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Teamsters Pension Fund in"RED ZONE" - They need your AA AMT Money!

It appears from an AA employee's view that Anomaly has an individual problem with his pension.

The MOB has a better rate of return than a pension?

Yes, I have met him before, " If you ruin my pension I will kill you ".

Anomaly you just lost the fight. I was wrong before,it is about you.


Why do you think I am wasting my time here? I lost a big chunk of my pay and benefits to save my job. In exchange, "they" gave me an airline. I lost the airline, but thanks to a nice Republican President, I earned back some of what had been taken away.........
For a few paychecks at least. Then I lost that, with interest. They took even more.

When there was not much left to give, "they" decided to take a nice big chunk out of my retirement as a tip.

Of course it is about me. It's about you too because this crap should sound familiar.

In these last few months since we got a contract, things are getting back to normal. One part that I wish I had back was a decent pension. I say "I" but trust me, when you loose yours, it will not be only you who wants it back.

I had a chance at getting a pension back, but a group of employee members, who just happened to be AMFA loyalist, killed that idea and I never even got to vote on the idea. Sound familiar?

I have said all along that AMFA helped create my loathing for the association because of the damage they did to me. As it tuns out, they ruined thousands of other lives as well.

Of course it is about me. Ask any one else who lost as much as I did because of AMFA. It's about them too.

Will it be about you? Stick with AMFA and find out for yourself.

And you think they have to pay me to do this......
I haven't heard one person say anything about support for the Teamsters. And almost everything I've heard about the union outside of work has been negative. TWU is far from perfect, but the Teamsters idea isn't going to fly.

Why do you think I am wasting my time here? I lost a big chunk of my pay and benefits to save my job. In exchange, "they" gave me an airline. I lost the airline, but thanks to a nice Republican President, I earned back some of what had been taken away.........
For a few paychecks at least. Then I lost that, with interest. They took even more.

When there was not much left to give, "they" decided to take a nice big chunk out of my retirement as a tip.

Of course it is about me. It's about you too because this crap should sound familiar.

In these last few months since we got a contract, things are getting back to normal. One part that I wish I had back was a decent pension. I say "I" but trust me, when you loose yours, it will not be only you who wants it back.

I had a chance at getting a pension back, but a group of employee members, who just happened to be AMFA loyalist, killed that idea and I never even got to vote on the idea. Sound familiar?

I have said all along that AMFA helped create my loathing for the association because of the damage they did to me. As it tuns out, they ruined thousands of other lives as well.

Of course it is about me. Ask any one else who lost as much as I did because of AMFA. It's about them too.

Will it be about you? Stick with AMFA and find out for yourself.

And you think they have to pay me to do this......

Well by all means lets have at it.

