Actually, at the end of the day, it is his job.
It may be his fiduciary responsibility, but it's not his job. If it is his job, then why do we have regional managers and directors and managing directors, etc, etc, etc???
Honestly, the original poster sounds like he has a manager that is afraid of something -- and is blaming the highest levels of management (Doogie) and the Delta deal (easy target -- it's harder to try to fix local problems, just blame it on Doogie, yah, that's it!) If there are truly problems at that station -- by the way, what station ARE YOU AT??? -- and they cannot be solved at the station level, then you station manager should be working his way up and through the chain of command to try to get what ever is needed fixed or added or whatever.
But, again, it sounds like the local station manager is afraid to speak up, afraid of asking for help and/or spending money and therefore, is blaming the omniprescient (sp?) Doogie and Delta deal. That's pure BS and you should know it. How is Doug supposed to know what your specific station needs or what has broken there? Do you think when a Ford dealership has a problem the manager blames Alan Mullaly and the Toyota deal? Your station manager needs to take responsibility for the things he/she has control over and do a better job, first, before he/she blames Doogie.
Find out who your station manager reports directly to -- and then ask your station manager if he/she has contacted that person, directly, and discussed ways of improving the situation at your station. Have a list of things that need work -- specific items that when "fixed" will improve the efficiency of the station -- be very business like, have details, leave all emotions out and personal opinions of other workers (just makes you look bad), do not place blame on anyone or anything, and suggest solutions. Until your station manager takes responsiblity for his/her station and takes action with his/her direct supervisor, you really cannot blame anyone higher up...