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Something to think about!

O.K. K.C.! You like to dig up things from the past! How about this!
Biden's energy policy in year three of his watch!
Hey Insp4...I was chatting with my daughter yesterday and the topic came around to Covid. She said that every Covid death in their hospital has been unvaccinated people. I know that I might still get covid with the vaccine...but odds are good that it will be a milder case. I'll take that. My kid was telling me about a guy that they lost last week. 41 years old....in the ICU since the end of July. Lungs were worthless...just full of blood. They were hoping for a lung transplant, but there were several issues that weren't allowing that anytime soon. But because a lung could become available, they couldn't totally sedate him. He said he felt like he was drowning....24 hours a day. He was having panic attacks for months. Finally he begged his family to let him die. The parents were reluctant. He asked them to leave and talked to his wife. She didn't want to, but he said that if she loved him, she would let him go and put him out of this panic/fear/misery. She did. Helluva way to go. But....they had their freedom. YOu really might want to listen to someone beside Tucker Carlson about Covid.
Well, well, look what the Socialist Democratic Party what's to through at us now!
8 cents a mile folks! How many miles a year you drive KC?

20000miles a yr x 8 cents =1600.00 a year
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