December 16, 2011: Teamsters for a Democratic Union believes members have a right to know where our dues money goes.
Each year we undertake a major research project, analyze hundreds of financial reports, and make the information available to all members.
Teamsters have been hit hard by the continued recession and corporate attacks. Pensions cut. Layoffs. Wage freezes and cuts. Union busting.
These attacks have hit our union’s finances too. Most locals have lost income.
The International Union, which gets 22 percent of most members’ dues, has been hit because wage concessions have reduced dues and the union has lost membership.
The International’s total dues income from members has barely increased at all in recent years: from $159 million in 2007 to $160 million in 2010.
A large component of dues expenditure goes to officer salaries. Our study of union finances shows:
  • 123 Teamster officials made over $150,000 in salary in 2010; 35 made over $200,000. The total paid to that group went up $259,636 over the previous year.
  • 129 Teamster officials got paid a multiple salary by the International Union, most of them appointees of James Hoffa.
  • For the first time since he took office, James Hoffa did not get a salary increase. This is because his salary goes up by a percentage equal to the rate of inflation, and inflation did not rise.
Hoffa did take a $6,000 hike in his total compensation: Hoffa is paid a very lucrative “housing allowance” on top of his salary.
The Past and the Present
Over the years TDU’s publication of the Club and the reform movement’s efforts to put union resources to work for members have had a very positive effect on union priorities.
Before we won the Right to Vote, top officers took salaries up to $500,000.
But we still have a long way to go.
When Hoffa first ran for office, he promised to “cut and cap” salaries at $150,000 and limit perks, but he has not lived up to that promise.
Instead, he greatly increased the number of multiple salaries, and invented new perks, including for himself.
If every official making over $150,000 took a 10 percent cut, that would free up over $2.3 million, enough to put dozens more organizers in the field.
Cracking Down on Dues Waste
Our International Union should have zero tolerance for dues waste. But in the past year we have seen the Hoffa administration tolerate and even cover up embezzlement of members’ money by key Hoffa supporters.
In L.A., Paul Kenny had a total compensation of $200,498 in 2010. It wasn’t enough for his lifestyle. Over a four-year period, he siphoned $154,929 of union funds for top-shelf liquor and meals.
Kenny went to expensive watering holes on 63 percent of all business days, according to a detailed report issued last May by the Independent Review Board (IRB). Hoffa had a report way back in February 2009 from his own International Auditor detailing this embezzlement, but took no action to stop it.
In Boston, Hoffa’s Trade Show Director John Perry was busted by the IRB for embezzlement, hiring a felon to control hiring, and suppressing members’ rights.
Hoffa knew about all these violations, because courageous members reported them to him in writing. Hoffa could have acted on the charges reported in detail by Teamster Voice.
Instead Hoffa covered it up, told members he could not protect them, and spent more than $100,000 paying Perry an extra salary during the period that the scandal was public.
The Right to Know
Many Teamster officers work hard for members. They know that members expect officers to use union funds to advance the union, not to benefit a few at the top.
TDU believes that officers and members have a right to know the facts. Some officials say giving members the facts helps employers, who can use information about salaries or corrupt officers like Paul Kenny or John Perry against the union.
The truth is employers have plenty of resources to look it up on their own. The information is public.
It is only members who are kept in the dark when the union hides information, whether about contracts, members’ rights, grievance precedents, or union finances.
Informed members can root out dues waste and corruption where it exists and make sure our dues money is spent building Teamster Power.
Download the $150,000 Club Report.
Download TDU’s Annual Teamster Salary Report. This longer report includes all officials who made over $120,000 in salary.

Okey Dokey Cowboy.....

From AMFA 2008 LM-2 report in which they paid Delle his astronomical sum....look at the starting and ending assets. They were loosing money yet still piad the director half a million in salary. Whats more, they continued to purchase home loans as an investment. We all know now that mortgage baked securities was a really bad idea.

