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Shame on iam prez and the iam pension bosses

In the Central States Plan, one worker supports about four retirees. It covers benefits for about 410,000 active and retired union members.
Typical state of a multiemployer pension plan.
I will post a picture so even your average libtard socialist UNION member can understand it.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
In the Central States Plan, one worker supports about four retirees. It covers benefits for about 410,000 active and retired union members.
Typical state of a multiemployer pension plan.
I will post a picture so even your average libtard socialist UNION member can understand it.
The reason why any argument you try to make falls on deaf ears is your consistent need to attempt to attack the intelligence of the readers particular ideology.

Libtard or Retarded is particularly offensive and people like you only use it out of anger and the need to show the World that calling people names is who you are as a person. No one in any serious intellectual debate needs to resort to name calling as a blanket statement to Millions of people who don't share your particular points of view.



WeAAsles said:
The reason why any argument you try to make falls on deaf ears is your consistent need to attempt to attack the intelligence of the readers
You want to see an attack on the intelligence of the reader? Buy a Huffington Post newspaper.
WeAAsles said:
Libtard or Retarded is particularly offensive
To your average liberal EVERYTHING is offensive.
WeAAsles said:
people like you only use it out of anger and the need to show the World that calling people names is who you are as a person.
I don't call illegal aliens "undocumented workers"  (another fine example of that ever growing list of things liberals find "offensive"), I call them illegal aliens because that is what they are. I don't call stupid something else, I call it what it is.
That is called being honest. You are welcome.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You want to see an attack on the intelligence of the reader? Buy a Huffington Post newspaper.

To your average liberal EVERYTHING is offensive.

I don't call illegal aliens "undocumented workers"  (another fine example of that ever growing list of things liberals find "offensive"), I call them illegal aliens because that is what they are. I don't call stupid something else, I call it what it is.
That is called being honest. You are welcome.

If I want to rattle off and ramble on about inconsequential Political idiocy and meanderings, I'd head up to the Water Cooler and join in on those mundane diatribes.

Obviously you don't see me wasting my time with that.

But just so you know. Not all of us with Liberal tendencies are afraid of using the words "illegal immigrants" but I'm sure you already have your mind made up and focused on what everyone thinks?

My team, your team. Who gives a rats arse.
The pension plan I referenced earlier has 1 worker supporting 4 retirees. That is not sustainable.
Multiemployer pension plans are nothing more than a failed socialist experiment where stupid people hand control of their retirement to a bunch of con artist running a decades long ponzi scheme. Like all ponzi schemes the only way it can survive is by injecting new capitol to delay the inevitable crash.
You have a system where everyone benefits from a massive "redistribution of wealth" except the people at the end of the line, who are left only with the bill.
That is nothing short of victimization from the "I got mine" Baby Boomer crowd.
IAM pension supporters won't admit the truth because they have a vested interest in delaying the crash.
I would not expect someone like you WeAAssles to make the correlation between UNIONS buying support with other peoples money and the Democratic Party buying votes with other peoples money. Both are unsustainable and both are doomed to fail. The failed pension plans and national debt should tell you that. But hey that's OK. I mean you won't get the bill right?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The pension plan I referenced earlier has 1 worker supporting 4 retirees. That is not sustainable.
Multiemployer pension plans are nothing more than a failed socialist experiment where stupid people hand control of their retirement to a bunch of con artist running a decades long ponzi scheme. Like all ponzi schemes the only way it can survive is by injecting new capitol to delay the inevitable crash.
You have a system where everyone benefits from a massive "redistribution of wealth" except the people at the end of the line, who are left only with the bill.
That is nothing short of victimization from the "I got mine" Baby Boomer crowd.
IAM pension supporters won't admit the truth because they have a vested interest in delaying the crash.
I would not expect someone like you WeAAssles to make the correlation between UNIONS buying support with other peoples money and the Democratic Party buying votes with other peoples money. Both are unsustainable and both are doomed to fail. The failed pension plans and national debt should tell you that. But hey that's OK. I mean you won't get the bill right?
Nope. Probably won't get the bill at my age for any of it. But isn't that the American way as far as the greedy Capitalist system? Maybe it's just time for me to at least join in a little bit with the "I got mine" crowd?

Gahndi couldn't change the World either, and I'm certainly no Ghandi or Mother Teresa.
WeAAsles said:
But isn't that the American way as far as the greedy Capitalist system?
The only greed I see is the government taxing the working class people into oblivion and Democrats pushing ever expanding "entitlement" programs to justify raising taxes.
After all their very survival depends on manufacturing dependents and "victims".
Pretty much the same tactic the UNION uses.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The only greed I see is the government taxing the working class people into oblivion and Democrats pushing ever expanding "entitlement" programs to justify raising taxes.
After all their very survival depends on manufacturing dependents and "victims".
Pretty much the same tactic the UNION uses.
Water cooler conversation.
WeAAsles said:
The reason why any argument you try to make falls on deaf ears is your consistent need to attempt to attack the intelligence of the readers particular ideology.
If my arguments fall on deaf ears then why even bother to respond?
The fact you were so quick to pop in here and comment on my post is telling considering you made no other post before that. In fact it is telling how quickly you respond to ALL of my posts.
People are finally starting to see what I have seen and been trying to communicate to the patrons of this forum for years, what a con multiemployer UNIONs really are WeAAsles.
Thanks to this pension scam people are starting to see the lie, you better get used to it.
Your little UNION propaganda house of cards is falling. 
No need to respond. After all what I say falls on deaf ears right?
Hey La Li......you like calling people names i see...impressive..by the way..you got small hands?
jd630000 said:
Hey La Li......you like calling people names i see...impressive..by the way..you got small hands?
I am sure you and the rest of your low brow friends are amused by your penis and fart jokes.
Kev3188 said:
Or a big truck?
I drive my wife's hand me downs so I can keep her in a nicer car. Thanks for asking.
Now instead of trying to emasculate me with your stupid jokes and innuendo why don't you make a comment about the IAM's failure of a ponzi scheme pension plan. 

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