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Sand Castle.... Time to Run the Airline

Actually, at the end of the day, it is his job.

You're right. The buck does indeed stop with Doug. It's time for him to get the DAL stick out of his a$$ and start concentrating on the business at hand: running US Airways.

IF this was CLT, the power outage would not explain the "Days". (Sorry BB as I respect your every post very much)
Certainly no offense taken. I wasn't very clear ("as mud" comes to mind!!), but I was refering to the problems luv2fly mentioned in CLT and not your station's problems.

Peace :up:

As far a CLT goes, I did hear something about belts being broke earlier but they were working when I arrived.
On the CLT side(fleet service) we are very short on help. They have got us trying to more than what's possible. The loads are up with less employees. Folks are burned out & are now refusing to work over time. It is going to bite them.
As far a CLT goes, I did hear something about belts being broke earlier but they were working when I arrived.
On the CLT side(fleet service) we are very short on help. They have got us trying to more than what's possible. The loads are up with less employees. Folks are burned out & are now refusing to work over time. It is going to bite them.
Manchester had first three originaters delayed Wednesday am with baggage and security problems.
Folks, there are policies and procedures in place in Tempe to fix things without Doug's direct involvement. The cash is there for a project with a reasonable payback. The problem is that Tempe, when they're not working on the DL merger proposal, are keeping the Station Managers so busy filling out baggage reports and on conference calls about baggage, that they're not educating the Station Managers about how to properly request the funding to fix the baggage problems to begin with!
As far a CLT goes, I did hear something about belts being broke earlier but they were working when I arrived.
On the CLT side(fleet service) we are very short on help. They have got us trying to more than what's possible. The loads are up with less employees. Folks are burned out & are now refusing to work over time. It is going to bite them.
Next time the jetways or bagbelts are broken in CLT go bang on the double metal doors to the right of the bag ops office in C bagroom, you will probable find the City of CLT conveyor crew sitting around doing nothing....Believe me, they sit around quite often doing nothing...The problem with the CLT AV Dept is that they really do not have a preventative maintenance program, they work on a call and respond program...you'd be surprised what you can do with bailing wire and duct tape....
If you read his post carefully, you will see that he said
"Other stations in the Northeast".... 😛
And West CLT, you know where the airport is located had a power failure, please explain how baggage mtc crew can fix a cut power line not even on the airport grounds?
Actually, at the end of the day, it is his job.
It may be his fiduciary responsibility, but it's not his job. If it is his job, then why do we have regional managers and directors and managing directors, etc, etc, etc???

Honestly, the original poster sounds like he has a manager that is afraid of something -- and is blaming the highest levels of management (Doogie) and the Delta deal (easy target -- it's harder to try to fix local problems, just blame it on Doogie, yah, that's it!) If there are truly problems at that station -- by the way, what station ARE YOU AT??? -- and they cannot be solved at the station level, then you station manager should be working his way up and through the chain of command to try to get what ever is needed fixed or added or whatever.

But, again, it sounds like the local station manager is afraid to speak up, afraid of asking for help and/or spending money and therefore, is blaming the omniprescient (sp?) Doogie and Delta deal. That's pure BS and you should know it. How is Doug supposed to know what your specific station needs or what has broken there? Do you think when a Ford dealership has a problem the manager blames Alan Mullaly and the Toyota deal? Your station manager needs to take responsibility for the things he/she has control over and do a better job, first, before he/she blames Doogie.

Find out who your station manager reports directly to -- and then ask your station manager if he/she has contacted that person, directly, and discussed ways of improving the situation at your station. Have a list of things that need work -- specific items that when "fixed" will improve the efficiency of the station -- be very business like, have details, leave all emotions out and personal opinions of other workers (just makes you look bad), do not place blame on anyone or anything, and suggest solutions. Until your station manager takes responsiblity for his/her station and takes action with his/her direct supervisor, you really cannot blame anyone higher up...

One other thing I don't know if it matters but are we even responsible for the outbound bag belt in your station?

I know in some cities the airport is responsible for their upkeep and mx.
Folks, there are policies and procedures in place in Tempe to fix things without Doug's direct involvement. The cash is there for a project with a reasonable payback. The problem is that Tempe, when they're not working on the DL merger proposal, are keeping the Station Managers so busy filling out baggage reports and on conference calls about baggage, that they're not educating the Station Managers about how to properly request the funding to fix the baggage problems to begin with!

Headhunter is totally correct. I am going out to the field stations, instead of just installing the new equipment, half the time I am giving the station manager and supervisors training. (I am not training dept but do my best!) Unfortunatly I can only point them in the direction for IT improvments. How to create MAC's and CARE's and where they need to go. How to call TAC now instead of the old help desk #. Usually if they call TAC they can at least get someone there who can point them in the right direction. (Not always true with all the new people there. Ask for Dave or Brad!)

I find that if you ask for help, the IT dept will do their best to do what they can, if not they at least point you in the right direction.
Boy do I agree... more training for Station Mgrs. I feel sorry for most of them from the east as they don't have a clue with the new procedures. Most, not all, are great people who are doing the best they can with all the changes. I realise that management was different premerger but I find our management generally listens and trys to respond to what you need. Understand that sometimes the next level of mgmt maybe the same old, same old. It takes them time to make that mindset change from the old ways .....
And West CLT, you know where the airport is located had a power failure, please explain how baggage mtc crew can fix a cut power line not even on the airport grounds?
Because when the initial radio call went out, there was not a power failure on the field....