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Spirit's offer from JetBlue Adds $2 per share


Apr 26, 2005
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JetBlue get's even more serious about not getting left out of any merger.

And now Frontier revises bid for Spirit to help win out Spirit shareholders in supporting a Frontier merger, very smart move Frontier.

And ISS flips and flops on recommendation in merger war over Spirit. A winning move by Frontier to increase it's offer as well as increase the upfront payment by .72. Like I said before, pretty sure that will seal the deal for a Frontier/Spirit merger to get approval by Spirit shareholders...

Another change in JetBlue's offer, increasing cash, prepayment and break up fee...

Tomorrow is the big day for Spirit/Frontier and JetBlue employees and shareholders. If I were to place a bet in Vegas on the turn out I would have to put my money on a Frontier/Spirit vote from shareholders. The "ticking fee" added by JetBlue doesn't pay off quick enough, IMO, for shareholders to vote for a JetBlue/Spirit tie up.

Still no word from NMB on AMFA election at Spirit so far. However, it would be very beneficial for a Frontier/Spirit tie up, Spirit brings in AMFA and then a second vote between the two unions merging into one union. With the current card drive @ JB for their Mechanics, they will come on board eventually all the while two more airlines will become AMFA represented Mechanics thru the merger of Frontier and Spirit bringing a total of 5 airlines wanting the Class and Craft Representation of AMFA for the Mechanics. Hopefully won't be long on the NMB announcement.

Anyone involved in the AMFA election and have questions contact AMFA National or even ask away here on the forums if some of you may want a bias third party answer. The rhetoric will pick up from other industrial unions trying to derail the AMFA election as they always do because the industrial unions are just scared to death of AMFA taking over all the airlines Mechanics with their Class and Craft type of representation like most all the Pilots have, a much, much better focused representation. Good luck to all on the upcoming mergers and elections...

No longer is today the day YET again. Spirit shuts down the shareholders meeting as it appears they did NOT have the vote they wanted. Interesting. First article is CEO of Spirit so confident in the Spirit/Frontier merger vote from shareholders. That was 10am yesterday, now we have a canceled shareholders meeting once again to help educate the shareholders? Oh my this could get very interesting. How unprofessional to say you need to further explain or educate the shareholders.
On a second note; this extra time called for could very well get JetBlue in the mood to also pad the offer or at least make further adjustments to favor the shareholders just a slight bit more.
Second article is the very quickly cancelation of the shareholders vote as, IMO, Spirit did not see going it's way/favor...


Just love how all the analyst keep guessing on what will happen. No matter who gets to purchase Spirit, of course their ticket prices will go up. Weather Frontier or JB, they are spending Billions to purchase Spirit, they will have to get their money back over time, and in a nutshell will have to charge higher ticket prices as well as with the higher cost of fuel will also have to charge higher ticket prices. BOTH airlines have already said they want to purchase Spirit in order to better compete with the bigger 4 airlines, so, what this means is they will move from ULCC carriers now (Frontier and Spirit) and move into the same group as the big 4. The same if JetBlue wins the purchasing rights except JB is not considered a ULCC nor even an LCC, they have always been more considered with the big airlines that also do international flights, but, usually were at a lower cost, but not in same group as SWA LCC. IMO a Frontier/Spirit tie up would bring lower cost tickets into the market (when competing with the bigger 4 after merger) than a merger with JB would.
Either merger will get them into 5th as far as size but a JB/Spririt hook up would be approx 3-5% larger airline than the Frontier/Spirit combo...

And yet again Spirit suspends shareholder vote for the 3rd time. Spirit did not AGAIN get enough support from shareholders to get a Frontier/Spirit vote. Like I said before Spirit, go for the JB/Spirit tie up, and when that one possibly gets shot down by DOJ take the $$$ break up fee and go get it done with Frontier.
Now the shareholders vote will be postponed until 7-15-22 OR maybe yet again Spirit will get scared to allow the shareholders to make the call THEY WANT...
