You inadvertently illustrate the problem with America today. Tucker Carlson is NOT's opinion. And America is being driven by whacko opinion. But he's the number 1 cable "news" show. Here's what Fox lawyers had to say about the number 1 cable news show in America
Fox News viewers don't expect facts from Tucker Carlson, according to network lawyers who defended their star in a slander lawsuit filed by a woman who said she had an affair with President Trump.
Here specifically is what the lawyers hired by his employer (Fox "news") had to say, although they did give an out by citing "reasonable listeners:
The Fox team's legal briefs compared Carlson's show to radio talk-show programs hosted by ex-MSNBC and Fox Business star Don Imus, who won a case more than two decades ago because an appellate court ruled that
"the complained of statements would not have been taken by reasonable listeners as factual pronouncements but simply as instances in which the defendant radio hosts had expressed their views over the air in the crude and hyperbolic manner that has, over the years, become their verbal stock in trade."