Number Start of Reporting Period
(A) End of Reporting Period
( B) 22. Cash $623,806 $126,720 23. Accounts Receivable 1 $1,220,289 $507,941 24. Loans Receivable 2 $0 $0 25. U.S. Treasury Securities $0 $0 26. Investments 5 $0 $593,113 27. Fixed Assets 6 $92,011 $59,853 28. Other Assets 7 $38,308 $14,251 29. TOTAL ASSETS $1,974,414 $1,301,878
Number Start of Reporting Period
(A) End of Reporting Period
( B) 30. Accounts Payable 8 $621,934 $309,814 31. Loans Payable 9 $8,667 $184,694 32. Mortgages Payable $0 $0 33. Other Liabilities 10 $609,791 $1,286,803 34. TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,240,392 $1,781,311 35. NET ASSETS $734,022 -$479,433
Description (if land or buildings give location)
(A) Cost
( B) Book Value
© Gross Sales Price
(D) Amount Received
(E) Total of all lines $534,421 $534,421 $494,281 $490,814 Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trust Series 2006-7 $3,085 $3,085 $3,085 $3,085 Banc Amer Alternative Ln Tr Series 2006-9 $8,029 $8,029 $8,029 $8,029 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Series 3319 $100,369 $100,369 $90,876 $90,876 Gov't National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-44 $23,590 $23,590 $20,443 $20,443 Gov't national Mortgage Assn Series 2008-44 $69,475 $69,475 $66,327 $66,327 Federal National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-35 $100,163 $100,163 $91,257 $91,257 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Series 2007-10 $6,101 $6,101 $6,101 $6,101 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Series 2006-11 $7,255 $7,255 $7,255 $7,255 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Tr Series 2006-21 $2,031 $2,031 $2,031 $2,031 Bank of America Mortgage Series 2007-3 $875 $875 $875 $875 Freddie Mac CMO/Series 2781 $47,612 $47,612 $47,612 $44,145 Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trst Series 2006-7 $3,085 $3,085 $3,085 $3,085 Banc Amer Alternative Ln Tr Series 2006-9 $5,353 $5,353 $5,353 $5,353 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Series 3319 $100,369 $100,369 $89,376 $89,376 Federal National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-35 $50,081 $50,081 $45,628 $45,628 Wells Fargo Mortgage Bkd Sec Series 2006-10 $4,950 $4,950 $4,950 $4,950 Wells Fargo Mortgage Bkd sec Series 2006-11 $1,998 $1,998 $1,998 $1,998 14. Less Reinvestments $0 (Net Sales total will automatically entered in Item 43) 15. Net Sales $490,814 Form LM-2 (Revised 2003)
Description (if land or buildings, give location)
(A) Cost
( B) Book Value
© Cash Paid
(D) Total of all lines $1,197,836 $1,197,836 $1,197,836 Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trust Series 2006-7 $40,926 $40,926 $40,926 Banc Amer Alternative Ln Tr Series 2006-9 $96,347 $96,347 $96,347 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Series 3319 $100,368 $100,368 $100,368 Gov't National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-44-DA $89,918 $89,918 $89,918 Federal National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-35 $100,163 $100,163 $100,163 Freddie Mac CMO/Series 2781 $47,612 $47,612 $47,612 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2007-10 $145,653 $145,653 $145,653 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2006-11 $116,686 $116,686 $116,686 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Tr Series 2006-21 $28,328 $28,328 $28,328 Bank of America Mortgage Sec Series 2007-3 $19,449 $19,449 $19,449 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Series 2898 $6,772 $6,772 $6,772 Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trust Series 2006-7 $40,926 $40,926 $40,926 Banc Amer Alternative Ln Tr Series 2006-9 $64,233 $64,233 $64,233 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Series 3319 $100,368 $100,368 $100,368 Federal National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-35 $50,081 $50,081 $50,081 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2007-10 $118,203 $118,203 $118,203 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2007-11 $31,803 $31,803 $31,803 14. Less Reinvestments $0 (Net Purchases total will automatically entered in Item 60) 15. Net Purchases $1,197,836 Form LM-2 (Revised 2003)
(A) Amount
( B) Marketable Securities 1. Total Cost $666,565 2. Total Book Value $593,113 3. List each marketable security which has a book value over $5000 and exceeds 5% of Line 2.
  • Bank of America Mortgage Sec Series 2005-5
  • Banc Amer Alt Loan Trust Series 2005-6
  • Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2006-11
  • Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trust Series 2006-7
  • Banc Amer Alternative Loan Trust Series 2006-9
  • CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Tr Series 2006-21
  • Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2007-10
  • Bank of America Mortgage Sec Series 2007-3
  • Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Series 2898
  • Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2006-11
  • Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trust Series 2006-7
  • Banc Amer Alternative Loan Trust Series 2006-9
  • Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2007-10
$95,396 Other Investments 4. Total Cost $0 5. Total Book Value $0 6. List each other investment which has a book value over $5000, of Line 5. Also list each Trust which is an investment.
  • N/A
$0 7. Total of Lines 2 and 5 (Total will be automatically entered in Item 26, Column( B)) $593,113
Form LM-2 (Revised 2003)

Olivio V Delle-Femine
P $558,494 $0 $1,900 $0 $560,394 I Schedule 15
Representational Activities 50 % Schedule 16
Political Activities and Lobbying % Schedule 17
Contributions % Schedule 18
General Overhead 10 % Schedule 19
Administration 40 % A
C Steve MacFarlan
Assistant Director
C $119,783 $0 $4,581 $0
$124,36 Schedule 15
Representational Activities 60 % Schedule 16
Political Activities and Lobbying % Schedule 17
Contributions % Schedule 18
General Overhead 15 % Schedule 19
Administration 25 % A
C Steven A Nowak
C $109,194 $0 $5,136 $0 $114,330 I Schedule 15
Representational Activities 50 % Schedule 16
Political Activities and Lobbying % Schedule 17
Contributions % Schedule 18
General Overhead 25 % Schedule 19
Administration 25 %
Okey Dokey Cowboy.....

From AMFA 2008 LM-2 report in which they paid Delle his astronomical sum....look at the starting and ending assets. They were loosing money yet still piad the director half a million in salary. Whats more, they continued to purchase home loans as an investment. We all know now that mortgage baked securities was a really bad idea.

