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Southwest Tried to Hide Safety Problems

So were our 737's, so you might want to shut it, Mr. Glass House. <_<
damn, broke my own 'non-reply' rule!!

Appreciate everyone else's respectful debate.

Actually I think you might be incorrect. Didn't SWA take several of those airplanes that had cracks OTS? Didn't they actually find cracks in several of those planes that were operating?

The accusation has been for years that SWA looked at safety through the eyes of a bunch of cowboys. The hearings and the actual operation of the carrier seems to bear that out.

Vindication for those of us that were uncomfortable with how SWA treats regulation and safety.
I watched the entire hearing. He did follow all the proper channels and eventally filed with the IG.

"Action against the whistleblower?"

You really need to watch the hearing before making such statements.

Full hearing is here.

I watched panels 3&4, and I must say, I was very proud of the way Herb & Jim handled the barrage of questions and accusations. I must say, as I listened to Herb address the committee, I felt a thrill run up my leg.....
Scenario "A"
Scenario "B"

If it was.."A" (that HERB was totally UNAWARE) then he was VERY HUMBLE, as he should have been, in that EMBARRASING situation.

It's why he is/was one of the few Great Ones ! (Actually in the same league as our -former- "uncle" Bobby CRANDALL) !!!

If it was scenario "B", and HERB KNEW, ....well....he was doing a LOT of......(as they refer to it "on the streets").................."SCHUCKIN'....n'....JIVE N'" :afro: :afro:
Herb isn't the ceo, you loose.

"loose"???? No I am pretty tight, nothing falling off that I can tell. Let me guess you are in charge of Quality Control at SWA :shock:

If Herb is not integral to the situation of failures at SWA then why on earth send him up to the hill? This started when he was still CEO. Just like Ken Lay, he may be dead but he is still responsible for the Enron debacle.....Hey wasn't Enron a Texas company? LUV is a Texas company, The presidents that have led this company to the deepest depths of collapse, LBJ, GB and GWB are all Texas also.......

Texas creates some real winners. Can our country survive the state of Texas? :down:
Texas creates some real winners. Can our country survive the state of Texas? :down:
I thought you were a Bush supporter...you ever look on a map to see where Crawford is? But - I do agree - it will be amazing if our country can survive THAT gift from Texas.
the fine of 10mil is a drop in the bucket for Wn but its still 10mil.. people will still fly WN if the price is right. the question will be will the business folks out there that WN is trying to attract with their Business Select going to. many corporations out there will not allow their employees to travel for any kind of safety issue i know my company does not. we also have a policy of not allowing so many of the employees flying on the same flights together. WN management is now in damage control should be interesting what they come up with.
I thought you were a Bush supporter...

Oh good god NO! Are you anti-bush also? Do we agree on something else?

For some reason I bet we don't agree on the Safety at SWA however. 🙄
Hey wasn't Enron a Texas company? LUV is a Texas company, The presidents that have led this company to the deepest depths of collapse, LBJ, GB and GWB are all Texas also....... Texas creates some real winners. Can our country survive the state of Texas? :down:
I thought this thread actually might invite some intelligent discussion...then you post the garbage above…

It is no wonder why all threads die as soon as you start posting…
Oh good god NO! Are you anti-bush also? Do we agree on something else?

For some reason I bet we don't agree on the Safety at SWA however. 🙄



Remember when you and I were at each others throats some years back ?
Heck KCFlyer and I were "at each other" back then too.

KCF likes WN a LOT, but ...Mags....KCF is NO FOOL. He knows when something is Not "KOSHER", even if it's WN.

You 2 have more in common than you think !! :up: :up:
I thought you were a Bush supporter...you ever look on a map to see where Crawford is? But - I do agree - it will be amazing if our country can survive THAT gift from Texas.

Hell, he was our gift from Connecticut and they wouldn't even give us store credit when we tried to return him. :down: Long live the memory of Ann Richards, the last great governor of Texas!
I'm suprised noone mentioned the other 2 inspectors that was put on the 3rd Panel with Herb & Gary

John Bassler & Larry Collamore(who had nothing to say) but John said that Boutris , Peters and their buddys were the trouble makers in that office and harressed and hounded any inspectors who didn't see things their way. there were lots of divisions in that office. I also wondered why Oberstar didn't question some of the inconsistancies of the inspectors statements Like they did Sabatini & Stuckley.
like for instance: they had names dates & times for everything but did not know the name of the FAA Official who told him to shred his notes. the only names he remembered are the ones who he wanted to get into trouble

The planes were safe? Let's talk about the birds with the skin cracks. All 737's have suspect areas that over time, do develop cracks. I am speaking from experience. Last time I checked, planes that had fuselage cracks in the skin were candidates for skin failure which could lead to rapid decompression. This is simple math. Low pressure outside the cabin and higher pressure (approx 8.5 psi) inside the cabin make this scenario a very real possibility. I'm not trying to stir you up, but that is just reality.

Everyone seems to think aircraft are very forgiving with all the redundant systems. However, nobdy seems to understand that redundancy only works when everything is maintained to specifications. It's a popular misconception for sure. The truth is aircraft are very unforgiving when you begin to push the envelope on thorough maintenance. That includes inspections which evidently were missed and flights operated as normal. That is the issue at hand.

I don't know if SWA has put their AMT's thru Human Factors training but it is something every maintenance employee should participate in. Such training may have prevented the Valujet crash in MIA. When you consider everything that is on the line, 99% is not good enough in regard to aircraft maintenance. It MUST be 100% at all times. Anything less is gambling.

I hope this misfortune causes a shake up in the maintenance dept at SWA. It would be for the benefit of all.

Best wishes,

Does everyone realize that other inspections were completed, per other criteria, 7/10ths of an inch away from the AD called out area. And Inspectors are required to expand the scope of their assigned task to 2 feet in every direction? The fact is that even the AD required areas were looked at, just that the AD requirement was not assigned or signed off.
This issue really boils down to not crossing T's and dotting I's. Yes the paperwork error should not have happened, WN has people that should have caught this. And I'm sure that changes will take place to correct these paperwork issues. But WN hasn't been the safest airline in US history by being lucky, they have done it by flying and maintaining the lagest and safest 737 fleet ever assembled. I'm sure the flying public will vote with their dollars, as well they should. And that internet experts will sound off and some even antagonize, but I have experience as good as any other, and I know WN is a safe airline. PERIOD.