IF AA ends up furloughing everyone subject to furlough from IOR, any ideas what they do with the PVG flight in regards to speakers? They are pretty much bare bones now. 12 of the 14 people subject to furlough are CM speakers. I see 2 possibilities. 1. fill the spot on the plane with a non-speaker to get to 11 and then rehire them as translators ala DME and make them in addition to the regular complement. or 2. Try to go with just 1 speaker total on the plane and see what happens. I think AA will go for option 2. Just curious what others think. It would be easier for training to rehire the furloughed F/A's rather than hire off the street, assuming they would want the job. Problem I see, is that if it is done like the RU speakers, then most would not want the job. The RU translators, work 5 days a week and have to do office work as well. Most if not all CM speakers commute, that is where I see the problem. I guess option 1b. would be to go along the lines of PAP and not make them do office work as well. Just seems like a potential problem is looming.