You have got to be either whacked or drinking the koolaid in a very serious manner.
Why ever would you dumb morons keep trying to use Windows?
Quit trying to justify the various, sundry and pathetic versions of Windows their multiple (actually, the word, multiple, does the failings no justice) failings. Why do geeks like you try to prop a failed product? Is it because that is all you know, a failed OS?
Dump the fecal matter and actually do something that works. Like the GOP, quit making excuses and make it work!!! Get it?
Look, I am certain there is a certain attempt to protect that which you know, your M$ certification must mean something. Well, it doesn't. It is dead-end tech. It is one of the reasons this very website is somewhat unstable. You have to duct-tape and wire it together to make it conform to standards, something you would not have to do with any other operating system.
"Shares" is unstable beyond about ten nodes. Proved time and again. Dump it!!! Heck, even the Mac OS is better!!!! and cheaper, hardware as well as software.
I know people who wallow in procedures from on old, a curiousity, at best. No one in their right mind would use those procedures today, especially for a business.
So, why would you use obsolete Windows, any flavor?