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TIPS has been used in Res since about 2 weeks after migration - ask Rates. It's just that now PHX and RNO are finally getting taught. MNL, MEX, SAl and INT have been using it for a long time.
TIPS was a pricing/reissue program developed for US Air's PACER, later brought into Sabre. Other Sabre users called in TREX. (Ticket Reissue and Exchange).
Worked very well. In QIK, it usually results in "busy....busy....timeouts" 🙁
TIPS has been used in Res since about 2 weeks after migration - ask Rates. It's just that now PHX and RNO are finally getting taught. MNL, MEX, SAl and INT have been using it for a long time.
Can TIPS be used with native SHARES with better results?
Who gives a sh!t about native shares. Shares sucks beyond belief, it's a dog, it doesn't work and it is burying us. Sabre is the only way to go. If these a$$holes would just take a big boy pill and bring back our global computer system, half of this sh!t would go away.
Who gives a sh!t about native shares. Shares sucks beyond belief, it's a dog, it doesn't work and it is burying us. Sabre is the only way to go. If these a$$holes would just take a big boy pill and bring back our global computer system, half of this sh!t would go away.

As much as I would like Sabre to come back, it never will. (Then again, neither will a lot of our customers!). The best we can hope for in the short term is being able to use native SHARES; try going over to CO, if they are in your city. Ask one of their people to show you some entries or let you watch them work a flight for a while. It's not Sabre, but it's really not so bad. Simple command entries, with "Control this, F that". No "busy, busy, busy, timeout."

In the longer term, let's hope for Amadeus.
If TIPS is implemented in RES then why the hell haven't they programmed it for airports, especially involved re-issue both domestic and international. Go figure ! Lets rename the sandcastle "dirty kitty litter".

Better yet, tell the company you no longer want sabre and they will bring it back ! A##backwards kitty litter company!

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