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Seeking New Job


Apr 1, 2003
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I live in NYC, home to Jetblue. I have 17 years of inflight experience. I would be great at recruiting and teaching in the training department. Those are the two things I would like to do, but I haven't ruled out flying as well.

I do not find it productive for me to be in a negative environment and am seeking a change. I have put in my application and even had a JB employess write a recommendation. If any of you know of any tips as to how to at least get an interview, send a personal email.

Thank you
Somewhere I was reading that at least two airlines were not even considering hiring US employees as the airlines were trying to protect their companies from inefficient union slobs.
A Baby Ate My Dingo said:
Somewhere I was reading that at least two airlines were not even considering hiring US employees as the airlines were trying to protect their companies from inefficient union slobs.
You know, just because I am in a union doesn't mean I am lazy. And, just so you know, many customer service folk at U have gone over to JB and have been recruited...and guess what? They were in the CWA at U. AND, I wil promise you that probably 80% or more of the f/a's now at JB use to work for companies that were unionized.

I don't know what you're intentions are with your statement, but it was very inappropriate. You should be ashamed for being so insensitive. Had I made a comment like that, the moderator would have been all over me.

Here I recognize that it's time to move on and you start that trash? Amazing!!

BTW...where was the "somewhere" you speak of?
A Baby Ate My Dingo said:
Somewhere I was reading that at least two airlines were not even considering hiring US employees as the airlines were trying to protect their companies from inefficient union slobs.
Would these be the same "union slobs" that exist at WN?
If all the employees at US Airways had the same pay and work rules as those at WN, would US be profitable?
This poster "A Baby Ate My Dingo" is a class act. On another thread, he made light of a plane crash, comparing it to US's unfortunate position. I suggest his/her posts be ignored.

People like to spread vicious rumours about other airlines not hiring US Airways employees. This is not true, in fact it would be illegal. There are plenty of former US, and other airline employees now working for JetBlue. These folks have surrendered thier recall rights to start fresh, as new hires. That shows that they believe in thier new home and are committed.

B6 recieves alot of applications and has not only the usual wannabes, but also thousands of laid off airline workers. There are several thousand furloughed US FAs with less than 5 years that I'm proud to say would be an asset to any carrier. Good luck, firstamendment, I suggest you keep on applying and updating your online app at the beginning of each month. I hope we all get to return to doing what we love sometime soon.

Best of luck to all at JetBlue, keep up the good work! :up:
I am an EMPLOYER and I consider everyone. Don't be a JERK!!!!!! 😉
luv2fly said:

US would still be losing money. Its call bad management.
You may be right in this case, I'm not privey to the books at US. I have to say though that reading posts on these forums shows that your statement is always the norm. Don't you think that in some cases it is not all management but a combination of the two. Management is charged with making the decisions to run the company and in maky cases they are shot down with moving forward by the employees. Maybe if they borrowed a line fron Rodney they wouldn't be in the situation there in. "Why can't we aw jus get along?"
Bizman said:
luv2fly said:

US would still be losing money. Its call bad management.
You may be right in this case, Don't you think that in some cases it is not all management but a combination of the two. Management is charged with making the decisions to run the company and in maky cases they are shot down with moving forward by the employees. Maybe if they borrowed a line fron Rodney they wouldn't be in the situation there in. "Why can't we aw jus get along?"
Oh absolutely I agree, but in the case of US I believe that it has been the employees that have consistently stepped up to the plate.
You say that in many cases they are shot down when trying to move forward, but how many times do you let a bad management team "run with it"
Look, labor unions can have bad reputations, and so can management. But to claim a unionized carrier is doomed because it is unionized is ludicrous. Look at WN. It all has to do with how you conduct yourself over time. Trust goes a long way in this business, and quite honestly, there just isn't much left.
A Baby Ate My Dingo said:
Somewhere I was reading that at least two airlines were not even considering hiring US employees as the airlines were trying to protect their companies from inefficient union slobs.
In that same dream where you dropped a true statement, right? Waking up must have been tough.

In any case, I have personally flown on Airbus equipment in the command of the same individual on both US and Jetblue tickets and metal.

Ergo, you have been debunked.

Moreover, I find that US employees provide some of the best customer service among the majors, much like you might find at a B6 or a WN.
B6 would be be as fortunate to take on some fine current or former U people as they would be to have the opportunity to come to B6.

Dingo, please keep negativity off these pages!
I have a very good friend (former US empl. that I use to work with) who is just getting full time in MCO. She loves it & is a great asset just like many former US employees would be. :up:
A Baby Ate My Dingo said:
Somewhere I was reading that at least two airlines were not even considering hiring US employees as the airlines were trying to protect their companies from inefficient union slobs.
That statement shows what an idiot he is.
BTW LCC’s will be in the same boat as all the other airlines there wages are rising just like ours were when we were driving to work in our pinto’s at some point they will see the light and realize that they too would like a new car just like their CEO’s ……..
It is their time now just like it was ours in the 80’s and 90’ and it will blow up in their face just like it did to us. Cost rise but their wages will not CEO’s will get their bonus but not us…………….. so on and so on………..
