T-RUMP wants to Buy GREENLAND !

I never said you wanted to abolish Social Securiy. Indeed...I'll be you are planning on collecting Social Security and using Medicare when you are 65.
First off that comment about abolishing Social Security was not directed at you, it was directed at Bears as a response to one of his posts. That is why I quoted HIM.

Republicans wanted star wars and an even bigger military, so none of that money was sent to the "trust fund". It was sent to the general fund. THAT way Republicans wouldn't need to borrow from Social Security, although they still did.
Let's not pretend the Democrats did not raid the Social Security fund okay? At least the Republicans took steps to lock out government borrowing (privatization). What did the Democrats do? What they always do of course, ask for more tax money to fix a problem the government created in the first place. Rinse and repeat.

I'm just pointing out what Republicans have planned for you. You might want to read up on that before you vote in 2020.
Taking our forum post history into consideration and knowing that I view the Democratic party as nothing less than a bunch of treasonous communist that have turned their back on the American citizen in favor of pandering to illegals based on population forecasts in an attempt to gain future support for their agendas, what makes you think I would support them in any way?

The fact that Democrats are all too ready to blame every problem that every minority has ever had since the dawn of time on "systematic racist whites" and allude to whites getting a free pass on the challenges of life due to their "white privilege" is pretty telling. They Democratic party has all but stated that whites are their political enemy. The modern version of 1984's 2 minutes of hate.

The best part of the whole con.... Democrats themselves have socially engineered the failure of minority communities. They present themselves as the "saviors" using distribution of wealth to buy favor and support for political agendas. They delude these communities with ever growing list of entitlement programs but do nothing to actually alleviate poverty, and why would they? Their whole model is based off manipulation, dependence and blame shifting.

Feel free to familiarize yourself with the term "ally theater". This pretty much sums up the Democratic party.

Minorities are being victimized all right but it is not by "systematic racist whites" exercising their "white privilege", it is by manipulative Democrats.

Why would I vote for that?

More to the point, why would you?
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First off that comment about abolishing Social Security was not directed at you, it was directed at Bears as a response to one of his posts. That is why I quoted HIM.

Let's not pretend the Democrats did not raid the Social Security fund okay? At least the Republicans took steps to lock out government borrowing (privatization). What did the Democrats do? What they always do of course, ask for more tax money to fix a problem the government created in the first place. Rinse and repeat.

Taking our forum post history into consideration and knowing that I view the Democratic party as nothing less than a bunch of treasonous communist that have turned their back on the American citizen in favor of pandering to illegals based on population forecasts in an attempt to gain future support for their agendas, what makes you think I would support them in any way?

The fact that Democrats are all too ready to blame every problem that every minority has ever had since the dawn of time on "systematic racist whites" and allude to whites getting a free pass on the challenges of life due to their "white privilege" is pretty telling. They Democratic party has all but stated that whites are their political enemy. The modern version of 1984's 2 minutes of hate.

The best part of the whole con.... Democrats themselves have socially engineered the failure of minority communities. They present themselves as the "saviors" using distribution of wealth to buy favor and support for political agendas. They delude these communities with ever growing list of entitlement programs but do nothing to actually alleviate poverty, and why would they? Their whole model is based off manipulation, dependence and blame shifting.

Feel free to familiarize yourself with the term "ally theater". This pretty much sums up the Democratic party.

Minorities are being victimized all right but it is not by "systematic racist whites" exercising their "white privilege", it is by manipulative Democrats.

Why would I vote for that?

More to the point, why would you?

