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Still Waiting!

scab scraper said:
hey SCABful of amfa(PUKE) if the airlines were doing so great why did you stay @ AA or do you put your time in some where else? you had time to leave but, no you stayed..whats with that? O i see you have an a&p & were making IL$ so you stayed
even tho amfa(PUKE) was trying to bust nw ..........which is NOW a done deal.....
nice job amfa (PUKE) so you stayed. makes sense to me NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are a pure bred SCAB.!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe someone could write a little story about that..........LOL
O & now the SCABmaster dAAve has spoken now, " listen up SCABS this your SCABmaster & we will not have any childish pictures or cartoons & no more name calling either" good one dAAve when it is convinent for you it's ok but, if someone says or sends a cartoon it is all over truth hurts huh????? i really like the sign.
that's the way it was at the brady that day remember? or did you stay inside?
hey SCABful Jim Little was here in Tulsa to debate & guess what "NO SHOW amfa"(PUKE)...y'all had the chance but "NO SHOW amfa"(PUKE).....
something else. who paid for the whine/dine of the head SCABS when they were in town that friday night before?? O you forgot.
"What we've got here is... failure to communicate. The Captain, Cool Hand Luke.

It is no mystery as to why we are LAST in pay and benefits. The twu is by far, the most embarrassing airline union of them all. AA is the last desperate stand for the twu. The twu has never met a concession it didn't like. With twu leaders and supporters of this poster's caliber, the twu M@R as a bargaining unit is doomed to failure, as has been evidenced by the past 20 years of twu misfortune and malfeasance.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Felons, and Functional Illiterates...... Team twu's finest.

hey princeAS_ SCAB.......... you have NO friends you only have SCABS HAHAHAHAHA & you couldn't find your way to tulsa even your SCAB leader
del were to bring you. eveR heard this "amfa(PUKE) out the dood in 04" i like it &
princeAS_ SCAB that is where your are. i write childish things because SCABS are that. bunch of little children trying to get their way & if you don't get it you whine/cry somebody cheated, somebody lied. it goes on/on/on/on with SCABS.
you know what i LOL about? when i see a SCAB wearing an amfa (PUKE) shirt & ya know what? that ain't many! never was never will be! have you heard this before??????
NO VOTE!!!!!NO VOTE!!!!!!NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!! O yeah the NMB lied/cheated. on/on/on
ya know something else? amfa (PUKE) sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you been reading SCABSCRAPER's posts here?

You must be quite proud to have SCABSCRAPER on your side!
Hopeful said:
You must be quite proud to have SCABSCRAPER on your side!
You're "damn right" there Hopeful......HA/HA/HA/ and I got my banjo on my knee....HE/HE/HE... 😛

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
Yeah, you and yer banjo....yeeeeehaaaaaa


  • B000002KEL.01.LZZZZZZZ.webp
    23.9 KB · Views: 67
So he calls 'em like he sees 'em...problemo? I'm actually proud of anyone that sees through AMFA's BS and promises. What I have seen is a handful of organizers that have fed on the misgivings of our industry to accomplish a selfish goal, ask Stewart about his VP position, talk about a loser.
I noticed you didn't dispute the banjo on the knee playing inbred!
Hopeful said:
I noticed you didn't dispute the banjo on the knee playing inbred!
So what's your point? You have the ability to call him anything you like, you really do not need my approval, but thanks for the offer. I do notice you look to the TWU activists for assurance, I understand.
Hopeful said:
Yeah, you and yer banjo....yeeeeehaaaaaa
Very good Hopeful, By the way I do own and have played the Banjo, but I prefer the Guitar. I also can play the song "Dueling Banjo's" quite well I might add...!!!!

Can you squeel like a pig?

If so I will recommend you for a casting call if they ever have a sequal to the movie Deliverence......Squeel,Squeel,SoooEEEE... :blink:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
Having been raped by the TWU, I just don't feel it anymore, no need to squeal!


  • B000002KEL.01.LZZZZZZZ.webp
    23.9 KB · Views: 68
By your posts I have to agree, you've been raped alright....but it wasn't the TWU...you're not Catholic are you?
Yea, you're right. The TWU has done wonders for the mechanic!


  • B000002KEL.01.LZZZZZZZ.webp
    23.9 KB · Views: 68
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL WHAT'S THAT I HEAR??????why just another SCAB !!!!!!! it's scabful, always wondered what you looked like. i wouldn't post any more pix they might think that you & princeAS_ are related all you amfa(PUKE) scabs come from the same tree & we know what that is huh?......................
you keep on waiting right here scabful. you're gonna find your answer of what "shared scafrice" is & you amfa(PUKE) SCABS ain't gonna like it(CARTY FOUND OUT & TWU STOOD UP, WHERES HE AT NOW?) 'cause everyone will be laughing @ you & telling you what to do with your cards :shock: .
maybe you can answer this ? scabful. your inbred sister princeAS_ says she went on a field trip to mci or stl, the ?, why would anyone send a stock clerk on a field trip, unless........maybe it wasn't princeAS_ but, someone else unless.....maybe dan? your inbred brother 😛 ...........................
like i've said time & again scabful y'all had plenty of time to leave & go to nw/ua/etc. but, y'all must enjoy being RAPED. get a life SCAB. you are so ate up with self it is pitiful.thats, what you should call yourself. something you SCABS WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND IS UNIONS SAVES JOBS. ASSOcaition is what walmart is & that is what you are. one of your SCABS asked how many nw people i talked to....151!!!!! & they all said same thing "NO amfa(PUKE)" look at one of your SCABS on this site he has a GREEN guy as his avitar. amfa(PUKE) green & he is looking over his shoulder to see if FEAR is catching him & guess what? IT IS," NO VOTE " but, the good side is he will still have a job because TWU is UNION & we save JOBS even the amfa (PUKE) SCABS.......................
We also pay our F/S people better than any other airline in the industry and our mechanics less than anyone else at AA. Who's fault is that? It's the mechanics for not getting rid of the TWscrew 20 years ago. Better late than never. Twscrew can go save someone else's job I want to be treated like the skilled work group we are. Kevin said he was coming back to work last week are you going to come over and call some MRO's at 5-A Kevin? They just can't ever seam to do what they say at the Twscrew. When is Twscrew going to make AA management share in the sacrifice? When are the Twscrew national officer going to share for that matter. We won't be waiting much longer. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!
so then mark it is ok for you if f/s etc. lose $ so you can have more 'cause YOU think you are skilled? OMG! mark you aren't the first SCAB to come up w/that.
you are smokin' something if you think the co. would "give" you more $ if they did take it from other uh..."work groups" just what is your idea of "skill" ? a&p
welding?machining?composite?plumbing?wiring?painting?...........you see the problem? no, i don't think you do, if you want to be in one "work group" you need to go to work for someone who pays for one thing. where are you gonna find that?
you people think you are this special group out there that are the only ones that knows or needs anything when in fact there would be no need for you if it weren't for these other "work groups". i think hss said it best "...........without me there is no you....." what we would have under your way of thinking is what a lot of your people (amfa(PUKE) talk about called "communism"!!!!!!!!! you can not control it all.those "other people" have a right to have a good wage just as much as you do & that SCAB, is where UNIONS step up & protect (get this)..ALL.. work groups.
HAHAHAHA & i thought you were smarter than that. guess i was wrong about you.

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