Number Start of Reporting Period
(A) End of Reporting Period
( B) 22. Cash $623,806 $126,720 23. Accounts Receivable 1 $1,220,289 $507,941 24. Loans Receivable 2 $0 $0 25. U.S. Treasury Securities $0 $0 26. Investments 5 $0 $593,113 27. Fixed Assets 6 $92,011 $59,853 28. Other Assets 7 $38,308 $14,251 29. TOTAL ASSETS $1,974,414 $1,301,878
Number Start of Reporting Period
(A) End of Reporting Period
( B) 30. Accounts Payable 8 $621,934 $309,814 31. Loans Payable 9 $8,667 $184,694 32. Mortgages Payable $0 $0 33. Other Liabilities 10 $609,791 $1,286,803 34. TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,240,392 $1,781,311 35. NET ASSETS $734,022 -$479,433
Description (if land or buildings give location)
(A) Cost
( B) Book Value
© Gross Sales Price
(D) Amount Received
(E) Total of all lines $534,421 $534,421 $494,281 $490,814 Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trust Series 2006-7 $3,085 $3,085 $3,085 $3,085 Banc Amer Alternative Ln Tr Series 2006-9 $8,029 $8,029 $8,029 $8,029 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Series 3319 $100,369 $100,369 $90,876 $90,876 Gov't National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-44 $23,590 $23,590 $20,443 $20,443 Gov't national Mortgage Assn Series 2008-44 $69,475 $69,475 $66,327 $66,327 Federal National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-35 $100,163 $100,163 $91,257 $91,257 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Series 2007-10 $6,101 $6,101 $6,101 $6,101 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Series 2006-11 $7,255 $7,255 $7,255 $7,255 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Tr Series 2006-21 $2,031 $2,031 $2,031 $2,031 Bank of America Mortgage Series 2007-3 $875 $875 $875 $875 Freddie Mac CMO/Series 2781 $47,612 $47,612 $47,612 $44,145 Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trst Series 2006-7 $3,085 $3,085 $3,085 $3,085 Banc Amer Alternative Ln Tr Series 2006-9 $5,353 $5,353 $5,353 $5,353 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Series 3319 $100,369 $100,369 $89,376 $89,376 Federal National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-35 $50,081 $50,081 $45,628 $45,628 Wells Fargo Mortgage Bkd Sec Series 2006-10 $4,950 $4,950 $4,950 $4,950 Wells Fargo Mortgage Bkd sec Series 2006-11 $1,998 $1,998 $1,998 $1,998 14. Less Reinvestments $0 (Net Sales total will automatically entered in Item 43) 15. Net Sales $490,814 Form LM-2 (Revised 2003)
Description (if land or buildings, give location)
(A) Cost
( B) Book Value
© Cash Paid
(D) Total of all lines $1,197,836 $1,197,836 $1,197,836 Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trust Series 2006-7 $40,926 $40,926 $40,926 Banc Amer Alternative Ln Tr Series 2006-9 $96,347 $96,347 $96,347 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Series 3319 $100,368 $100,368 $100,368 Gov't National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-44-DA $89,918 $89,918 $89,918 Federal National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-35 $100,163 $100,163 $100,163 Freddie Mac CMO/Series 2781 $47,612 $47,612 $47,612 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2007-10 $145,653 $145,653 $145,653 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2006-11 $116,686 $116,686 $116,686 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Tr Series 2006-21 $28,328 $28,328 $28,328 Bank of America Mortgage Sec Series 2007-3 $19,449 $19,449 $19,449 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Series 2898 $6,772 $6,772 $6,772 Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trust Series 2006-7 $40,926 $40,926 $40,926 Banc Amer Alternative Ln Tr Series 2006-9 $64,233 $64,233 $64,233 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Series 3319 $100,368 $100,368 $100,368 Federal National Mortgage Assn Series 2008-35 $50,081 $50,081 $50,081 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2007-10 $118,203 $118,203 $118,203 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2007-11 $31,803 $31,803 $31,803 14. Less Reinvestments $0 (Net Purchases total will automatically entered in Item 60) 15. Net Purchases $1,197,836 Form LM-2 (Revised 2003)
(A) Amount
( B) Marketable Securities 1. Total Cost $666,565 2. Total Book Value $593,113 3. List each marketable security which has a book value over $5000 and exceeds 5% of Line 2.
  • Bank of America Mortgage Sec Series 2005-5
  • Banc Amer Alt Loan Trust Series 2005-6
  • Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2006-11
  • Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trust Series 2006-7
  • Banc Amer Alternative Loan Trust Series 2006-9
  • CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Tr Series 2006-21
  • Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2007-10
  • Bank of America Mortgage Sec Series 2007-3
  • Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Series 2898
  • Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2006-11
  • Citicorp Mortgage Securities Trust Series 2006-7
  • Banc Amer Alternative Loan Trust Series 2006-9
  • Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Sec Series 2007-10
$95,396 Other Investments 4. Total Cost $0 5. Total Book Value $0 6. List each other investment which has a book value over $5000, of Line 5. Also list each Trust which is an investment.
  • N/A
$0 7. Total of Lines 2 and 5 (Total will be automatically entered in Item 26, Column( B)) $593,113
Form LM-2 (Revised 2003)

