. More and more Americans are getting tired of the gamesmanship and bullcrap our elected politicians from both parties engage in everyday. The union leadership at the national level falls right in line behind these politico's in their lack of honesty, integrity and trustworthiness and will have no safety net to fall back on when the entire thing turns south from a public opinion standpoint. What comes out of this will shape the future of this country. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later before it's too late.

I'll keep this post and in ten years read it to see what has changed.

It's my strong opinion that absolutely nothing will change except the requirement of other languages being taught in our schools by "our" tax dollars and the working poor will just be more and not less. Until Jesus Christ returns things will deteriorate and not improve. The answers to the wrongs don't lie in fiery speeches or public opinions. Public opinions have done absolutely nothing to stop the insanity running amuck in this country and the world. Posts like this are simply a feel-good anecdote to let one make it thru the day when they have no real hope, a faith that lies dormant in too many. Things are going to Change. Things are going to Change. How many times have we all heard this mantra thru out our lives and they sure have, worse yearly, just as it is written.

Like standing at the edge of a raging forest fire with a baseball bat on your shoulders hoping to kill the fires is what the task at hand is. Good Luck without the REAL answer.
I'll keep this post and in ten years read it to see what has changed.

It's my strong opinion that absolutely nothing will change except the requirement of other languages being taught in our schools by "our" tax dollars and the working poor will just be more and not less. Until Jesus Christ returns things will deteriorate and not improve. The answers to the wrongs don't lie in fiery speeches or public opinions. Public opinions have done absolutely nothing to stop the insanity running amuck in this country and the world. Posts like this are simply a feel-good anecdote to let one make it thru the day when they have no real hope, a faith that lies dormant in too many. Things are going to Change. Things are going to Change. How many times have we all heard this mantra thru out our lives and they sure have, worse yearly, just as it is written.

Like standing at the edge of a raging forest fire with a baseball bat on your shoulders hoping to kill the fires is what the task at hand is. Good Luck without the REAL answer.

Honestly with attitudes in this county exemplified as in this post we can expect nothing to change and the status quo to live forever. While you're right the answers don't lie in fiery speeches the answers you seek are where people willing to look for them are inspired by fiery speeches.
While we all wait for the forthcoming judgement day, some of us more than others, it's not an option to just look away and say I'll just wait for the heavens to part and Jesus to come like a thief in the night. The risk for our children is far greater if we don't make a stance.
There are many people in this country from all walks of life that have seen enough of the greed and antics of those we send into higher positions to speak for us. What they ultimately do is speak for their wallet and their re-election campaign. Be it Democrat or Republican they are all cut from the same cloth and their stench permeates Washington, DC, labor leaders offices and corporate board rooms from coast to coast.
Should we look away as we are being robbed by government on one hand and labor leaders (that's an oxymoron) on the other? I don't agree.
I'm a Republican, born and bred. I served my country and wake each day being freshly reminded of that service. Given the chance I'd do it again but honestly I, like so many of those like me, are sick of our party and all it has come to stand for. Will we change the course? Hard to tell but I believe in the power of one as do they. Time will tell. See you in 10 years Cav.
Every dog has its day. Time for changing of the guard (dogs).
Time will tell. See you in 10 years Cav.

You will never see me airman....the only thing that will change in ten years is the new GE engine you will be powering up.

Hope your future is a good future, just don't hold onto the wrong hopes. The answer is not forth coming by a fiery women with a hard on for corporate America, this I can guarantee.

Take Care...Curt
I would have loved to have attended that conference to see Teddy speak.

I just read an article about outsourcing, which basically said that in most cases it is a mistake, and costs more than it saves most of the time. In a best case scenario, savings aren't realized for the first three years, and it can be a total disaster......

We have been basically saying this for a long time-I will try to put up a link if I can find the article again.

Let's see how many MORE jobs are brought back inside, in addition to the 30 Preferred Res Agents...

My best to you all....

SpinDoc replies:

Art, outsourcing over the long term
is expensive, and the company knows
that; however, it was never intended
to be a long term solution.

The main objective of outsourcing
reservations and maintenance has
been about short term cost savings.
By outsourcing certain functions and
buying out senior employees, the
company saved enough money to
shore up the bottom line and
slightly reverse the upwward trend
in overall employee costs. This was
crucial to showing potential investors
that the company was on the right
track for lowering costs on paper.

