station cuts for january

Lakeguy wont do that. The results will not benefit his leftist viewpoint nor that of his parents at the IAM and AFL-CIO offices.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 10/18/2002 5:31:36 PM N628AU wrote:[BR][BR]Lakeguy wont do that.  The results will not benefit his leftist viewpoint nor that of his parents at the IAM and AFL-CIO offices.----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][BR][BR][BR][BR]I am not a leftist, as a matter of fact grew up in a republican household and came out of the big republican machine in Nassau County, I was a registered republican until I educated myself on how republicans are not for the common man. I am in the middle of the road, I vote for candidates that are willing to help labor and not line the pockets of the rich. A leftist would not be in favor of the death penalty as I am. So I guess you need to learn a lesson and not judge people.[/P]
[P]My parents are dead, I grew up with a mother who was in AFSCME, but never got invovled until I saw the injustices that corporate america bestows on its workers. [BR][BR]Well I guess since Clinton wiped out the National Deficit, interests rates were low and there was more money in the economic system. Unemployment was low therefore driving up wages. I can't say one specific policy that benefited me it was the whole package excpet NAFTA, but you can't win them all.[/P]
[P]Also I dont live on this board and I have a life, so when I post I post, I dont run to my computer every five minutes to see what is being talked about.[/P]
[BR]And the Dems, did not start everglades jet or JetBlue, people want cheaper airfares and as long as there are people willing to work for less, you will have companies like that. [BR][BR]I seem to have misplaced my aviation history books, but what was the presidents name who signed the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978?
Without getting into a debate over defintions Lakeguy, if you look back over the period of time that most of these corporate shenanigans were going on, you would see that most, if not all, began in 2000 or earlier, during the reign of the Clinton Administration. Then again, the Clinton Justice Department was too busy trying to sue successful companies (Microsoft), because they were too successful.

Regardless, the economy is notoriously cyclical. The economy was on the road to recovery in 1992, but not fast enough for Bush Sr. The economy started to falter at the end of Clinton Administration, but jobs are a lagging, not leading indicator in the economy, so most of us did not feel it until after Bush Jr took over. This economy was hit with a double whammy due the terrorist attacks and people leery of accounting shenanigans. We have actually been in a recovery for sometime, but we just happen to be an industry hit worse than others, so it will take time to come back.
On 10/18/2002 7:19:48 PM Lakeguy67 wrote:

Back up your facts, instead of posting your opinion, because you know opinions are like anus' everyone has one and it stinks. [/P]

And I posted FACTS. Maybe you need a refresher.[/P]

Sorry I don't have my head up mine, so I couldn't tell you how it smells. but I am willing to look at ANY documentation that supports your facts. Which points do YOU dispute? I'll gladly give you a reference, but YOU will have to read it with an open mind
On 10/18/2002 7:08:32 PM Lakeguy67 wrote:

And the Dems, did not start everglades jet or JetBlue, people want cheaper airfares and as long as there are people willing to work for less, you will have companies like that.

From JetBlus website:

JetBlue's Chief Executive Officer David Neeleman added: With the support of Senator Schumer, Congresswoman Slaughter, Secretary Slater and many others, we are bringing an end to the regimen of high fares.
JetBlue wishes to express its gratitude to the Secretary of Transportation and the Assistant Secretary of Transportation for granting this order. Further, JetBlue is grateful for the leadership and strong support offered by United States Senator Charles Schumer, as well as Senators Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Patrick Leahy, Jim Jeffords, Bob Graham and Connie Mack.

Of course, all our buddies could have demanded he provide union wages as a condition of support....

As for Valujet, Clintons transportation sec was warned, but wanted to keep the lowfare airline going (good for votes)

There were no Enrons, WorldComs or Adelphias when Clinton was President.

Were all those companies keeping perfect books up until the day GWB was inaugerated? How much did Terry McCauliff make on Global Crossings? The tech bubble that is killing us today is the direct result of Clintons economic policies. It was all those profits from overinflated stock that balanced the budget. You condemn those companies for bad bookeeping while the truth is Clintons Commerce dept LIED about this countries economic condition in 2000 (look it up, my response is based on facts not cliches')
On 10/18/2002 7:08:32 PM Lakeguy67 wrote:

There was no Presidential Election in 1994, Who was President from 1992-2000? The answer would be Bill Clinton, therefore Erskine Bowles and Clinton were responsible for the elimination of the deficit.[/P]

News flash! Who authorizes spending? Matter of fact Slick Willy shut the government down because he didn't think a balanced budget was in his best interest.

Newt and his cronies, introduced the contract with america that was aimed at screwing the working class, it was a failure, that is why Newt and his cronies resigned Congress, QUITERS!. Also Newt was a hypocrite screwing around on his wife having an affair just like Clinton did. [/P]

Please dust off that high school civics book (and the Econ book for that matter). Although the Dems like to take credit for the internet, balanced budgets, and the sun rising each morning, they couldn't be farther from the truth. Read read read!!!! Information will help you overcome your programing.

