
Oct 29, 2002
You know there will be two if not more retirements on the bench this term. Would be fitting for the most anti-gun Senator to go after the second amendment with a stacked deck at SCOTUS.

Look what was done yesterday:

(Reuters) - Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee's call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.

Say its only for 'assault weapons'...well time will tell.

Another soon is the middle class going to see huge tax increases?

There isn't enough tax base with the rich to cover past spending and what will be huge increases in the coming term. The middle class elected Obama on the promise. How soon will that go out the door?
Obama has a long voting record against the second amendment. His votes are far more than just "assault weapons"

I fully expected to see him go full speed ahead on second amendment issues after if he got elected. Did not take long did it?

Predictions for next 4 years in that area:

Attempts to implement UN arms rules here in U.S.
Passes a massive tax on ammunition (He already voted in favor of a 500% increase prior to being president.)
Will attempt to get rid of all carry permits in the US.
Will attempt to get rid of all handguns in the US.
By end of this term he will try to have the countrys laws on firearms in line with everything the Brady Foundation wants.
If successful I expect him to push for sever limits on the second amendment or its removal from the COTUS all together.
Obama has a long voting record against the second amendment. His votes are far more than just "assault weapons"

I fully expected to see him go full speed ahead on second amendment issues after if he got elected. Did not take long did it?

Predictions for next 4 years in that area:

Attempts to implement UN arms rules here in U.S.
Passes a massive tax on ammunition (He already voted in favor of a 500% increase prior to being president.)
Will attempt to get rid of all carry permits in the US.
Will attempt to get rid of all handguns in the US.
By end of this term he will try to have the countrys laws on firearms in line with everything the Brady Foundation wants.
If successful I expect him to push for sever limits on the second amendment or its removal from the COTUS all together.
... but he's a demonrat and supposedly "union friendly". Maybe he's just misunderstood - or his Kenyan communist father dropped him on his head at a young age.

The fact he and Moochelle the Shopper is against everything America stands for should say volumes about those who promoted his reelection but it seems all the warnings, unfortunately, fell on deaf ears.
Fall out of bed on the panic button this morning?

Nope, I posted a list of Obama's second amendment voting record a couple weeks ago in a thread on here. I knew it was coming once he was reelected. Like he told Sarah Brady a while back "I will do what you want, I just have to run under the radar for now" Meaning until after the election.
You knew he was going to get re-elected?

Hoped he would not, but when he has 47 million of the country on the take with food stamps and free phones etc. It is a hard place to dig out of vote wise.

Once we get past 50% of the country relying on the govt. to house and feed them it is all down hill from there. Wont be any coming back. The money will not hold up much longer past that. Will not be anybody left to pay for the ones on assistance.
Getting back to the original topic.... the Supreme Court....

Ginsberg is 80 and of somewhat poor health. If she's replaced by Obama, it's not a shift in the bench.

More concerning to some the next two oldest -- Kennedy and Scalia (both conservatives) are 76.

Stevens retired at 90, Souter retired at 70. O'Conner retired at 76. Rehnquist died in office at 80.

I wouldn't say that Kennedy's or Scalia's retirement are likely, especially if they have concern over who would nominate their replacement... a precedent already set by O'Conner, who didn't want to retire with a Democrat in office. She held off on announcing her retirement until after Bush 43's second term was underway.

Talk of an ammunition tax isn't new, but to do what some are suggesting would require passage by the House. And I don't see that happening. Localities might want to tax it at 500%, but that's easy to overcome by mail order, driving across tax borders... It's also not that difficult to refill your own brass, and taxing the consumables is a lot harder to pull off.

Getting back to the original topic.... the Supreme Court....

Ginsberg is 80 and of somewhat poor health. If she's replaced by Obama, it's not a shift in the bench.

More concerning to some the next two oldest -- Kennedy and Scalia (both conservatives) are 76.

Stevens retired at 90, Souter retired at 70. O'Conner retired at 76. Rehnquist died in office at 80.

I wouldn't say that Kennedy's or Scalia's retirement are likely, especially if they have concern over who would nominate their replacement... a precedent already set by O'Conner, who didn't want to retire with a Democrat in office. She held off on announcing her retirement until after Bush 43's second term was underway.

Talk of an ammunition tax isn't new, but to do what some are suggesting would require passage by the House. And I don't see that happening. Localities might want to tax it at 500%, but that's easy to overcome by mail order, driving across tax borders... It's also not that difficult to refill your own brass, and taxing the consumables is a lot harder to pull off.


Yeah he would have barriers to jump, SCOTUS, house etc. I am pretty sure he is going to try though.

Oddly enough if he succeeds it beating on the firearms industry in the US most of those affected will be in the north east union jobs.

Current largest firearms companies in US:

Ruger- Southport Conn.
Smith and wesson-Springfield Mass.
Mossberg- North haven Conn.
Remington- Madison NC Only old big name not still in NE.
Colt- Hartford Conn.

Plus a host of others like Kimber in NY etc.

Quick search found 2008 numbers of 209,000 firearms industry employees in the US. (Guns, ammo, accessories etc)
2008 tax revenue both federal and state from the industry was 4.5 billion.
Not to mention there are lots of hunters in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota...
Of concerned about the about the gun issue's everyone is talking about, there's a reason the forefathers put that in the COTUS!

But, Dell hit the nail on the head concerning taxes. Barrack could tax the Millionaires/Billionaires at 100% and would have minimal impact on US debt ! So, where to turn next............the engine of capitalism, which Barrack loathes, the middle class !
Another thing that get's me, is apparently Barrack got the young vote. Just who does the youth of this country think is going to pay off said debt ?

Again, my prediction in 2016 is $20 trillion in debt !
Why care about taxes when your right to have frequent unprotected sex without consequences is at risk?...


Funny how the pendulum shifts as you go from:

1) being single/dependent on others
2) being married and self-sufficient
3) being married with kids in college depending on you
4) retired and dependent on others again...

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