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Southwest sends out WARN letters to 42 employees.

I hope you're right. I would hate to see WN do something they've never had to do. For anyone thinking that the airlines are trying to stick it to their employees have no real grasp on what covid has done to the travel industry. This isn't about corporate greed, it's about survival.
Posted in Dallas Morning News yesterday, 12/4/2020.


I posted this because I was surprised that no one else had posted it. Seems strange that pilots are included. Not unexpected, just strange. Traditionally, they have always been the last to go, haven't they? (Yes, I know that WN has never furloughed anybody. I'm just talking about "considered corporate thinking.)

Numbers of WARN letters in DMN article...1221 pilots and 1500 flight attendants. Article did not give any numbers for other job classifications. With that size cuts, will this mean flight reductions?
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I thought the temporary cuts pilots agreed to expired in March, so it would make sense to look at layoffs as a medium term remedy if the company expects traffic to continue to be weak into 2Q21.

And face it - everyone knows traffic will continue to be down for 2021.

Business traffic is expected to be down 30% for years to come. Conventions and trade shows aren't coming back until 2022.

Leisure won't be much better. Cruises ain't coming back. Those family break trips to Dizzy World ain't coming back in 2021 at a minimum.

And there won't be Federal aid in perpetuity....
I thought the temporary cuts pilots agreed to expired in March, so it would make sense to look at layoffs as a medium term remedy if the company expects traffic to continue to be weak into 2Q21.

And face it - everyone knows traffic will continue to be down for 2021.

Business traffic is expected to be down 30% for years to come. Conventions and trade shows aren't coming back until 2022.

Leisure won't be much better. Cruises ain't coming back. Those family break trips to Dizzy World ain't coming back in 2021 at a minimum.

And there won't be Federal aid in perpetuity....
SWA Pilots never agreed to any cuts, therefore there is no agreement expiring in March.
Posted in Dallas Morning News yesterday, 12/4/2020.


I posted this because I was surprised that no one else had posted it. Seems strange that pilots are included. Not unexpected, just strange. Traditionally, they have always been the last to go, haven't they? (Yes, I know that WN has never furloughed anybody. I'm just talking about "considered corporate thinking.)

Numbers of WARN letters in DMN article...1221 pilots and 1500 flight attendants. Article did not give any numbers for other job classifications. With that size cuts, will this mean flight reductions?
Jim, I already posted at post #15, however I did not put the breakdown list in SWA's thread as I did in the AA thread to answer some of the guys that asked for the numbers breakdown so I will include it after my #15 post below:
Post #15;

Guess you heard already huh?
Funny how when AMFA pressures the co. of why is it only the mechanics group that received the warn letters when they were speaking to all the unions, that they all of a sudden send out all WARN letters. They were fishing and trying to apply pressure for unions to accept concessions. Now, from what I understand, all groups have now received WARN letters. I still think SWA will vacate these concessions if there is an extension to the aid packages.


And here's the breakdown numbers I posted in AA's thread:

BTW: An update for some of you that has asked me for a breakdown of numbers from certain groups and now I have them. The following groups and numbers are the ones and representative unions that received WARN letters at SWA:

Union Representational Numbers:

TWU Represented Employees--4,057
IAM Represented Employees--1,546
SWAPA Represented Employees--1,221
IBT (Teamsters) Represented Employees--46
AMFA Represented Mechanic and Related Employees--374
AMFA Represented Employees--29

  • 2,551 Ramp, Provisioning, Ops, and Cargo Agents represented by TWU 555
  • 1,176 Customer Service Agents represented by IAM
  • 370 CS&S and SOS Representatives represented by IAM
  • 1,500 Flight Attendants represented by TWU 556
  • 1,221 Pilots represented by SWAPA
  • 6 Flight Instructors represented by TWU 557
  • 4 Flight Sim Techs represented by IBT
  • 374 Mechanics and Related represented by AMFA
  • 26 Appearance Technicians represented by AMFA
  • 3 Facilities Maintenance represented by AMFA
  • 42 Material Specialist represented by IBT (teamsters)

Now just a day after I posted the breakdown list I posted an update where the Flight Instructors represented by the TWU 557 agreed to the concessions to avoid the furloughs in 2021.
Sorry for not posting it here first...
SWA Pilots never agreed to any cuts, therefore there is no agreement expiring in March.

Didn't they agree to voluntary time off without guarantees thru March? That's a staffing cut. I know they rejected the 10% cut.
Didn't they agree to voluntary time off without guarantees thru March? That's a staffing cut. I know they rejected the 10% cut.
The leaves you are referring to were not an agreement between SWA and any of the unions on property. The Emergency Leaves were request by co. to help them save money by paying partial pay for the safety of folks staying at home and keeping all benefits. Then came the Extended Emergency Time Off, going from month to month to 6-12 and 18 month ExTO (extended time off) with 50% pay. In the case of the Pilots they received 60% pay I think. However, after the 50% offer the co. did allow us to get paid for all Vac as well as a F/H one day per month, with these added pay rates included it moved us to 66% pay (65.9%) to be exact.
But no union, including ours, AMFA, made any agreement about these time off leaves, they are being offered by co. individually to each employee and not thru any of the unions, it is solely up to the individuals.
AMFA just sent out an update to address the WARN letters sent out to members.
Working with the new language AMFA added in new contract Expedited Arbitration will begin on Dec 14th, conclude Dec 18th, and a decision is expected by Jan 25th which just so happens to be the same date set by co. to start furloughs and layoffs. A much more faster route for the grievance/arbitration process.

