Surprise: Liberals Are Just as Morally Righteous as Conservatives

KCFlyer said:
INteresting choice for your presidential hopeful there dell...Clinton was a draft dodger, Obama never served.  Ted #### himself for a week (and wore it) to avoid getting drafted.   Hard to figure since his government was willing to GIVE him all the guns and ammo he could have ever wanted.  What a FINE representative for the conservative cause. 
Let's talk about how CBS edited Ted Cruz on "Face the Nation" to push their liberal agenda. 
I am voting for Ted Cruz.
KCFlyer said:
INteresting choice for your presidential hopeful there dell...Clinton was a draft dodger, Obama never served.  Ted #### himself for a week (and wore it) to avoid getting drafted.   Hard to figure since his government was willing to GIVE him all the guns and ammo he could have ever wanted.  What a FINE representative for the conservative cause. 
Prove it Pal.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
This is literally the only thing you have ever posted I have had the slightest interest in. This is a surprisingly deep comment considering the source.  Congratulations you just proved the "infinite monkey theorem".

Yet it is perfectly fine for the government to steal money from working America to fund "entitlement" groups. 
You know...... people benefiting from others labor without the laborers' consent. 

Women are now doing that on their own.
Tax s and slavery are equal to you? Wow.
"Theodore Anthony Nugent first received a high school 1-S deferment in February 1967, when he was 18. After briefly being reclassified as available for service, Nugent got a 2-S college deferment when he enrolled in Oakland Community College in Michigan."

"In August 1969, Nugent took his draft physical and was rejected for service. He was classified as 1-Y, indicating that he was qualified for service only in time of a national emergency. The 1-Y classification was usually issued to candidates saddled with significant medical or mental issues."

"In interviews, Nugent has provided varying accounts of how he avoided a seat on a troop transport to Southeast Asia. In a 1977 High Times interview, he claimed to have stopped bathing a month before his draft physical, adding that he showed up for the exam with pants crusted with urine and feces. I was a walking, talking hunk of human poop, recalled Nugent."
Glenn Quagmire said:
"Theodore Anthony Nugent first received a high school 1-S deferment in February 1967, when he was 18. After briefly being reclassified as available for service, Nugent got a 2-S college deferment when he enrolled in Oakland Community College in Michigan."

"In August 1969, Nugent took his draft physical and was rejected for service. He was classified as 1-Y, indicating that he was qualified for service only in time of a national emergency. The 1-Y classification was usually issued to candidates saddled with significant medical or mental issues."

