Word in question edited as you wished
The job is sort of only half accomplished in my opinion....
My Gawd... what does it take to make you happy??? Would you be satisfied if skywrench squished us all (who disagree with you) like little bugs??
Is there any of us on here that you do not enjoy berating?? Or is it just that the only way to make yourself happy, is to make sure others are more miserable than you??
This, for all involved (Kyle and moderators included) is a wonderfull example of how this person works. He/She (wouldn't want to mention any specifics for fear someone might figure out who he/she is..) will go on and on ad nauseum until the oponent is browbeaten into submission. Even though the moderator edited the subject matter to remove what was considered offensive.
This is the kind of mental manipulation that is used by this person to get his/her own way.. And this, my friends, in my opinion
violates the intent, spirit, and rules of the CAAviation forum.