Olivio V Delle-Femine
P $558,494 $0 $1,900 $0 $560,394 I Schedule 15
Representational Activities 50 % Schedule 16
Political Activities and Lobbying % Schedule 17
Contributions % Schedule 18
General Overhead 10 % Schedule 19
Administration 40 % A
C Steve MacFarlan
Assistant Director
C $119,783 $0 $4,581 $0 $124,36
Just send a link, most here can read an LM-2.
Try some formatting also, looks like gobbly gook.
The real question is how much do the ibt goons earn YOY.
A one off $500,000 to OV for his exit is fine (IMHO).
Why don't you post the ibt local presidents LM-2.
You do remember that the AMFA local officers received contract rates as per the constitution.

But then again, you just obfuscate anyway.
Blame AMFA, that's your crutch. :lol:
B) xUT

Why do you think I am wasting my time here? I lost a big chunk of my pay and benefits to save my job. In exchange, "they" gave me an airline. I lost the airline, but thanks to a nice Republican President, I earned back some of what had been taken away.........
For a few paychecks at least. Then I lost that, with interest. They took even more.

When there was not much left to give, "they" decided to take a nice big chunk out of my retirement as a tip.

Of course it is about me. It's about you too because this crap should sound familiar.

In these last few months since we got a contract, things are getting back to normal. One part that I wish I had back was a decent pension. I say "I" but trust me, when you loose yours, it will not be only you who wants it back.

I had a chance at getting a pension back, but a group of employee members, who just happened to be AMFA loyalist, killed that idea and I never even got to vote on the idea. Sound familiar?

I have said all along that AMFA helped create my loathing for the association because of the damage they did to me. As it tuns out, they ruined thousands of other lives as well.

Of course it is about me. Ask any one else who lost as much as I did because of AMFA. It's about them too.

Will it be about you? Stick with AMFA and find out for yourself.

And you think they have to pay me to do this......

Sad little fellow, the non-existent AMFA forced the mighty ibt not to seek a membership vote for a DB (of any kind).
Who will you blame next contract? Oh yea, AMFA... :lol:
B) xUT
Just send a link, most here can read an LM-2.
Try some formatting also, looks like gobbly gook.
The real question is how much do the ibt goons earn YOY.
A one off $500,000 to OV for his exit is fine (IMHO).
Why don't you post the ibt local presidents LM-2.
You do remember that the AMFA local officers received contract rates as per the constitution.

But then again, you just obfuscate anyway.
Blame AMFA, that's your crutch. :lol:
B) xUT

Why bother? The debate is still about Craft Unionism versus Industrial Unionism!!

The LM-2's are not making one damn bit of difference in the direction of the profession.

We could line up people to sling mud on both sides for days. In fact that is the only thing Industrial Unionist are good at doing.

No wonder Apathy runs so high in these organizations. Never any hope, never any democracy, never any accountability.

Just mud slinging, if not directed at the members, then directed at Polticians in Campaigns.

This is not getting any of us anywhere accept against one another.

One day the mud slinging will either destroy us all, or we will come to realize that adult oriented debate and democratic voting is the only correct way to resolve our differences. Funny we don't see this mental ignorance from the Pilot Group.