AMFA-SWA ALR Membership Update #5
December 2, 2020 -- The expedited arbitrations for protections from furlough have been scheduled. As a reminder, we placed the Company on notice by letter dated October 23, 2020, that if WARN Act Notices were sent to our members, we intended to utilize the expedited arbitration provisions of our CBAs in order to enforce language, among other provisions, which restricts any reduction in force so long as the Company continues to outsource our work.
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Ok, but the larger point still stands - those were short term / emergency measures, and I'd guess March is when the bulk of people are slated to return.

Nobody can dispute time for a longer term solution, and for headcount to be reduced or some other firm of structural change.
AMFA just sent out an update to address the WARN letters sent out to members.
Working with the new language AMFA added in new contract Expedited Arbitration will begin on Dec 14th, conclude Dec 18th, and a decision is expected by Jan 25th which just so happens to be the same date set by co. to start furloughs and layoffs. A much more faster route for the grievance/arbitration process.

AMFA-SWA ALR Membership Update #5
December 2, 2020 -- The expedited arbitrations for protections from furlough have been scheduled. As a reminder, we placed the Company on notice by letter dated October 23, 2020, that if WARN Act Notices were sent to our members, we intended to utilize the expedited arbitration provisions of our CBAs in order to enforce language, among other provisions, which restricts any reduction in force so long as the Company continues to outsource our work.
Read More

This week (today) starts our Expedited Arbitration on the possible furloughs/layoffs and rif's that the company is wanting to start on Jan 25th. Memo from our President layed out this weeks schedule as follows; 14th and 15th will be for the AMT's, 16th will be for the Appearance Techs., the 17th will be for the FMT's, and the 18th will be for any follow ups and further discussions if needed.
Doubt very seriously if we will get daily updates, but maybe one will come by AMFA at the end of week just to talk about how things went in their minds. No one will be able to say how the Arbitrator might rule until he/she rules by Jan 25th or earlier they hope.
Well, this week wraps up the expedited arbitration. Looks like we will found out just prior to the Jan 25 date. Let's just hope a last minute relief deal will come out for PSP. If they could stretch it out for the 6 months maybe that's when the flying will start to pick back up.
Not any details in the latest update, but, kinda knew that might be the case since they are such sensitive cases.

Updated On: Dec 18, 2020

December 18, 2020

To All AMFA Members at Southwest Airlines:

The expedited arbitrations concerning the “Reduction in Force” for all three AMFA represented groups began on Monday the 14th and concluded this afternoon. Each Arbitration case had a separate arbitrator assigned. The AMT arbitration was conducted on Monday and Tuesday and utilized an hour this morning to conclude. The Appearance Tech case was held on Wednesday and utilized a good portion of today to conclude. The FMT case was held Thursday and finished up around 7pm Dallas time on that same day. In a typical arbitration, our CBA requires a decision no later than ninety (90) days. Due to the expedited process and consolidated time frame, the arbitrators, prior to taking on these cases, agreed to work hard to render their decisions prior to January 24th.

In the meantime, your ALRs are still hopeful the Company will consider various credit items, insourcing of work and voluntary programs that we have previously proposed. We are also hopeful that a new PSP for airlines will be passed by the House and Senate. We will keep the membership posted on any new developments.

In Solidarity,
Your AMFA–SWA Airline Representatives
What a great Christmas present for Southwest and the airlines. They finally come to terms on a Covid relief package (PSP) Now let's hope SWA will keep their word on no layoffs if PSP is passed. Local news says they will vote today on it. Assistance thru March 2021. Hopefully flying will look better going into the 2nd Q next year...

What a great Christmas present for Southwest and the airlines. They finally come to terms on a Covid relief package (PSP) Now let's hope SWA will keep their word on no layoffs if PSP is passed. Local news says they will vote today on it. Assistance thru March 2021. Hopefully flying will look better going into the 2nd Q next year...


Flag on that post for early celebration!
Looks like Trump is demanding too big of changes for the direct payments and other stuff to throw a big enough monkey wrench into the whole PSP aid.
Buckle up boys and girls, come Jan 25th it may start to get ugly. Thanks a lot Trump for being a part of SWA's first time in history to furlough or layoff. You had both sides agreeing to a final/part package and he had to go screw all that up, so much for helping the working Americans...
After reading some of the bills' appropriations, seems as though a majority of Americans agree that a large percentage of the $900B is going overseas instead of helping millions of our citizens in this country get back on their feet. Unless we all put our foot down NOTHING will ever change. If that foot means WN has a temporary layoff, I believe a majority of the voters will tell you it's worth it.
Thanks a lot Trump for being a part of SWA's first time in history to furlough or layoff. You had both sides agreeing to a final/part package and he had to go screw all that up, so much for helping the working Americans...

Congress had months to get things done, and rushed a bad deal thru hoping nobody had the balls to challenge it.

But now it's Trump's fault?

Shove your comment up your tailpipe. Country before company.

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