Well...just pay attention to tax cut 2.0. Look into what is being cut. Then.....listen to what the greatest president this country has ever had has said about his plans for these entitlement plans of Social Security and Medicare. You've listened well when they talk about cutting entitlements (well except the part where they consider Social Security and Medicare to be entitlements). Then listen when they talk about privatization for reform. I think you'll hear about the same thing you heard in their plans for healthcare....crickets. Don't listen to me. Don't listen to NHBB. But listen really close to Donald Trump. Not the rally stuff - the job related stuff. Listen really close to what Mitch McConnell says. If you still want to vote Republican after that, well....remember did it to yourself.
Well...just pay attention to tax cut 2.0. Look into what is being cut. Then.....listen to what the greatest president this country has ever had has said about his plans for these entitlement plans of Social Security and Medicare. You've listened well when they talk about cutting entitlements (well except the part where they consider Social Security and Medicare to be entitlements). Then listen when they talk about privatization for reform. I think you'll hear about the same thing you heard in their plans for healthcare....crickets. Don't listen to me. Don't listen to NHBB. But listen really close to Donald Trump. Not the rally stuff - the job related stuff. Listen really close to what Mitch McConnell says. If you still want to vote Republican after that, well....remember did it to yourself.
All right KCFlyer, select some media and post a link. I will look at it.
Well...just pay attention to tax cut 2.0. Look into what is being cut. Then.....listen to what the greatest president this country has ever had has said about his plans for these entitlement plans of Social Security and Medicare. You've listened well when they talk about cutting entitlements (well except the part where they consider Social Security and Medicare to be entitlements). Then listen when they talk about privatization for reform. I think you'll hear about the same thing you heard in their plans for healthcare....crickets. Don't listen to me. Don't listen to NHBB. But listen really close to Donald Trump. Not the rally stuff - the job related stuff. Listen really close to what Mitch McConnell says. If you still want to vote Republican after that, well....remember did it to yourself.

As opposed to what? WTF does your fellow communist DNC candidates have to offer that will grow the economy? They offer nothing other then giveaways at tax payers expense. Remember your messiah Obama said low GDP and growth was the new normal.

You think massive taxes and regulations will expand the economy?

No one who voted Trump will switch to your communist contenders, no matter what you think Trump says, or doesn’t say.
I read 5 articles of the link you sent. Every single one of them stated the same thing, that Trump was open to the idea of cutting Social Security and Medicare.

However, not ONE article stated what those cuts could possibly be. Instead of dealing in fact it's like I was reading something written in a creative writing class with the goal of influencing the reader.

The quality of the writing was not done to a professional standard. It was like reading an amateur blog or opinion piece from some intern.

The cherry on top of the $h1t Sunday is Forbes doing exactly what the left does, turning Social Security into a civil rights/race issue painting minorities as "victims".


Preserving and expanding Social Security isn’t just an economic issue—it’s a civil rights issue, as Maya Rockeymoore Cummings and Meizhu Lui have argued. Due to the racial wealth gap, as well as the fact that minority workers have worse jobs and relatively lower employer pension coverage, non-white workers have a unique reliance on their Social Security benefits in retirement.

If you want me to give what you have to say any serious consideration you are going to have to do better than a link to a bunch of non professional, low quality, carbon copy stories based in "may" and "could".
Your link consists of LWNJ’s having a case of the vapors over nothing burgers.

Much like yourself.

Go ahead and vote Republican....then get ready to retire at 80...if at all. Just dismiss and don't think. That's why you vote Republican.
I read 5 articles of the link you sent. Every single one of them stated the same thing, that Trump was open to the idea of cutting Social Security and Medicare.

What a difference a few years makes. Here's you man in 2015. I know a minute and a half is pushing your attention span, but just move forward to about 1:27.

Go ahead and vote Republican....then get ready to retire at 80...if at all. Just dismiss and don't think. That's why you vote Republican.
My retirement $$$ is already secured well ahead of time I retire. I planned accordingly decades ago.

Not like people like you who depend on career politicians planning your life for you.
My retirement $$$ is already secured well ahead of time I retire. I planned accordingly decades ago.

Not like people like you who depend on career politicians planning your life for you.
I retired already. 62. Life is good. Not depending on anybody. Just enjoying life.
I retired already. 62. Life is good. Not depending on anybody. Just enjoying life.

I seriously doubt it by the way you run around in a panic frenzy. You most likely have been a serial mooch living off any and all government cheese you can get your hands on.

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