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Siegel and Glass also need to read this


Sep 17, 2002
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It is important to note that unless this article is rewritten in ledger form it will be undecipherable by this management. Until a profit/loss number is associated with stress then stress does not exist.

Stress here at U is a result of Seigel attempting to manage our expectations lower. Ever notice how any bit of good news is constantly and consistently tinged with bad. Use the 5% return announcement as an example. Why is he doing this? Two reasons. One, when he comes for more he has "set us up" and his arguments/reasons will sound cogent and even logical based on the low expectations we have from his constant bad news scenarios. Two, when you lower expectations you never have to be held accountable when things don't succeed. The failure can be blamed on whatever he chooses. JetBlue, labor, fuel costs, weather etc... . What he is doing is classic business school stuff regarding the treatment of employees and setting up excuses for his ineptness at management.

He could choose to motivate and lead. But my hopes for that have once again been diminished by his announcements to the employees AFTER tellling us the enemy is the other airlines and not ourselves. He has not followed up on that theme in any way. And the 5% return was not Seigel's idea. It came as a demand from Bronner after a special board meeting where our union leaders informed him of the morale problems.

We are understaffed and losing customers. He thinks we are saving money. We need a leader and no one is coming forward. There will be a grass roots effort to get this man dismissed from this company. AMR did it and so can we. Keep your ear to the street in the coming weeks. Seigel is not long for this property. Until he starts understanding and utilizing his most important assets. And those are not Boeing's or Airbuses.

I recognize these symptoms in my immediate managemant and some of my co-workers.

As for me and the rest of my co-workers, we've learned that if you just do a good job and ignore the "threat of the week", that it, and this administration, will rotate through to the next ones.

You know, ignore them and they'll go away.
Orph, you'll appreciate this one as will many others: The word came down recently that kiosk usage in our station is far below what it should be. If our numbers don't improve "the regional will cometo our station"...Do I slit my wrists now? Of course kiosk usage is down!! The last few weeks all we've been doing is rerouting since every nite there's a thunderstorm somehwere or Mesa is cancelling due to equipment or crew problems. The kiosk can't reissue a ticket nor hand out Consumer Affairs address. If a pagr wants
to use the kiosk, fine. But hell if I'm going to jump over the counter and show him how to operate
the thing. Let the psgr decide how he/she wants
to check in. Dave, don't chase any more psgrs away
than you already have.
In the past, I have refused to use kiosks as I see them as a threat to the livelihood of you, my good friends at US. Upon checking in for a recent flight, the agent asked me why I chose to wait on the first/preferred line instead of going to a kiosk which was free. I replied that I wouldn't contribute to anything that could potentially cost him his job. He smiled and appreciated that sentiment.

Is my position now counterproductive? Will it have the opposite effect? Please let me know.

Thanks as always!

I thought Labor issues and morale were OFF limits? Cause I fhave ideas to uplift morale, but it might cost a couple of Corporate dollars.
Maybe the regional need to get out in the field a little more and see what its like trying to pull people into the kiosk line who dont want to use it or cant......then they would understand that we're not just a bunch of whiners, but we're trying to tell them that it doesnt always work as easily as it looks on paper. Why do we need agents when 70% of our pax are etickets and can check in at the machines?
International, tkts reissued, skd changes kicked out, flight late misconx, extra baggage charges, umnrs, no credit card or id, grandma doesnt like computers, Bank of America cards dont work, they used it before and it wouldnt work (even though it appeared everything was correct) so they dont want to try again, etc.....there are a lot of reasons people DONT WANT to or CANT use the kiosk. In fact, I'm sure our queue would LOVE to have the regional come down some day (and not a Tu or We either, that would be cheating) and stand there with him and see just how much fun it is to try to get people to use them who dont want to or cant..... and while hes at it, he can help the 1 agent behind the kiosks tag all the bags and work out the problems....
On 8/10/2003 10:59:35 AM Art at ISP wrote:

In the past, I have refused to use kiosks as I see them as a threat to the livelihood of you, my good friends at US. Upon checking in for a recent flight, the agent asked me why I chose to wait on the first/preferred line instead of going to a kiosk which was free. I replied that I wouldn't contribute to anything that could potentially cost him his job. He smiled and appreciated that sentiment.
Is my position now counterproductive? Will it have the opposite effect? Please let me know.
Thanks as always!



You are an exceptional individual who cares about America and Amerian Jobs.

I thank you forever..