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Stephen Wolf's Fairfax House 4 Sale: 12million

I am so thrilled that my contributions to US Airways could afford my ex CEO with such comfortable accomadation. And yes, I still must be payed way to much.
Not bad,I wonder how long it takes Steve to mow the yard...

Maybe Dave would like to move up to a bigger house.
Dilligas said:
cubfan02us said:
Not bad,I wonder how long it takes Steve to mow the yard...
Not long, I've heard a certain pilot has been doing it for years. 😉
sounds like someone has a "chip' on their shoulder!!!
PineyBob said:
Aw now don't be mean! Funny but mean!
Here's a guy who doesn't give two whits about anyone but his own sorry ###. Doesn't care if a junior guy with little kids can get health care coverage let alone his job back. Blindly agrees with some very privileged people who are nothing but deceiving, conniving, arrogant and self serving low life liars that don't care if the employees live or die. These people don’t care one iota as to employee moral and uses them as his pawns in some big game they are playing with peoples lives. So, personally I believe this is by far more than mean, and cruel being somewhat closer to the proper terminology. That said, I think Chip is getting off extremely easy!
SalesGuyCCY said:
Wait! How do you all KNOW it is Wolf's house??
As Foghorn Leghorn would say...

"Son, ah said son, never let the facts interfere with a good story."

Did you work for Bethleham Steel, Conrail, or Wollowth's before US Airways? I could have sworn your type of comments came from those defunct companies.

But, that's o.k. because Mr. Goodwrench is hiring mechanics at $13.00 per hour, where those who live in the past can reside.

Now after my smart aleck comments, let's talk reason for just one minute versus passing insults, which serve no useful purpose.

There has been a secular change in consumer buying habits throughout the world. When you go buy a TV, do you go to Circuit City or Best Buy or do you go to a Department Store? You go to Circuit City or Best Buy because you want a quality product at the lowest possible price.

The same is true in the airline industry. People will go to the company with the best possible product at the lowest possible price, e.g. the LCC's versus the legacy carriers.

Cav, it's basic economics and either we stop fighting and adjust, or I suggest you get your toolbox ready for a Mr. Goodwrench training course. Then you'll really be able to show em, except you will not have a union to protect at the Mall.


We didn't start the fight chip. We thought we were done with the "fighting" after giving our pensions, pay and work rules to a man who said he could fix the problem. His plan was and is flawed. He has no leadership qualities and you can't beat the LCC's by pinching pennies. That's just part of the solution chip. You need a motivated, loyal and dedicated work force. He doesn't have it. He could have but he chose a different route. That was his choice, not ours. Now we need to get rid of him and find someone like Kelleherm, Neeleman or Bethune. They understand the importance of the people who provide the product.

My suggestion for stopping the fighting and working together would be to work to have Dave Siegel removed from this airline. ALPA, CWA, IAM and AFA need to find a common strategy to have him removed. Then we can get to the business of competing and beating the LCC's. Until then we have problems. And problem one is Dave Siegel, not the LCC's.

BROVO! MRPANES here has just stated my feelings 110% and I don't think I can add another thought to it.

Chip: No, I am just a little more than a aircraft mechanic and have never worked in the steel mills or on cars or trucks not even tinker toys. I hold several government licenses and have three different skills under my belt. I came to U for the money and now glad I am not just a mechanic.

I agree with just one thing you have said and that is: Lets stop swapping insults, it's a waste of energy and to what end.

Personally, I think rather than bragging to everyone who you are, which is easy to track, and based on what piney bob believes, and he is actually correct at times, “that it's a cruel cold world out there“, given all of you postings trying to convince people of something they see as insanity and self centered...well all I can say and I truly mean this, you are braver than I, or have body guards. Going around demanding people sacrifice themselves to Dave’s promises of If’s is not going to win friends and influence people.
Some of the guys I work with make me look like a pussy cat when it comes to my slant on these issues. That is one of the big reasons Dave must go because these people have absolutely had it with him and his empty promises, they will never work with him even if it means looking for another job. Believe me or not, but I know because my job requires I work with most of them. I know people pretty well too. So keep beating your drum Chip, but I am afraid your drum skin is not stretched tight enough to be heard.
I guess the question that was presented to Chip some time ago on whether or not he would honor the IAM picket line if they were forced to strike has finally been answered! I am sure glad the majority of employee's at U decided to stick together and pool their resources against Evil vs caring about only themselves!!!! 😛

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