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Should U be looking for another code-share partner


Seems a reasonable solution, I'm willing to accept the plan. Uh, do you think we should consult Diogenes or just subject him to our will?


Hands off diogenes. He's mine.

That said, thanks for putting so eloquently on many ocassions what I've thought all along.

Solidarity Sister!

Dea [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif']
Dea Certe and PITbull,

Now I'm really blushing.

And as much as sharing appeals to my male ego, I suspect either of you is more than one mere mortal man can handle.

Thanks for making a middle-aged codger's day
On 2/20/2003 5:23:06 PM autofixer wrote:

diogenes, I agree with you until you interject politics into the mix. Remember President Clinton hammered labor as much as any Republican. I am a registered Libertarian, so I guess I am looking at the issue outside of most peoples'ideology. I personally feel the Rep. and Dems. are just as bad across the board.

Hey 'fixer, don't give up on me yet.

Here's one of my favorite political stories. When Ralph Nader was a lad, he told his father (both of his parents were political activists) that he had studied the American political scene, and what was needed to set things right was a third political party. Nader's father replied, "I'd settle for two."

And in the same vein, during the two years the Dem's controlled both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue (92-94), the sonsa*****es could not get out of committee a bill making it illegal to permanently replace striking workers.

So believe me, I'm very tired of the Demopublicans, and how the Democratic wing of that party takes labor for granted. But every time I want to kick over the traces, some jackass like Armey, DeLay, Gingrich, or Ashcroft scares the bejeebers out of me.

So for the time being I'll try to reform the Democrats, but it looks like a life's work.
On 2/21/2003 8:11:41 PM Dea Certe wrote:


Hands off diogenes. He's mine.

That said, thanks for putting so eloquently on many ocassions what I've thought all along.

Solidarity Sister!

Dea [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif']


How about we share....

[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/1.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif']
LOL...thanx for lightening this up.

Hey where is he at anyway???


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