Station Manager Quits.


Oct 10, 2002
My former station mgr,city to remain anonymous,transfered,has been there 1 yr,
and has resigned,his retirement is intact,but does he know something the rest of us don't?

Very early 50's and about 20 some years with the company-
he's now Dir of Airport Operations...

If he can do it-so can we..

Better salary,and bennes..

Food for thought!
golden1 said:
My former station mgr,city to remain anonymous,transfered,has been there 1 yr,
and has resigned,his retirement is intact,but does he know something the rest of us don't?

Very early 50's and about 20 some years with the company-
he's now Dir of Airport Operations...

If he can do it-so can we..

Better salary,and bennes..

Food for thought!
My former station mgr,city to remain anonymous,transfered,has been there 1 yr,
and has resigned,his retirement is intact,but does he know something the rest of us don't?

Very early 50's and about 20 some years with the company-
he's now Dir of Airport Operations...

If he can do it-so can we..

Better salary,and bennes..

how in the hell did that happen. hundereds of millions stolen from pilots and he keeps his pension?????????????????
ANYONE who can retire at this time is foolish not to do so. Take whatever you can and run like the wind. You can get a P/T job somewhere to make some extra cash, and that will most likely be close to what we will end up earning here if we stay. Sad to say many of us have the time, but are too young to bail out and collect somewhat of a pension before it vanishes all together.
Supposedly...if you don't give the company 3 months notice you forfeit retirement benefits...passes, medical etc................So how do you find a new job and tell your new employer that you can't start work for 90 days.

At least I think that's what I've heard from USAir..ways employees
OldGuyinPA said:
Supposedly...if you don't give the company 3 months notice you forfeit retirement benefits...passes, medical etc................So how do you find a new job and tell your new employer that you can't start work for 90 days.

At least I think that's what I've heard from USAir..ways employees
Hey Oldguy
Your right. You must give 90 days notice and if you leave before that you gave up your medical and flight bennies. Personally I think the 90 days notice is just a way to give them 89 days to fire you :p
Gee ...Why would they want to do that ????

Most employees are waiting for a Siegle offer...

Tons of cash ....

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