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Something to THINK about.....PTO !

Robbed, here is something for you to think about...Why do you twist what I say into something I didn't say? I never said four flights were cancelled. I said we grounded four aircraft. Just because an aircraft is grounded doesn't mean the flight is cancelled. I was simply complementing the gate agents and control on a job well done with the plane changes and large number of gate changes that followed.

Do you really think that if AMFA had been here the outcome would have been different? I don't think it would have mattered who was here. As a matter of fact the reason one of the aircraft was grounded was because a repair on the engine inlet was breaking apart and being ingested into the engine. The repair had been done here at DTW months before we even got here. That means AMFA made the repair to begin with. No matter who was working that aircraft that day they would have grounded it also. The same decision would have been made to ground the aircraft. First we are stupid ignorant scabs because we are pencil-whipping log books and sending off unsafe aircraft. Now we are stupid ignorant scabs because we ground unsafe aircraft. We just can't get it right with you guys can we?
I doubt very much that the engine inlet would have gone for a while without notice from either a ramp agent (who is union) or a pilot (also unionized) doing the walk around. when four planes are grounded in one day, it is pretty much a serious situation in which the carrier's mgmt is not view safety as an issue--aka nwa comes to mind here. second of all, i am notmixing your statements up but grounding 4 planes well the passengers dont take that too well and i know rampers dont cause they must change bags dozens of times. and you are right you scabs wont ever get it right with union folks! pencil whippin the logbooks to me is an unsafe thing and something has to be done about it pencil whippin can be erased and a false thing put in its place then the crew could be dealing with something much more serious
Robbed, I see you didn't think very much. Do you take the term "Pencil whipped" literal? How is grounding four planes a safety issue? If nothing else it speaks volumes of how safety conscious we are. Of course passengers don't like grounded aircraft, delays or cancellations. These are huge inconveniences for all parties involved. They beat in route diversions to some obscure airport or off field landing though. You guys act as if these are not common issues with the industry? I see none of you guys have mentioned the fact that NWA is creeping up the scale.
Robbed, I see you didn't think very much. Do you take the term "Pencil whipped" literal? How is grounding four planes a safety issue? If nothing else it speaks volumes of how safety conscious we are. Of course passengers don't like grounded aircraft, delays or cancellations. These are huge inconveniences for all parties involved. They beat in route diversions to some obscure airport or off field landing though. You guys act as if these are not common issues with the industry? I see none of you guys have mentioned the fact that NWA is creeping up the scale.
I have seen mechanics--the real ones who are unionized--write using a pen instead of a pencil. a pencil can be erased and something else out in--something that you would do. it sure appears to me and most of us on this boards that the grounding of 4 planes in one day constitutes a safety problem that NWA MGMT has FAILED to look at. AMFA mechanics just like the rest of the unionized mechanics at other airlines take great pride in caring for the planes. they wouldnt ground 4 in one day the way you did also I do think My thinking goes well beyond what you are capable of thinkin
I see none of you guys have mentioned the fact that NWA is creeping up the scale.

Creeping up what scale?

If anything, that would indicate that we're on the bottom of whatever metric is being measured, and that we're not making very rapid progress...

I'm not mad that 4 A/C were grounded. I'm more concerned about the ones that should be, and are not.
Because we ALL know the FAA is a "re-active" agency(rather than "pro-active"), I think we ALL should be writing to the FAA, and "letters to our editors" etc., simply inquiring "Is NWA Mtc. is being scutinized VERY CAREFULLY" ???????

Very seriously !!

That's right. NW doesn't cancel flights anymore, they just run them anywhere from 1 hour to 2 days late....

PTO, you haven't been around long enough to notice this, but prior to the strike, NW used to post the ontime percentages everyday in Newswire. They even broke it down by domestic, T-PAC, T-ATL, NRT's operation, and the freighters. Now they only post the completion factor. Why do you suppose that is?
It was a very smart move by NWA to only give limited access to the daily operations statistics once the strike began. As soon as that information became fodder for evening news stories concerning the strike, then it was no longer information that could be trusted with the rank and file. The media would have been fed our stats every day by AMFA sympathizers, which obviously would make the PR situation that much more difficult to deal with. It's much easier for NWA to address the issue once a month when the DOT stats are released rather than on a daily basis.

I'm guessing you already knew all of this, but I figured I'd add some light to your quasi-rhetorical question for those who might think otherwise.
Because we ALL know the FAA is a "re-active" agency(rather than "pro-active"), I think we ALL should be writing to the FAA, and "letters to our editors" etc., simply inquiring "Is NWA Mtc. is being scutinized VERY CAREFULLY" ???????
Very seriously !!
Iam with you on that brother! :shock: :lol:
Because we ALL know the FAA is a "re-active" agency(rather than "pro-active"), I think we ALL should be writing to the FAA, and "letters to our editors" etc., simply inquiring "Is NWA Mtc. is being scutinized VERY CAREFULLY" ???????
Very seriously !!

Writing letters to the FAA or letters to the editor will in all likely hood get you squat. IIRC, the FAA is mandated with protecting the viability of air travel as well as oversight of the ones providing the mode of travel. It’s a conflict of interest. IMO, the NTSB needs to be given more power to implement its recommendations for the industry. Perhaps then the air traffic controllers would not be operating with hardware designed in the 60’s, and a host of other recommendations that have been rejected due to the "cost" to the airlines.

Unfortunately, given the number of issues facing this country right now and overhaul of the FAA/NTSB is probably way down on the list. A few accidents here and there are not going to raise the interest of the flying public. When is the last time you heard the cause of an accident being blamed on the FAA for lack of oversight or forethought? I cannot think of an instance where the culprit was not human error of some sort.
Creeping up what scale?

If anything, that would indicate that we're on the bottom of whatever metric is being measured, and that we're not making very rapid progress...

I'm not mad that 4 A/C were grounded. I'm more concerned about the ones that should be, and are not.
Kev, why don't you ask Hackman where NWA stands these days? He so much enjoys keeping track of NWA's stats and letting everyone know that they are in "dead last". Do you think he is man enough to also tell everyone when NWA progresses up the DOT stats ladder? Hmmmm, I wonder?

What aircraft are flying that should be grounded and have not been? I have yet to see an aircraft dispatched with any safety issues after maintenance has performed their pre-departure checks and pilots have done their walk-arounds. Do you know any specific aircraft that should have been grounded by a problem that was discovered and not addressed? Also I would like to ask if you have flown non-rev lately?
Writing letters to the FAA or letters to the editor will in all likely hood get you squat. IIRC, the FAA is mandated with protecting the viability of air travel as well as oversight of the ones providing the mode of travel. It’s a conflict of interest. IMO, the NTSB needs to be given more power to implement its recommendations for the industry. Perhaps then the air traffic controllers would not be operating with hardware designed in the 60’s, and a host of other recommendations that have been rejected due to the "cost" to the airlines.

Unfortunately, given the number of issues facing this country right now and overhaul of the FAA/NTSB is probably way down on the list. A few accidents here and there are not going to raise the interest of the flying public. When is the last time you heard the cause of an accident being blamed on the FAA for lack of oversight or forethought? I cannot think of an instance where the culprit was not human error of some sort.
question is what will the NTSB say if a 747 went down (hopefully it wont happen) and find out that it was SCAB related. I mean how embarrassed will NWA be if the (hopefully it wont happen)accident was ruled maintaince performed by scabs and of course the tape and mels all around
Do you think that they would say anything differently than if it were union related? Do they have witch hunts in your country Robbed?
I know it is very difficult for you to understand the fact that we do not like each other, but you will understand the fact that I am from the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and have always lived in it and have never ever been out of the USA. I am making a point that the maintaince is very shoddy since you scabs have taken over and if one plane were to go down (hopefully it wont happen) and maintaince were to blame, then NWA mgmt ought to be the most embarrassed idiots on this planets and you shoudl lose your jobs heck you should lose your jobs now anyways

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