A senior work force presents a
number of cost problems, including
high hourly wages, higher risk for
using medical insurance coverage,
and more potential for being out
on FMLA due to advancing age.
These costs are higher than most
people understand, and the best
way to reduce those costs is to
reduce the overall age and seniority
of the work force. Outsourcing
is filling the gap until newer and
younger employees can be brought
in at bottom of the scale wages
and assimilated into the work force.

You have to hand it to Jerry Glass.
He recognized and understood this
dynamic, and he played the cards
very well for the company. While
his tactics may not have been very
ethical at times, they were completely
legal and have resulted in the
survival of the US brand which was
the objective.

Are you an executive for WalMart???????

For the very reasons you cite is why some of us have taken an extreme LEFT position. When a corporation endeavors to outsource jobs, in order to dismantle the workforce and rid themselves of a senior folks of dedicated employees who have stayed with the company and now are punished for that loyalty, than that company should A) be boycotted by all senior citizens and older population, the gay community, folks of color and different religion,and working families in America, AND, Picket the airline and expose the underlying tones of discrimination. I have found that the "court of public opinion" can destroy a company's bottom line.

The kind of tactics Jerry G uses, as you have cited, makes for discrimination by corporations for not only age, but sexual orientation, race, religion, etc...

Thank you for your insightful information of Jerry G's character, motive, discriminatory intent.

I will remember it!

In the instance where there are unions that protect the workers and seniority, the only folks that outsourcing eliminates is the opposite of what you cite...the junior workforce.

And that is why many of us are very PRO LABOR/ PRO UNION. For protections against Corporate Greed, which USAirways is a "classic case".

BTW, the Voluntary furlough programs from 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 that were offered system wide to all groups and most airlines were NOT Jerry G's ideas. They came from AFA leadership at US Airways.
The idea was for short term cost relief for the company so that the employees did not have to take steep pay cuts. THe intent was for those employees to take turns being furloughed (6 month increments) as well as offer those who wanted out of the industry an opportunity to do so and bridge to other employement.

As we already know, however, US Airways decided to implement draconian discipline policies to terminate employees, specifically targeting older employees, in spite of the $2.5 Billlion cost savings from all of labor per year and not including the termination of the pensions and not including the savings from increased medical to the employee per year, every year. THose policies came from Labor Relations and Inflight management soldiers.
That US workers should be beholden to a specific corporation that gets embarrassed into providing benefits to folks for their entire lives, may be your position, but it's not a "left" position.

Not sure you understand my position, or the LEFT position many of us took at the company.

I am not sure you even understand my meaning.
The only furloughs that have been involuntary are the 1,700 status post 9/11. The company needed about 4,000 to leave and 2,100 fa/s volunteered to go out on the VF programs. Therefore 1,700 were involuntarily furloughed.

Since that time...THERE HAVE BEEN NO INVOLUNTARY FURLOUGHS FROM OUR RANKS. Its the senior folks who have either retired, resigned, or have taken one of the VF programs AFA negotiated to keep a junior work force.
What about the EMB-Division? We are getting ready to be furloughed again..and yes we are a part of mainline weather you or anyone else would like to admit it. But, I guess we are not a part of the "OUR" ranks thing?

Not sure what you are talking about with regard to the "rank thiing"???

The MAA f/as who worked in the division were still considered "furloughed status" from mainline. No matter where the involuntary forloughees worked, be it AWA, PI, a commuter, Wal Mart, or MAA, they were considerd furloughed, and part of those numbers I cited. The only folks that were recalled from the furloughed list was back last May for LGA base. AFA had to talk the company into recalling vs. displacing out of PHL for the LGA shortage. 42 went to LGA from the furloughed group and out of that furlough group, 9 I believe came from MAA.
Teddy needs to write a book about her dealings with The Evil Empire that occupied The Crystal Palace. The book would be a best seller, the Book Tour exhausting.......limitless book signings to go along with Employees debuting their new uniforms, serving hors d'oeuvres (and I'm talking good grub) and freeflowing champagne to go with LIVE lynchings of the former Management Team. Just the thought of it gets ME all warm and tingly. Music will not be available because I for one want to hear the screams!

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