Some seem to believe that as long you still exist, even if you alienate and weaken your entire membership strength, as long as dues are still coming in then you can claim to have a union.....which is sad. Doesn't matter to these individuals how dirty the game is played, as long as they remain in power and have your cash in the bank they believe they are advancing organized labor. I beg to differ. Just look at the last 60 years and you will see it too.

At some point we have to realize that the future of this profession is more important than bickering to prevent a democratic vote to take place because someone fears the outcome of the memberships direction.
Anomaly is using misdirection of the representational issue in attempt to placate a personal loss that no other seems to be complaining about. In other words he is he under false a pretense .
Why bother? The debate is still about Craft Unionism versus Industrial Unionism!!

The LM-2's are not making one damn bit of difference in the direction of the profession.

We could line up people to sling mud on both sides for days. In fact that is the only thing Industrial Unionist are good at doing.

No wonder Apathy runs so high in these organizations. Never any hope, never any democracy, never any accountability.

Just mud slinging, if not directed at the members, then directed at Polticians in Campaigns.

This is not getting any of us anywhere accept against one another.

One day the mud slinging will either destroy us all, or we will come to realize that adult oriented debate and democratic voting is the only correct way to resolve our differences. Funny we don't see this mental ignorance from the Pilot Group.

Some seem to believe that as long you still exist, even if you alienate and weaken your entire membership strength, as long as dues are still coming in then you can claim to have a union.....which is sad. Doesn't matter to these individuals how dirty the game is played, as long as they remain in power and have your cash in the bank they believe they are advancing organized labor. I beg to differ. Just look at the last 60 years and you will see it too.

At some point we have to realize that the future of this profession is more important than bickering to prevent a democratic vote to take place because someone fears the outcome of the memberships direction.

You are the OP of this thread :
"Teamsters Pension Fund in"RED ZONE" - They need your AA AMT Money!"

Unions fighting for M&R representation is a filthy battle as with any union change.
It should not be like this however, 'unions' are not what they were meant to be.
I can stop posting here if that would appease you but it will not stop the 'tide' of lies, half truths, obfuscation and rhetoric but remove one voice.

Take Care,
B) xUT
You are the OP of this thread :
"Teamsters Pension Fund in"RED ZONE" - They need your AA AMT Money!"

Unions fighting for M&R representation is a filthy battle as with any union change.
It should not be like this however, 'unions' are not what they were meant to be.
I can stop posting here if that would appease you but it will not stop the 'tide' of lies, half truths, obfuscation and rhetoric but remove one voice.

Take Care,
B) xUT

I am in no way asking you to stop posting here. The lies, half truths, ect. is actually beneficial to the cause towards change. This crap is all the members have heard for years now, and
Anomaly and others are our best organizers.

I was only stating my opinion......again.

Wollering in the mud is not a good idea against professional mud slingers.
And in the end, there is only a few issues that will change the direction of the profession.....which is the goal.

Winning a mud slinging contest is of no value.
Losing a mud slinging contest is about the same in value.

I am no expert and admittedly weak on this subject,

Now after the merger is complete and let's say we do end up with another pension plan, I will receive credit for working while under that plan in addition to my PBGC funds when I retire. Some plans offer incentives for joining such as two for one credit for certain years but those to are negotiate and determined by the individual plan.

But, like I said, I am no expert. If they are still around, I would ask one of the two Teamster Reps there in Tulsa .
Ok pal, so you recognize your "weakness" but not enough to deny yourself to spin the BS. Let me help you out. To say that you will receive credit for your previous time is putting a spin out that gives folks false hope. Have you confirmed this?, I doubt it. The teamsters pension funds have very rigid rules as to how they will credit a member for past credit. "two for one credit"! maybe with the side deals for the top dogs of the Union but doubtful for the members with todays Pension Funds struggling to stay out of the red.
In another post there was a brief mention of retirees needing to suppliment their pension $$ with a side job. Again, the funds have very strict reqirements for whether a retiree can work after receiving his/her check. Members have had their pension checks suspended if prior 'approval' hadn't been obtained and in some examples, a retired member has had the pension check denied until post-retirement employment was terminated.
Oh, and teamster reps not Organizers, really?!!

Why do you think I am wasting my time here? I lost a big chunk of my pay and benefits to save my job. In exchange, "they" gave me an airline. I lost the airline, but thanks to a nice Republican President, I earned back some of what had been taken away.........
For a few paychecks at least. Then I lost that, with interest. They took even more.

I believe you are wasting your time here because you are looking for redemption for an alleged foul against you as an individual. There are no other active posters supporting your position.

When there was not much left to give, "they" decided to take a nice big chunk out of my retirement as a tip.

Of course it is about me. It's about you too because this crap should sound familiar.

In these last few months since we got a contract, things are getting back to normal. One part that I wish I had back was a decent pension. I say "I" but trust me, when you loose yours, it will not be only you who wants it back.

So you want to be our savior and are here to protect us from ourselves?

I had a chance at getting a pension back, but a group of employee members, who just happened to be AMFA loyalist, killed that idea and I never even got to vote on the idea. Sound familiar?

Isn't that what Democracy is?

I have said all along that AMFA helped create my loathing for the association because of the damage they did to me. As it tuns out, they ruined thousands of other lives as well.

Of course it is about me. Ask any one else who lost as much as I did because of AMFA. It's about them too.

Will it be about you? Stick with AMFA and find out for yourself.

Do I not have the right to exercise my own manifest destiny? (Advocates of Manifest Destiny believed that expansion was not only wise but that it was readily apparent (manifest) and inexorable (destiny).

And you think they have to pay me to do this......

Yes I truly believe that you are a paid organizer. Please explain why you arrived on this board when you did? It is rather obvious that a large part of the material you post is plagiaristic in nature.
Ok pal, so you recognize your "weakness" but not enough to deny yourself to spin the BS. Let me help you out. To say that you will receive credit for your previous time is putting a spin out that gives folks false hope. Have you confirmed this?, I doubt it. The teamsters pension funds have very rigid rules as to how they will credit a member for past credit. "two for one credit"! maybe with the side deals for the top dogs of the Union but doubtful for the members with todays Pension Funds struggling to stay out of the red.
In another post there was a brief mention of retirees needing to suppliment their pension $$ with a side job. Again, the funds have very strict reqirements for whether a retiree can work after receiving his/her check. Members have had their pension checks suspended if prior 'approval' hadn't been obtained and in some examples, a retired member has had the pension check denied until post-retirement employment was terminated.
Oh, and teamster reps not Organizers, really?!!

You are speculating without fact. Do you know what the West Coat conference offered us exactly? Initially it was a very good deal. Believe it or don't. We know what happened at UAL.
Why bother? The debate is still about Craft Unionism versus Industrial Unionism!!

The LM-2's are not making one damn bit of difference in the direction of the profession.

We could line up people to sling mud on both sides for days. In fact that is the only thing Industrial Unionist are good at doing.

No wonder Apathy runs so high in these organizations. Never any hope, never any democracy, never any accountability.

Just mud slinging, if not directed at the members, then directed at Polticians in Campaigns.

This is not getting any of us anywhere accept against one another.

One day the mud slinging will either destroy us all, or we will come to realize that adult oriented debate and democratic voting is the only correct way to resolve our differences. Funny we don't see this mental ignorance from the Pilot Group.

Some seem to believe that as long you still exist, even if you alienate and weaken your entire membership strength, as long as dues are still coming in then you can claim to have a union.....which is sad. Doesn't matter to these individuals how dirty the game is played, as long as they remain in power and have your cash in the bank they believe they are advancing organized labor. I beg to differ. Just look at the last 60 years and you will see it too.

At some point we have to realize that the future of this profession is more important than bickering to prevent a democratic vote to take place because someone fears the outcome of the memberships direction.

TWU informer, you talk down about MUD SLINGING, but should I remind you WHO started this post????


I am throwing back. I can go on for days about AMFA failures if you would like?

The UAL guys who are adding to this should lend to what we are going through on an everyday basis. Since we went to AMFA, xUT, Third Seat Hero, and myself, constantly arguing and fighting is an everyday thing. This type of mud throwing happens at work and never stops here at UAL. It has been going on for years. All the while, the company laughs.

Things are getting better as our present Union gains trust. My message to you all is simple. Don't wind up like UAL. We are the worst example. Don't use one union as a stepping stone for another. You will never fully heal.

If AMFA is your choice, STAY WITH THEM. But make sure they are who you really believe they are.