Dog Wonder
I said you were miserable.
They, their, They'd.
I guess you would be the first one in line to get chipped and tracked?
Not sure what Dog Wonder said since I have had him on ignore for years but, I am sure it was something asinine and juvenile, two of his defining traits.
Don't answer questions with questions and when you do don't ask stupid questions.Are you saying that you actually believe that you are being chipped with the vaccine? That's whack.
I'll take your silence as a yes.I asked if the government starts microchipping and tracking people are you going to be first in line?
He is afraid of needles
Don't know about Biden using facial recog to track people, but various law enforcement entities do. And masks do make it harder.
Still holding off on your shot INSP4?
He is afraid of needles
Quick update on the Israeli vaccine data
It is bad and getting worse.
I have a bigger Stack planned on the Pfizer trial results.
But Israel has gone back to being more transparent, and the new data are now too bad not to highlight.
A reminder - Israel and the United Kingdom were the two major countries that vaccinated earliest and most aggressively. And they are much better at providing data than the United States - they provide updates every day, which limits their opportunities to manipulate it.
Israel is now segmenting the number of serious cases by vaccinated and unvaccinated and by age on its primary data dashboard, available here:
עולם הדאטה - משרד הבריאות
דשבורד הבריאות של משרד הבריאות הינו פורטל חדשני במגזר הציבורי ובכלל, להחצנה והנגשת נתונים לציבור הרחב. מטרת הדשבורד להעמיק את הידע על תחומי האחריות של משרד הבריאות, לעודד מחקר, דיון, גיבוש תובנות ופעולות מבוססות נתונים. משרד הבריאות רואה חשיבות רבה בהשבחת נכסי המידע והצגתם לציבור בצורה פשוטה
As you can see, new serious cases have risen 10-fold since the beginning of July - from roughly five a day to about 40 over the last week. The overall number of patients has soared too - from 30 to more than 200.
But how many of those people are vaccinated?
The vast majority. Israel has broken out the data in various ways at various times, but throughout July most new patients were vaccinated.
So the comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated isn’t useful.
What is useful is examining the trend among serious illness in older vaccinated people.
And it is terrible. The rate of cases has risen 12-fold IN A MONTH. On July 4th, fewer than 1 older vaccinated person in 100,000 became seriously ill. Today the rate is 10 in 100,000.
Remember - comparing unvaccinated and vaccinated at this point hardly matters.
And though we cannot be sure what will happen next, it is worth noting that rates of serious illness among the vaccinated are now as high as they were among the unvaccinated only TWO WEEKS AGO. Perhaps that’s why the Israeli government is now predicting a further quadrupling of new serious cases by the end of August: remember, Israel CANNOT BLAME THE UNVACCINATED FOR THIS SPIKE - around 85 percent of adults over 30 are fully vaccinated. That’s well above the range experts said would provide herd immunity.
How about this - if you had your vaccine and end up getting a severe case of Covid, you can displace someone who did not have a vaccine but is taking up an ICU bed. After all...only one of them said that they had a right to die if they wanted to.Uh Oh....Pfizer......Huston, we have a problem.
If you read the article, the difference in infection between vaxed and unvaxed isn't showing much difference.How about this - if you had your vaccine and end up getting a severe case of Covid, you can displace someone who did not have a vaccine but is taking up an ICU bed. After all...only one of them said that they had a right to die if they wanted to.