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sad story re that NASA astronaut...

Aug 20, 2002
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ORLANDO, Florida (CNN) -- A judge granted bail Tuesday to a NASA astronaut charged with pepper-spraying a romantic rival before attempting to kidnap her from a parking lot at the Orlando airport.

However, warned the judge, Navy Capt. Lisa Marie Nowak is to have no contact with NASA engineer Colleen Shipman and must wear a GPS, or global positioning satellite device, to ensure she does not travel east of Orange County where Shipman lives.

The charges against Nowak stem from an alleged love triangle in which Nowak and Shipman were competing for the affections of astronaut Bill Oefelein, police said.

The judge emphasized to Nowak that she could not have any contact with Shipman, good or bad. Don't even send flowers to apologize, the judge told her.

Col. Steve Lindsey, Nowak's superior and commander of her shuttle mission, testified there was no reason for Nowak to have any contact with Shipman and said the GPS device would not hamper Nowak's work.

The judge ordered bail set at $15,500 on three counts.

Nowak, a married mother of three, is charged with battery, attempted kidnapping and attempted burglary to a vehicle. She also was initially charged with destruction of evidence, but the judge said he found no probable cause for the charge.

Three ruined careers -- plus the kids' distress -- and these lovers' were flying the shuttle together!

We've all witnessed love-in-the-office scenarios but this story makes ya wonder what else NASA may be missing....
I just read on cnn that it is standard procedure for astronauts to wear diapers during stressful periods of launch and re-entry.

Obviously Nowak was extremely stressed during her madcap dash to Orlando.

Prayers to all the families involved.

However, I find it disturbing that these shenanigans were apparently being pursued while these astronauts were being performing at the highest level.

Someone close to these people must have been aware. And they did NOTHING. Very sad indeed.

Reach out when you suspect a need.
Who gives a ####.......we got drunks and dopers in the cockpit,now you're suprised by some mental wacko in the Shuttle?
Another expounding example of the governments reach into our/your lives.... :lol:
After all,a whole boat load of gov't shrinks bought off on this #### didn't they? :unsure:

Zero G head must be a ride.... :lol: