When we came by they had the slides deployed and were trying to figure out how to get out of the ditch....and, I imagine, how to explain it to the FAA!!!!!
It could be worse - In 1998, the pilot on Air Force One had to explain it to the FAA, the President, and the world press when he ran off the taxiway at CMI and closed the airport for a day while they tried to extract the aircraft from the swampy muck. 🙂
When we came by they had the slides deployed and were trying to figure out how to get out of the ditch....and, I imagine, how to explain it to the FAA!!!!!
It could be worse - In 1998, the pilot on Air Force One had to explain it to the FAA, the President, and the world press when he ran off the taxiway at CMI and closed the airport for a day while they tried to extract the aircraft from the swampy muck. 🙂