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Ted Reed says that AMR had a good week. Better than Parker's week


Jan 5, 2003
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As it battles a merger effort by US Airways, bankrupt AMR seems to have had a pretty good week. On Wednesday, July 18[sup]th[/sup], AMR reported good first quarter results and assured it will have even better financial results going forward. On Thursday, U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Sean Lean extended for three months the period when it has an exclusive right to submit a plan of reorganization to the court until Dec. 28, three months past the existing date.

As for real US Airways, the principal event of its week was Parker’s widely anticipated appearance before the National Press Club. The expectation was that the personable CEO would charm the national press corps as he laid out the reasons why a merger would help both American and US Airways. But the event seemed to be a bit of a letdown, as a moderator read a series of questions – many unrelated to the merger – from note cards. If Parker wanted to show that he can be an effective national spokesman for the airline industry, he clearly did so, but he didn’t break much ground in the merger effort.

Perhaps what Horton told Parker at breakfast is this: About that merger, Doug, don’t call us. We’ll be back to you on Dec. 28[sup]th[/sup]. Have a good Christmas.
Lets see one company is making money and one is losing money in Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

And Ted Reed worked for US and was fired.
One of the more lame, ridiculous drivel laden articles I've read about current events.

No surprise, the Cardinals reporting to the Pope in the Forbes sphere are given their marching orders every morning to find a way to %%%% labor for anything.

Frontier? Seriously?

Surprised you didn't add a few realistic comments, you usually do FWAA

Let's see, weak DEN hub as a subservient player that does nothing but detract from DFW and ORD, a MKE hub that is even a more bastardized existence than DEN, probably 36 holes of golf from ORD. What idiot would even think for a second the Frontier would fit at all? Oh I know, Ted Reed and Tom Horton, just because some guy used to work at USAirways.
Frontier? Seriously?

Surprised you didn't add a few realistic comments, you usually do FWAA

Let's see, weak DEN hub as a subservient player that does nothing but detract from DFW and ORD, a MKE hub that is even a more bastardized existence than DEN, probably 36 holes of golf from ORD. What idiot would even think for a second the Frontier would fit at all? Oh I know, Ted Reed and Tom Horton, just because some guy used to work at USAirways.


I agree with you about Frontier. I don't think that Horton is seriously considering an actual merger with Frontier or Virgin America. But as someone else recently posted, Horton needs to be able to say to the creditors and the judge "We looked at all possible alternatives, including mergers with all the single girls, and none of those made as much sense as remaining independent." He's merely dotting I's and crossing Ts, not seriously entertaining a merger with Frontier.
I still don't believe Horton will survive this process. The mechanics I have talked to are voting no. Without even seeing details of the flight attendants I believe that will be a no vote. Even with the judge arbrogating the contracts it still doesn't look good for labor rest at AMR. I also believe Eagle will also be a blood bath. Just my 2 cents worth.
Who's Ted Reed? Oh yeah...a reporter. I guess I'll put all of my future into what that guy says.
Who's Ted Reed? Oh yeah...a reporter.

Don't sell ole Ted short, he's not just another reporter - he fancies himself to be an airline analyst....that's what happens when you take a reporter and give them a job at a web site called "the street"...

And despite what 700 says, Ted has been carrying US' water for many years. Anytime he says something the slightest bit critical of US it is a dark day indeed.

Well let me just say that a nobody such as myself actually heard of Ted Reed. Do I agree with him? On this issue-YES! It's a pity that we have to wait until the end of the year until we find out who wins or who loses. One will laugh and one will cry!
I don't see it as a laugh/ cry situation. Both can and will chug along on their own just as they have been doing to date. This merger is more about creating an airline compatible to DL&UA so the combination will give all of the top 3 roughly the same amount of marketshare. While Walmart is the largest retailer, there are still others out there making a go of it.
YES! It's a pity that we have to wait until the end of the year until we find out who wins or who loses. One will laugh and one will cry!

Translation = I hope everyone at US loses their job...

sigs, you are a bitter person, you strike me as someone that applied for a job with US, but never made the grade..
You know it is sad that somehow he doesn't see it. I think bitter is also an understatement. What kind of person (or lack thereof) is saddened not because the folks at AA are going through real angst and turmoil, but only because he has to wait for a final outcome.

AND interesting avatar too...does he want us all to piss and crap on him???
I don't see it as a laugh/ cry situation. Both can and will chug along on their own just as they have been doing to date. This merger is more about creating an airline compatible to DL&UA so the combination will give all of the top 3 roughly the same amount of marketshare. While Walmart is the largest retailer, there are still others out there making a go of it.

A "go of it", indeed. Consolidation will only mean that labor will work at the bottom of the food chain for the next decade, and less competition in the industry will mean less capacity, higher fares, and eventually....the industry will once again be REGULATED.

Just as I predicted back in 2002, actually wrote it on this very board about the "domino effect", starting with US Airways BankruptCIES. All the legacies will get their "free passes", screw labor, creditors, stockholders, investors, and taxpayers, and then enventually, through consolidation, screw the flying public until the government will have to step in... as this all effects United States commerce.

Such is the Greed Beast, unchecked, begets more greed and more greed, until finally, the pendulum swings back.