Surprise: Liberals Are Just as Morally Righteous as Conservatives


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
This one is for you fa la la la la la la:

Crunching together this large body of similar research, Skitka and colleagues didn't find much convincing evidence that conservatives feel more morally righteous than liberals do. For instance, in total the 21 studies examined the moral commitments of liberals and conservatives on 41 separate political issues, from drug policy to the Israel-Palestine conflict. But on the large majority of those issues—28 of them in all—liberals and conservatives showed about the same level of moral conviction. Of the remainder, conservatives felt more strongly about 7 issues (immigration, abortion, states' rights, gun control, physician-assisted suicide, the deficit, and the federal budget) and liberals felt more strongly about 6 issues (climate change, the environment, gender equality, income inequality, healthcare reform, and education).
Different levels of moral conviction from left to right might tell us a lot about how particular issues play out, then (think abortion). But there's wasn't a very big difference in moral conviction overall.
I'm curious how they define morally righteous. I would agree that most folks are passionate about their beliefs. I for one do not believe that my support for various issues is in any way morally based. I do not believe abortion is moral in any way. I believe it is a matter of individual rights. My fundamental right and wrong is legally based not morally based. I do not think that is the case for lost who are against abortion. A majority of the arguments I hear are religious and moral in nature.
Ms Tree said:
I'm curious how they define morally righteous. I would agree that most folks are passionate about their beliefs. I for one do not believe that my support for various issues is in any way morally based. I do not believe abortion is moral in any way. I believe it is a matter of individual rights. My fundamental right and wrong is legally based not morally based. I do not think that is the case for lost who are against abortion. A majority of the arguments I hear are religious and moral in nature.
4) Liberals are big believers in moral relativism. This spins them round and round because if the only thing that's wrong is saying that there's an absolute moral code, then you lose your ability to tell cause from effect, good from bad, and right from wrong. Taking being non-judgmental to the level that liberals do leaves them paralyzed, pondering "why they hate us" because they feel incapable of saying, “That's wrong," and doing something about it. If you're against firm standards and condemning immoral behavior, then your moral compass won’t work and you’ll also be for immorality, as well as societal and cultural decay by default.
I rest my case.
I think it is funny hearing la la talk about moral relativism.

Morality is always in flux and is always changing. It used to be ok to own another human being. Now not us much. Used to be ok to deprive women of equality. Now not so much.

Morality changes. Simple fact of life.
I saw how morally righteous the liberals are during the DNC convention in 2012 when it took no less than three floor voice votes to deny God in the DNC platform with an override by the chair to a yea vote, much to the floors dissatisfaction.
Ms Tree said:
Morality is always in flux and is always changing.
This is literally the only thing you have ever posted I have had the slightest interest in. This is a surprisingly deep comment considering the source.  Congratulations you just proved the "infinite monkey theorem".
Ms Tree said:
It used to be ok to own another human being. Now not us much.
Yet it is perfectly fine for the government to steal money from working America to fund "entitlement" groups. 
You know...... people benefiting from others labor without the laborers' consent. 
Ms Tree said:
 Used to be ok to deprive women of equality. Now not so much.
Women are now doing that on their own.
INteresting choice for your presidential hopeful there dell...Clinton was a draft dodger, Obama never served.  Ted **** himself for a week (and wore it) to avoid getting drafted.   Hard to figure since his government was willing to GIVE him all the guns and ammo he could have ever wanted.  What a FINE representative for the conservative cause. 