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Seasons Greetings !

Aug 20, 2002
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Seasons Greetings  (aka) the Winter Solstice.
As you look around your individual cities and towns, signs of the Winter Solstice are EVERYWHERE to be seen.
Houses decorated with colored lights, candles in windows, Trees (some type of spruces or evergreen) are adorned and lighted.
Partys very often with multiple 'spirits', over indulgence, and often 'shenanigans'. Fires burning Yule logs , mostly in indoor fireplaces (though often times in ones own backyard).
Gift Giving abounds.
Sure, the addition of electricity has changed things somewhat, the 'True Spirit" of the Winter Solstice is with us just as strong today, as it was in it's TRUE Origin, thousands upon thousands of years ago.
What can be more Cute than to watch the eyes of small children opening gifts from Ol' St. Nicholas ?
Yes, the Winter Solstice is 'one tough old bird'.  It has Survived the ATTEMPED  HIJACKING of its being,  2000 plus years ago !
It truly IS, the Most Wonderful Time of the Year  !!
So, here's a Wish for ALL,  this season of Winter Solstice,   that everyone be Well, Safe, Healthy and Happy !
A time for all to celebrate and rejoice the birth of Christ!

southwind said:
A time for all to celebrate and rejoice the birth of Christ!

Just One lil' ol' problem with that southwind.
Try as I might, (and believe me I HAVE) I Can Not find ANY referrence in either testament that a man named jesus, who did exist, was born on any day in the month of December !!
What I do find odd, is that when the Book(referred to as a bible) wants to be very specific, it has NO problem in that area !
Having said that, I'm not going to let your attempt at   'spinning' the words and wishes that I put forth to be ruined.
Denial is Not a River-in-Egypt
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Just One lil' ol' problem with that southwind.
Try as I might, (and believe me I HAVE) I Can Not find ANY referrence in either testament that a man named jesus, who did exist, was born on any day in the month of December !!
What I do find odd, is that when the Book(referred to as a bible) wants to be very specific, it has NO problem in that area !
Having said that, I'm not going to let your attempt at   'spinning' the words and wishes that I put forth to be ruined.
Denial is Not a River-in-Egypt
That's because Jesus happened one night. Who cares what day it was.
Merry Christmas, Bear and all the others in the Water Coller.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Just One lil' ol' problem with that southwind.
Try as I might, (and believe me I HAVE) I Can Not find ANY referrence in either testament that a man named jesus, who did exist, was born on any day in the month of December !!
What I do find odd, is that when the Book(referred to as a bible) wants to be very specific, it has NO problem in that area !
Having said that, I'm not going to let your attempt at   'spinning' the words and wishes that I put forth to be ruined.
Denial is Not a River-in-Egypt
Did I say Jesus was born on Dec. 25th?

I said it was the time to celebrate his birth!

Again, MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!
And who doesn't like honoring the world's most famous middle eastern socialist Jew? 🙂

Merry Christmas to you all.

Happy Haunakah.

Happy Kwanzaa (sp?)

Happy Festivus.

And rejoice; the days are getting longer.

Enjoy yourselves.
Kev3188 said:
And who doesn't like honoring the world's most famous middle eastern socialist Jew? 🙂

Merry Christmas to you all.

Happy Haunakah.

Happy Kwanzaa (sp?)

Happy Festivus.

And rejoice; the days are getting longer.

Enjoy yourselves.
Kev, THAT was one of   'Your Best Lines '  ! 😀
delldude said:
That's because Jesus happened one night. Who cares what day it was.
Merry Christmas, Bear and all the others in the Water Coller.
Same to you, you crotchety  old Fart !!!
Steel city boys gonna cause 'Fits' in the AFC playoffs, Hopefully to these sanctimonious  D H's  up here  !
Kev3188 said:
And who doesn't like honoring the world's most famous middle eastern socialist Jew? 🙂
Merry Christmas to you all.
Happy Haunakah.
Happy Kwanzaa (sp?)
Happy Festivus.
And rejoice; the days are getting longer.
Enjoy yourselves.
Exactly! Everyone is welcome to celebrate the birth of the Son of God.

Rich Abbott and his Lt. Governor moron mini me don't think we should recognize or celebrate the birth of freedom though...

It is ok for them to force feed visitors to the capitol their verson of the "Christian" myth, but reason, logic, and free speech are censored.

Bless their pointy little heads
Ifly2 said:
Rich Abbott and his Lt. Governor moron mini me don't think we should recognize or celebrate the birth of freedom though...
It is ok for them to force feed visitors to the capitol their verson of the "Christian" myth, but reason, logic, and free speech are censored.
Bless their pointy little heads
Do you mean Texas governor Greg Abbott?