You need to get your facts straight![/P]
[P][BR]There was no Presidential Election in 1994, Who was President from 1992-2000? The answer would be Bill Clinton, therefore Erskine Bowles and Clinton were responsible for the elimination of the deficit.[BR][BR]Newt and his cronies, introduced the contract with america that was aimed at screwing the working class, it was a failure, that is why Newt and his cronies resigned Congress, QUITERS!. Also Newt was a hypocrite screwing around on his wife having an affair just like Clinton did. [BR][BR]You need to get your facts straight![/P]
[P]And the Dems, did not start everglades jet or JetBlue, people want cheaper airfares and as long as there are people willing to work for less, you will have companies like that. Ask yourself why did all these companies move to mexico and pay their workers 80 cents an hour yet we as the consumer still pay the same price as we did when they paid an american worker wages that someone can live on. Why dont you lay blame on those companies who screw there workeres at the sake of profits.[/P]
[P]There were no Enrons, WorldComs or Adelphias when Clinton was President. And big bad W took taxpayers money to build his baseball team a new stadium and took the very same low interest loans from companies where he sat on the board, that Congress passed legislation to outlaw and he signed. [/P]
[P]Take off your elephant glasses and open your eyes.[/P]
On 10/18/2002 6:37:08 PM Lakeguy67 wrote:

Well I guess since Clinton wiped out the National Deficit, interests rates were low and there was more money in the economic system. Unemployment was low therefore driving up wages. I can't say one specific policy that benefited me it was the whole package excpet NAFTA, but you can't win them all.[/P]


You are incorrect. The deficit was not wiped out until after the 94 election. Rubin's strong Dollar economic policy PREVENTED wages from going up. Wage growth was VERY low in the 90's DESPITE economic properity and low unemployment. The entire Dem platform is based on your cliches and has little substance. Were the dems being your buddy when they facilitated the creation of Jetblu and Valujet, replacing UNION reservationist with Utah housewives?
[P]Back up your facts, instead of posting your opinion, because you know opinions are like anus' everyone has one and it stinks. [/P]
[P]And I posted FACTS. Maybe you need a refresher.[/P]
[P]Main Entry: fact[BR]Pronunciation: 'fakt[BR]Function: noun[BR]Etymology: Latin factum, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere[BR]Date: 15th century[BR]1 : a thing done: as a : obsolete : FEAT b : CRIME <accessory after the fact> c : archaic : ACTION [BR]2 : archaic : PERFORMANCE, DOING [BR]3 : the quality of being actual : ACTUALITY <a question of fact hinges on evidence> [BR]4 a : something that has actual existence <space exploration is now a fact> b : an actual occurrence <prove the fact of damage> [BR]5 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality [BR]- in fact : in truth [/P]
The peanut farmer signed the 1978 Deregulation Act. That spurned the creation of low fare/low wage airlines...some have stayed others are gone.

History lessons are tough to learn. Bush, Sr. was not in office to enjoy what his tenure produced. Clinton was, and accepted congratulations for Bush, Sr's. hard work. Bush, Jr. is now suffering from what Clinton did and did not do well. It is very easy to see and understand if you follow economic history. Read, open a book -- it's all there if you read! If you're against books, try the internet!

Do you really think the Adelphia, Enron, etc. just happened overnight? They were direct products of the Clinton administration, as were the events of 9/11. He was asleep at the wheel most of the time. His entire administration from top to bottom was shrouded in unethical behavior, right down to moving day -- they stole White House furniture, for heavens sake! He charged visitors to sleep in the White House, enjoyed hotel room scandals and oval office entertainment and now we're all suffering for it ... and you're blaming Bush? Clinton had charisma, that was about the sum and total of his qualifications. No character, no substance and certainly no credible accomplishments (unless you're checking the number of lipstick colors on his belt).
Thank you thank you thank up.
Look what we have now..AMR Enron and Bush.
Remember when bush was asked about his good friend Ken Lay..
Oh, he said we never talked business!!!!!
Carty and Bush are buddys..Is their a common tread here..
Seems to be a lot of mismanagement in the Texas Sun..
I would vote for Bill again if he could run.Then at least
we would stand a chance of coming out of this mess!!!!!
The peanut farmer signed the 1978 Deregulation Act. That spurned the creation of low fare/low wage airlines...some have stayed others are gone.

History lessons are tough to learn. Bush, Sr. was not in office to enjoy what his tenure produced. Clinton was, and accepted congratulations for Bush, Sr's. hard work. Bush, Jr. is now suffering from what Clinton did and did not do well. It is very easy to see and understand if you follow economic history. Read, open a book -- it's all there if you read! If you're against books, try the internet!

Do you really think the Adelphia, Enron, etc. just happened overnight? They were direct products of the Clinton administration, as were the events of 9/11. He was asleep at the wheel most of the time. His entire administration from top to bottom was shrouded in unethical behavior, right down to moving day -- they stole White House furniture, for heavens sake! He charged visitors to sleep in the White House, enjoyed hotel room scandals and oval office entertainment and now we're all suffering for it ... and you're blaming Bush? Clinton had charisma, that was about the sum and total of his qualifications. No character, no substance and certainly no credible accomplishments (unless you're checking the number of lipstick colors on his belt).

I guess since the devil is running the world a righteous man such as Bush just doesn't have a chance. So do we dance with the devil, or live in hard times putting Bush in for the second round. . . . . ?

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