Stephen Wolf's Fairfax House 4 Sale: 12million

And for the sake of accuracy, Wolf's house is in Loudoun County, not Fairfax County. It's about 15-20 miles west of IAD.
PineyBob said:
Churches care, Charities Care,
"Churches care, Charities care". Maybe in theory, but many times not in fact. Pedophile priests. United Way in the DC area (and I'm sure many other areas) owning blocks of Redskins season tickets and throwing expensive shindigs to congratulate each other as to how wonderful they are. The former United Way president using charity money to own/maintain an expensive condo for his mistress. Sorry to sound so negative, but facts are facts. Not that churches and charities don't often do wonderful things, but they are FAR from 100% altruistic!
Oh and another thing about Wolfman's US Airways expense account. Company paid driver to and from "Tara", and company hotel suite (Hyatt) just in case he couldn't get home. I am figuring those two little expenses alone cost a dozen people their jobs.
Cav, I don't think people that live in 800K houses should be telling anyone what they should and shouldn't give up. As far as I am concerned its just shows utter arrogance. Like you I live in the real world do a good job and don't post delusions of grandeur on the internet. Those that do have way too much time on their hands or no life. All you can do when you read a certain note or hear a certain name is roll your eyes. Believe me we've been doing it for years about you know who. Good luck to us all.
FlyingHippie said:
Oh and another thing about Wolfman's US Airways expense account. Company paid driver to and from "Tara", and company hotel suite (Hyatt) just in case he couldn't get home. I am figuring those two little expenses alone cost a dozen people their jobs.
Don't forget that Wolfman (aka Mr Potato Head) got USAir (their name when he first took over) to count ALL his previous airline employment (Flying Tiger, Republic??, United, etc) as USAir employment for pension computation purposes. Can you imagine the average airline employee getting such a deal? Wolfman raped and pillaged the company like no other (except perhaps his trusty sidekick, Gangwal) and is more responsible than any other person for the (sorry to say it) likely demise of it. His idea of airline "management" was to change liveries (to his favorite blue/gray fetish just like he did at UAL, but reversed) and names. His infamous "impressions of excellence" was another totally doofie idea. Yeah, right, let's give an impression, i.e. facade, of great quality, and not change much of what is reality. Like slapping some Sears Weatherbeater on a shack made up of rotting wood. And the BOD had to pay a fortune for that kind of inept management? Oh, I forgot, the BOD was handpicked by Wolf. ;) I'm quite sure that Wolf was the one behind making a USAirways stock fund available for U employee's 401Ks. It supported the stock price and thus made Wolf's stock options more valuable. I feel sorry for the U employees who invested ANY money in that fund. Seems like they would have grounds for a class action suit.

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