"In interviews, Nugent has provided varying accounts of how he avoided a seat on a troop transport to Southeast Asia. In a 1977 High Times interview, he claimed to have stopped bathing a month before his draft physical, adding that he showed up for the exam with pants crusted with urine and feces. I was a walking, talking hunk of human poop, recalled Nugent."
I'd like to  know why, in 1972 they used a form from 1977 and its date preppared is 2007. Sounds like boosheet to me Dude.
"High Times:
How did you get out of the draft?
Ted was a young boy, appearing to be a hippie but quite opposite in fact, working hard and playing hard, playing rock and roll like a deviant. People would question my sanity, I played so much. So I got my notice to be in the draft. Do you think I was gonna lay down my guitar and go play army? Give me a break! I was busy doin it to it. I had a career Jack. If I was walkin around, hippying down, getting loaded and pickin my ass like your common curs, Id say Hey yeah, go in the army. Beats the poop out of scuffin around in the gutters. But I wasnt a gutter dog. I was a hard workin, mother****in rock and roll musician.
I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more washing my hair, no baths, no soap, no water. Thirty days of debris build. I stopped shavin and I was 18, had a little scraggly beard, really looked like a hippie. I had long hair, and it started gettin kinky, matted up. Then two weeks before, I stopped eating any food with nutritional value. I just had chips, Pepsi, beer-stuff I never touched-buttered poop, little jars of Polish sausages, and Id drink the syrup, I was this side of death, Then a week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, piss the whole shot. My pants got crusted up.
See, I approached the whole thing like, Ted Nugent, cool hard-workin dude, is gonna wreak havoc on these imbeciles in the armed forces. Im gonna play their own game, and Im gonna destroy em. Now my whole body is crusted in poop and piss. I was ill. And three or four days before, I started stayin awake. I was close to death, but I was in control. I was extremely antidrug as Ive always been, but I snorted some crystal methedrine. Talk about one wounded mother *****. A guy put up four lines, and it was for all four of us, but I didnt know and Im vacuuming that poop right up. I was a walking, talking hunk of human poop. I was six-foot-three of sin. So the guys took me down to the physical, and my nerves, my emotions were distraught. I was not a good person. I was wounded. But as painful and nauseous as it was cause I was really into bein clean and on the ball I made gutter swine hippies look like football players. I was deviano.
So I went in, and those guys in uniform couldnt believe the smell. They were ridiculin me and pushin me around and I was cryin, but all the time I was laughin to myself. When they stuck the needle in my arm for the blood test I passed out, and when I came to they were kicking me into the wall. Then they made everybody take off their pants, and I did, and this sergeant says, Oh my God, put those back on! You ***** swine you! Then they had a urine test and I couldnt piss, But my poop was just like ooze, man, so I poop in the cup and put it on the counter. I had poop on my hand and my arm. The guy almost puked. I was so proud. I knew I had these chumps beat. The last thing I remember was wakin up in the ear test booth and they were sweepin up. So I went home and cleaned up.
They took a putty knife to me. I got the street rats out of my hair, ate some good steaks, beans, potatoes, cottage cheese, milk. A couple of days and I was ready to kick ass. And in the mail I got this big juicy 4-F. Theyd call dead people before theyd call my ass. But you know the funny thing about it? Id make an incredible army man. Id be a colonel before you knew what hit you, and Id have the baddest bunch of mother****in killers youd ever seen in my platoon. But I just wasnt into it. I was too busy doin my own thing, you know? actually says claims Nugent “evaded the draft in the 1960s by taking drugs and acting crazy” are “undetermined.”
Fact Checker will go one step further and say Kirwin’s claim about draft dodging is false.
A draft dodger is someone who avoids the draft, for instance by moving to Canada or not signing up for the draft in the first place. Someone who registers for the draft, as Nugent did, by definition is not a draft dodger. Rather, he says, he avoided serving.
In 1977, Nugent told High Times magazine that the week before his military physical, he stopped going to the bathroom and just did his business in his pants — “I was a walking, talking hunk of human poop.” (There’s no suggestion he wore a diaper, as Kirwin states.) He also said he snorted meth.
He later told the UK Independent that he made up those stories and he got a student deferment to go to Oakland Community College.
Still later, he told Creem magazine he snorted cocaine before his draft physical.
Government records show Nugent originally got a student deferment in 1969 (not exactly befitting the gonzo reputation of the “Motor City madman”) and when student deferments were ended, he got a 4-F designation that he was “not qualified for military service,” which could be for medical or mental reasons.
The whole point of bringing this up is to tar Nugent as a hypocrite since he now supports the U.S. military and various wars. This rings false.
Is this the way you educated yourself about progressives and their agenda?
Now don't get PO'd and go away.....
All I did was post his own words. If he says he made it up, so be it. I like his music. He should have stuck to that. But hey, he is entitled to be a lunatic fringe hero.

So tell me, was he lying then, or now?
Glenn Quagmire said:
All I did was post his own words. If he says he made it up, so be it. I like his music. He should have stuck to that. But hey, he is entitled to be a lunatic fringe hero.
You posted unsourced internet BS to keep the slander alive.
Keep the lie alive and it becomes the truth....Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.
None. Maybe we will have a Cruz/Nugent Republican ticket. Fa la Li Lo it da will have a platform he can actually support.