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Shortage of pilot's?

<_< ------- I wouldn't through stones at any of them! There are many things I agree with that come out of Fox news, and many I don't! ------ We all have to judge our view points based on our own personal knowledge, and experiences, and that in many cases, is where we differ!!!
ding, ding, ding... a person who can think for themselves... Someone who isn't afraid to expose themselves to something they might disagree with.... and has the intelligence to assimilate all of the arguments made and articulate their own conclusion.
And perhaps even contribute something unique from their own information and experience!
ding, ding, ding... a person who can think for themselves... Someone who isn't afraid to expose themselves to something they might disagree with.... and has the intelligence to assimilate all of the arguments made and articulate their own conclusion.
And perhaps even contribute something unique from their own information and experience!
<_< ------- True, but don't fall into the trap of arrogance WT!!!
I watch various news and business shows, but when the Wisconsin "SCREW THE UNIONS GOVERNOR WALKER" was dominating all the news, the anti-worker folks at Fox were calling union members goons. Bashing union workers at every turn.

Don't forget the palm trees...
<_< ------- True, but don't fall into the trap of arrogance WT!!!
There is a difference between being right and defending your position and being arrogant.
In a world where there are more facts available to more people than at any time in the history of humanity, opinions without facts or supporting evidence to back up those opinions are at epidemic levels.
Leaders are people who know what they know, are capable of defending their positions, don't pretend to speak about subjects they don't really know anything about, and ultimately demnostrate that they are right about what they have said - or admit that they were wrong.
USToday is a leader in the newspaper industry because it knows its business, it has succeeded better than just about everyone else at what they do, and they don't try to be something else - such as in-depth, hard-hitting investigative journalism (which incidentally most of the TV investigative journalism is NOT).
USAToday made an obvious statement that is accurate at face value. Given that in 20 years, the majority of currently working pilots will retire (and so will most other workers regardless of the profession), there has been no rocket science unveiled by this article.
Does anyone really want to invest all the money and time to work for an airline, regardless of the position (outside of executive management), when it is likely that at least in the US you will face continued pressures on compensation and benefits? The answer is up to each one to consider. Personally, I would counsel someone who wants to fly to think and plan for a career in the miltary... if there is an opportunity to jump ship and fly commercially, then take it... but I would be hard-pressed to counsel anyone to work in the airline industry below the executive management level.
<_< ------ World Traveler, it's easy to kick back give advice if your not in the Industry. I've counseled my Son many a time to get out and do something different. But every time he'll look me square in the eye and say" Dad! This is what I do! I play with Airplanes for a living!"------ Go figure? Well, I guess you can blame me for that. But those were different times!------ As for the Military, I went to war so my kids wouldn't have to!----- Or at least that was the game plan!----- Again WT, did you do the same???? :huh:

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